Презентация на тему "История Великобритании (The history of Great Britain)"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
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2800 BC – Stone-age humans start work on Stonehenge monument. Noone knows its true purpose but it is believed that it is a temple for sun worship.
55 BC – Roman Julius Caeser lands. He came to Britain and he went back to Rome.
AD 43 – Romans arrive in Britain and they want to stay in the south and east of the country.
AD 500 – King Arthur leads the Celtic Britons in a fight against the Angles and Saxons. The story may be just a legend, but the Britons are certainly fighting among themselves and that lets the Saxons wins. As Arthur probably never existed it’s no surprise he lost. Brits believe he’s sleeping and will be back when Britain is in danger.
AD 793 – The Vikings arrive. They massacre, rob and soon they will settle too. Where’s Arthur when you need him? Still sleeping?
1485 – 1603 The Tudor Era
- 1603 Elizabethan Era The Tudor age is famous for its theatre. Great writers like Shakespeare created plays which are performed all around the world to this day. Shakespeare didn’t touch upon religion in his plays – doing religion could have got him hanged, burned and chopped !
Grusome Shakespearean plays Shakespeare touched upon his favourie subjects as crime and revege, witches and ghosts and tales of horror.
1750 – 1914 Industrial Revolution During the Industrial Revolution many machines were invented which changed people’s lives. People migrated from the countryside to towns.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) Charles Dickens is one of the most popular writers of all time. He was a writer in the Victorian age in England. Dickens wrote about child labour and his books include Oliver Twist and David Copperfield.
1837 – 1901 The Victorian age The Victorian period was the time of prosperity for the British people as a result of profits from overseas colonies and industrial revolution at home.
1905 - Suffrage Women decide they want the vote. So they starve themselves with hunger strikes, set fires to buildings.
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