Презентация к уроку "и Визит в Шотландию"
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План урока : Scotland (revision), lesson 15 Group discussion (image of Scotland) Visiting Scotland’s main website (read and find out information about Scottish icons) Students’ projects Информационные источники A visit to Scotland
A visit to Scotland Scotland is one of four constituent nations which form the United Kingdom (the other three are England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland forms the Northern part of the island of Great Britain. Scotland is 31,510 sq. miles in area, it is 274 miles long from North to South and varies in breadth between 24 and 154 miles. It s a wonderful country, beautiful scenery, green valleys, high mountains and remarkable historical past. It’s the birthplace of Robert Burns (a famous poet), Sir Walter Scott (a famous writer), Alexander Bell (the inventor of telephone) and James Watt (a famous engineer). Today we’ll try to sum up all we know and learn new facts about this wonderful land. Lets speak about Scotland.
What do you remember about Scotland from lesson 15 ? - Area - Population - Capital - Political - History
Political and History:
What image of Scotland do you have ? What makes Scotland so distinctive ? What places in Scotland would you like to visit ? Give your reasons. Do you think Scotland is a good place for a holiday ? Why ? Why not ?
Check out Visit Scotland ‘s main website for everything you need to know about Scotland. Go to http://www.visitscotland.com and click on. ‘’About Scotland ‘’in the menu at the top of the page. Read and find out about interesting historical and culture elements that are uniquely Scottish. (Click on the blue words of the text or on Scottish icons on the left at the top of the page).
In this section you will be able to explore and discover some of the different historical and culture elements that can be rightly claimed to be unique to this country. As you will discover, some of these perhaps did not originate in Scotland while others have travelled with migrants who left these shores for distant lands and have become established elsewhere.
Nevertheless, each of the items featured there represents something of a Scottish icon , something of which most Scots are fiercely proud to claim as their own.
Click on the itineraries on the left and complete the map 1 2 3 4 e 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Scottish Icons
1 The Bagpipes 2 Highland Games 3 The Honours of Scotland 4 The Gaelic language 5 The Thistle 6 The Saltire Flag of Scotland 7 The Scottish kilt 8 Scottish Tartans 9 The Stone of Destiny 10 St Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) 11 The Burns Supper 12 Whisky Scottish Icons
Dramatizing and situations for individual work Choose an itinerary on the left, read through the text, make a plan and notes and act as a guide around You are a journalist from Russia. You` ve been sent to Scotland to prepare a TV reporting on Scotland. Fulfill the task. Pay a special attention to the facts unknown to Russian TV viewers (You can work with your classmates on- line at home)
Информационные источники http://www.visitscotland.com УМК Opportunities, pre-intermediate , издательство Pearson/Longman
Scott, the "great romancer“ , was trained as a lawyer. Steeped in the traditions and customs of the Scottish highlands, Scott's novels are backdropped with the events of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and set with scenes laid out in remote and uncultivated districts. He had a great influence on much-nineteenth-century art, literature and taste. Sir Walter Scott 1771-1832
Alexander Graham Bell was born March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. March is also the anniversary of his most famous invention: the telephone. In 1875, after receiving a patent for the transmission of multiple telegraph signals on a single wire, Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson, set out to invent the telephone. Success came on March 10, 1876. 3 March 1847 2 August 1922
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and engineer whose improvements to the steam engine were fundamental to the changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution . His influential teacher was Joseph Black . 19 January 1736 19 August 1819 James Watt
Robert Burns , the greatest Scottish poet Robert Burns was a poet and a lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland , and is the best-known of the poets who have written in the Scottish language, although much of his writing is also in English. Burns is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement. Burns also collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising or adapting them. Burns' Night is celebrated on 25 January with Burns' Suppers around the world. January 25, 1759 July 21, 1796
1 a bagpipe A a strong alcoholic drink made in Scotland 2 whisky B the patron saint of Scotland 3 The Burns Supper C the Scottish Crown Jewels 4 St. Andrew D a part of a family of Celtic languages 5 The Stone of Destiny E a musical instrument in which air stored in a bag forced out through pipes to produce the sound 6 Highland F the annual celebration of the life and work of Scotland’s national bard 7 Highland Games G the symbol of Scottish nationhood used as an important part of enthronement ceremonies 8 Tartan H a mix of the sporting, cultural and social activities in Scotland 9 The Honour of Scotland I a knee length pleated tartan skirt worn by Highland Scotsmen 10 The Gaelic language J the national emblem of Scotland 11 The Saltire Flag of Scotland K woolen cloth originally from Scotland 12 Scottish kilt L a large area in the north of Scotland where there are a lot of mountains 13 The Thistle M a diagonal white cross on a blue background Match the two parts of these expressions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e a f b g l h k c d m i j Suggested answers
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