Урок 24. Human resources. -ing forms and infinitives
учебно-методический материал (11 класс) на тему

Романец Анна Валерьевна

Дидактический материал для 11 класса по курсу "Деловой английский язык"


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Human resources

-ing forms and infinitives


  1. In each of the sentences, two of the verbs are possible and one is incorrect. Cross out the incorrect verb.

1) He ___________ to review our complaints procedures.

a) promised b) delayed c) wanted

2) I ___________improving interpersonal skills training.

a) undertook b) suggested c) recommended

3) ___________ to meet the H R Director.

a) decided b) didn't mind c) arranged

4) She ___________ to check the redundancy arrangements.

a) refused b) failed c) put off

5) We ___________ to review our policy for anti- bullying in the workplace.

a) consider b) hope c) plan

  1. Match the sentence halves.

1. HR recommends

a) to raise the minimum wage.

2. The company simply can't afford

b) to call me back in a couple of days.

3. This job involves

c) smoking after the programme.

4. The manager seemed impressed by my CV and promised

d) working weekends sometimes.

5. Three members of staff stopped

e) to follow a directive given by his superior.

6. He was fired because he refused

f) using the cheapest form of transport.

  1. Choose the most appropriate form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1) HR's new computer programme has stopped working / to work.

2) She was driving in a hurry, but she stopped answering / to answer her mobile phone.

3) Did you remember calling / to call H R yesterday?

4) I can't remember offering / to offer you a raise.

5) I forgot telling / to tell you I'd quit my job.

6) I'll never forget making / to make my first sale.

  1. Make sentences of your own with the verbs in bold in Ex.2, using either the -ing form or the infinitive.


1. Match the verbs (1-7) to the nouns (a-g).

1) to apply

a) a candidate

2) to fill in

b) a probationary period

3) to attend

c) a psychometric test

4) to work

d) a vacancy

5) to shortlist

e) an application form

6) to advertise

f) an interview

7) to take

g) for a job

2. Choose the correct verb-noun combinations from Exercise 1 to complete the sentences.

1) A potential employer will often ask job seekers to ________________ in order to form a better idea of their personality.

2) If the selection panel members consider that your application has sufficient merit, you will be contacted and invited to _________________.

3) Many companies would never _____________ whose contact e-mail address is anything like 'cool_dude1987@bluedreams.net'.

4) The successful applicants will be required to ____________ of six months, during which time their suitability for the post will be assessed.

5) Before you _______________ , it is useful to know what kind o f company or institution is offering the position, so do your homework!


1. Match the verbs (1-7) to the nouns (a-g).

1) to apply

a) a candidate

2) to fill in

b) a probationary period

3) to attend

c) a psychometric test

4) to work

d) a vacancy

5) to shortlist

e) an application form

6) to advertise

f) an interview

7) to take

g) for a job

2. Choose the correct verb-noun combinations from Exercise 1 to complete the sentences.

1) A potential employer will often ask job seekers to ________________ in order to form a better idea of their personality.

2) If the selection panel members consider that your application has sufficient merit, you will be contacted and invited to _________________.

3) Many companies would never _____________ whose contact e-mail address is anything like 'cool_dude1987@bluedreams.net'.

4) The successful applicants will be required to ____________ of six months, during which time their suitability for the post will be assessed.

5) Before you _______________ , it is useful to know what kind o f company or institution is offering the position, so do your homework!

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