презентация " MONOPOLY", материал для урока в 10 классе
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Сарманова Любовь Нурлыбековна

Презентация содержит слайды по теме " Чем заняться в свободное время ?"  " Досуг"


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Introduction Don't you know what to do in your free time? Why don't you invite your friends to play Monopoly? Monopoly Classic is a tabletop entertainment for the whole family, popular for many decades. A game that is not just fun, but also an economic strategy: you need to think quickly and think carefully about every step, and not just hope for luck. In it, a rational approach and the ability to think ahead are important. 2

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Place your screenshot here History of the game Monopoly was invented by Charles Darrow during the Great Depression. For the first time he tried it with his wife - the playing field was drawn right on the tablecloth. A funny competition to buy real estate from each other carried away for the whole evening. After the idea was appreciated by the couple's friends. So the idea of mass production of the game came up. 3

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Place your screenshot here Already in 1936, Monopoly became the best-selling game in the United States. Today, the famous economic board game still attracts the attention of connoisseurs of smart games. The patent for its production belongs to Hasbro. Not only classic versions are produced, but also thematic editions and children's copies. Most recently, Monopoly celebrated its 80th anniversary, in honor of which a special edition was released. 4

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Brief game features 5 the optimal number of players is 2-6 allowed age - from 8 years the goal is to become a monopolist, making the rest of the participants bankrupt

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Preparing for the game Each player can choose any chip from the set. players roll the dice. Whoever has the highest value - he starts. You need to choose a banker. He will make all cash payments between the players and the bank. Stacks of "Chance" and "Community Treasury" cards are placed face down on the game board. 6

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In turn, the players roll the dice and move to the appropriate number of spaces. If your turn ends on a field with a street, you can buy it. After you have bought a street, you should take a card with the name of that street. The map has fields without streets: prison, parking lot, chance, treasury. 7

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How Remember that as you move around the playing field, you need to buy and build as many properties as possible. The more rent you get for it, the more money you make. If you are the only player with money and all the other beggars are out of the game, then you are the winner. to win ? 8

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Interesting Facts The game has been released in 111 countries in 43 languages. In 2015, in honor of the anniversary of Monopoly in France, in 80 sets of games, game banknotes were replaced with real ones - in one completely, in others partially. In 1978, an edible "Monopoly" with chocolate figurines was released. The cost was about 600 dollars. 9

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I think that people play monopoly because it gives an opportunity to get to know each other, and not acquaintances – to get to know each other. During the game, you should think quickly - this is a bad training of the mind. Planning and leadership skills are strengthened, perseverance is developed. 10

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Conclusion In conclusion, I want to say that "monopoly" is a great way to spend time with family and friends. An exciting game will give a lot of pleasant moments to adults and children, as well as teach basic techniques for managing capital and directing financial flows. The struggle for power will be an excellent training for both amateurs and novice investors. 11

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Thank you for attention!

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