Презентация для 11 класса к УМК " Форвард " 11 класс Блок 2 " Aren't we amazing?'
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Презентация к уроку в 11 классе . Это удивительный мир! О женщинах , которые сделали карьеру в мужских профессиях
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INTRODUCTION Women were depicted with children, knitting, cleaning or cooking. Then there were four waves of feminism, and it would seem that there are no more barriers to any choice. But in fact, women who choose traditionally male professions or hobbies still face all sorts of obstacles. And now I’m going to tell you about women who made a career in traditionally male jobs.
PLAN Introduction Elizabeth of Russia Nadezhda Suslova Ada Lovelace Amelia Earhart Joan of Arc Angela Merkel Maria Sklodowskaya -Curie Conclusion
ELIZABETH OF RUSSIA AN EMPRESS Elizabeth is not the first woman to ascend the Russian throne, but she is definitely the first in the development of education. It was she who signed the decree on the establishment of the Imperial Moscow University in 1755, which became the basis of the modern Moscow State University. In 1757, the Academy of Arts was established under the control of the Empress.
NADEZHDA SUSLOVA A SURGEON In the 19th century, the doors of medical universities were tightly closed to women. It was the medical business that the ladies were not allowed to do for the longest time, the maximum that could be counted on was the work of a nurse. One could not even dream of a serious scientific career or practical surgery. Nadezhda Suslova was one of the first to succeed in the medical field. In 1862, at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy
ADA LOVELACE A PROGRAMMER Ada Lovelace is a mathematician, the first programmer, and the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. It is believed that the first computer was invented by Charles Babbage, a contemporary and acquaintance of Ada Lovelace. In the comments on the work of the analytical engine, Ada describes the algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers using this machine. In fact, it became the first program for the first computer. The first universal programming language, Ada, was named in honor of Ada Lovelace.
AMELIA EARHART A PILOT Amelia Earhart was an American aviator and writer. Amelia is the first female pilot to fly over the Atlantic. This desperate pilot participated in world aviation competitions and crossed the Atlantic several times. In 1935, she became the first person in the world to cross the distance from Hawaii to Oakland, California on her Vega over the Pacific Ocean alone. So many pilots died on this route that it was banned by a special decision of the US government. Amelia Earhart died during her most ambitious flight - a trip around the world - in 1937.
JOAN OF ARC A WARRIOR Joan of Arc is the national heroine of France, a military commander in the Hundred Years' War. During the siege of Orleans, Joan, at the head of a small detachment, penetrated into Orleans and won a series of victories over the British, after which they were forced to lift the siege. In honor of this, she was named the "Maid of Orleans". Military victories of Joan of Arc encouraged the French army in the fight against the British. Captured by the Burgundians, she was handed over to the British, condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.
ANGELA MERKEL A POLITICIAN Angela Merkel is the Federal Chancellor of Germany. The first woman to hold the post of chancellor in German history. Since 2005, he has been Chancellor of Germany as a member of the Christian Democratic Union party. She is one of the most influential modern women, along with the presidents of developed countries. She has shown herself to be a politician who is ready to resolve conflicts and build a tolerant society.
MARIA SKLODOWSKAYA-CURIE A SCIENTIST Maria entered the Sorbonne, became the best student at the university and received two diplomas at once — physics and chemistry. Later, she would become the first scientist to receive two Nobel Prizes — in chemistry and physics. All the time she studied, she lived in a cold attic, there was not enough money even for a normal meal. At the Sorbonne, her efforts were appreciated and allowed to conduct research and teach. This is how Maria became the first female lecturer at this university.
CONCLUSION In order for a woman to be not only a wife, but also a colleague for a man, the "weaker sex" had to prove by deed that all men's professions were up to women. The world has belonged entirely to men for so long that women's ambitions are withering even today, before they have time to bloom. Anyway, we still rarely hear about great women. But there have been many women in history who have made a great contribution to the development of society.
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