"Welcome to London!" (материал по страноведению "Добро пожаловать в Лондон!"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

Данный материал поможет в изучении достопримечательностей и культуры столицы Великобритании - Лондона. Он будет интересен как ученикам начальной школы, так и ребятам 5-6 классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Welcome to LONDON!

Слайд 2

The arm of London

Слайд 3

The King is the head of the state His Majesty Charles III Charles’s grandchildren

Слайд 4

The King’s palace in London BUCKINGHAM PALACE is the official London residence of the King. It was built in the 18 th century This is the King’s guard

Слайд 5

LONDON IS THE CAPITAL OF GREAT BRITAIN THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT One of the towers of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its huge clock, called BIG BEN

Слайд 6

BEAUTIFUL SIGHTS OF LONDON THE TOWER OF LONDON was once a fortress, a palace and a prison. It was built in the 11 th century. Now it is a museum. TOWER BRIDGE

Слайд 7

Trafalgar Square is in the center of the West End The Nelson Column is in the center of the square There are a lot of pigeons there. You can feed them.

Слайд 8

There are a lot of museums, theaters, cinemas and galleries in London Madam Tussaud’s is the famous waxworks museum, which has the largest collection of wax models in the world London IMAX cinema

Слайд 9

Monuments and famous places Cleopatra’s Needle The obelisk was cut from granite in Egypt in the 15 th century BC. The Sherlock Homes museum

Слайд 10

London Museums The British Museum is famous all over the world. It contains one of the biggest collections of books. The Tate Gallery is one of the most famous galleries in the world. Henry Tate was a sugar manufacturer. He was fond of art and collected paintings.

Слайд 11

There are many parks in London

Слайд 12

London is the capital of the Olympic games. They took place there in 2012. This is the main sports center. These are symbols of the Olympic games.

Слайд 13

The traffic is very busy in London This is a double-decker. It is one of the symbols of London. The Underground of London is well- developed. It is called Tube.

Слайд 14

Thank you for your attention!

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