Контрольная работа Модуль 1 Spotlight 6
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)
Опубликовано 24.01.2025 - 10:11 - Арутюнян Лусине Ервандовна
Предварительный просмотр:
Spotlight-6. Module 1. Test 1.
- Write the nationalities.
- Complete the sentences with the correct word.
driving nationality twins capital credit wavy north slim middle late
- What ………. is he? – He’s French.
- My grandparents are in their ………. sixties.
- Has Dan got a ……… licence?
- Laura has two brothers. They are ………. .
- Helen is tall and ………. with short dark hair.
- London is the ………. of Britain.
- Her mother is a ……….-aged woman.
- Milan is in the ………. of Italy.
- Kate’s hair is long and ………. .
- Kim has got two ………. cards.
- Choose the correct item.
- This camera isn’t my/mine.
- What is her/hers address?
- This school isn’t ours/our.
- That black car over there is theirs/their.
- What’s your/hers telephone number?
- Tony has got a new flat. His/her flat is great!
- Olga and Mike are my/mine friends.
- Their/theirs house is very modern.
- Choose the correct item.
- Is this Roses’/Rose’s card?
- Whose camera is this? – It’s Sveta’s/Svetas’.
- The toys are in the childrens’/children’s room.
- These are Emily’s/Emilys friends.
- This is my parent’s/parents’ room. They like it very much.
- Mike is Peter’s and Sue’s/ Peter and Sue’s son.
- Fill in the gaps with have/has/am/is/are.
- What ….. your mother’s name?
- My brothers ….. tall with dark hair.
- Nick ….. got a lot of photos in his room.
- What ….. your sister’s phone number?
- What ….. you got in your room?
- Hi! I ….. Pam and I ….. from Brazil.
- My friend and I ….. twelve years old.
- Complete the pairs.
sister – b……... , son – d……….. , uncle – a………, father – m…… , wife - ………
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