Тренажер на фразовые глаголы LOOK, GIVE, MAKE, TAKE
тренажёр по английскому языку (6 класс)

Тренажер на фразовые глаголы LOOK, GIVE, MAKE, TAKE направлен на отработку знаний фразовых глаголов на разных этапах обучения и при подготовке к итоговой аттестации


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Предварительный просмотр:

I. Фразовый глагол LOOK

После фразового глагола LOOK чаще всего следуют слова:

LOOK after - присматривать, ухаживать
LOOK out for – обращать внимание, проявлять бдительность
LOOK down on – смотреть свысока
LOOK up - посмотреть, найти в к-л источнике
LOOK forward to – ждать с нетерпением

1. Выберите правильное слово для вставки.


1. Don’t tell me that the concert has been cancelled. I was really looking … it.

2. My grandmother looks … my baby sister while my mother works.

3. When you travel abroad, you should look … pickpockets.

4. My cousin is really arrogant. I hate the way he looks … everyone.

5. Can you look … my cat while I’m away?

6. If you don’t know her phone number, then look it … in the phone directory.

7. If you go swimming, look … boats.

8. I’ve been looking … this holiday for ages.

9. You shouldn’t discriminate against people. It’s not right to look … others.


  1. There were a few words that I didn’t understand so I looked them … in my dictionary.
  2. Who looked …. you when you were ill?
  3. I’m looking … Tom. Have you seen him anywhere?
  4. The police are still looking … the seven-year-old boy who disappeared from his home last week. Nobody knows where the boy is.
  5. When we went out for the evening a neighbour of ours looked … the children.
  6. Are you looking … the party next week?
  7. Look …! There is a car coming.
  8. My hotel room looked … across the vast field where no sheep were feeding.
  9. I just wanted to look … your notes.
  10. Everyone in the class look … to the teacher.

2.  Фразовый глагол GIVE

3. GIVE back – отдавать назад, возвращать
 GIVE out – раздавать
GIVE away – отдавать, дарить
GIVE up – отказаться, бросить, перестать заниматься чем-то

7. GIVE up the idea of doing something – отказаться от мысли решить какую-то проблему (признать, что ты не ее решить не можешь)


1. He gave … all his books when he moved house.

2. The eggs were giving … a terrible smell.

3. She’s decided to give … smoking!

4. Did you give … that book to Diana?

5. Something in the fridge is giving … a horrible smell.

6. I’m thinking of giving … fatty foods.

7. I give … . What’s the answer?

8. Have you given … the book you borrowed from Zoe?

9. I’m giving … my recipe books to John. He needs them more than I do.

3. Фразовый глагол MAKE.

make up sth — 1) мириться

make up – сочинять, придумывать; составлять, формировать
make up – накладывать косметику, гримировать(ся)
make up oneself – краситься
make up with smb – помириться с кем-то
make out – разобраться, понять (с трудом)
make off – быстро уйти, удрать, смыться

make for — направляться
make off (with sth) — убежать, удрать, скрыться
make sth out/ out sth — 1) составлять (список, документ); выписать (чек, счёт); 2) разобраться, рассмотреть, различить, прочитать, понять (с трудом)
make of sth — понимать, иметь представление, мнение

1. At first I thought it was an accident, but as far as I can make , the police consider that’s unlikely.

2. Can you make  a face here on the photograph?

3. Could you make  a list of all the things we need?

4. For the film, they made him  as an Indian.

5. He made  that he’d won the lottery.
6. He made  some excuse about the dog eating his homework.

7. I can’t make  your writing.

8. I couldn’t make  what he was saying.
9. I can’t make her .
10. I think it’s very unkind of you to make  stories about him.
11. I’m not making it up. The character exists in real life.
12. Masked robbers broke in and made with $8,000.

13. Nick made  a song about them.

14. She came back and they made .

15. She went to the bathroom to make her face .
16. Stuart’s a strange guy – I can’t make him  at all.
17. Thieves made  with the contents of the safe.
18. The burglars made  before the police arrived.
19. Тhe numbers are too small – I can’t make them  at all.
The child wanted him to make a story  about dragons and knights on horseback.

21. They should make  with their ex-enemy.

22. We often quarrel but we always make it soon after.


Фразовый глагол TAKE

TAKE after - быть похожим по характеру или манерам на старших родственников

TAKE away - убрать, унести, увести (прочь)

TAKE off - 1) снимать (одежду), убирать; 2) взлетать, отрываться от земли

TAKE back -  1) отнести на место, вернуть; 2) принять обратно

TAKE up - начать заниматься чем-то, заинтересоваться

TAKE in - понимать, усваивать; осознавать; выручить деньги; посетить развлекательное мероприятие; заметить; одурманить, обмануть;  

TAKE out - вывести на прогулку или «в свет»

Write the correct preposition.


  1. "It's raining terribly," Douglas said taking … his raincoat.
  2. At big airports planes take … every five minutes.
  3. Vic is only six, but his computer skills are amazing. He took … his father, who is a fantastic programmer.
  4. In Japanese restaurants you must take … your shoes.
  5. When I won 250,000 dollars, it took me a few minutes to take it all ….
  6. When Hans was a student, he took girls … for a meal every night.
  7. Rita's brother speaks fantastic English; last week he took … Italian - he wants to go to Italy on holiday.
  8. This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it … to the library.
  9. Having succeeded in attracting lots of investors, we took … lots of new employees.  
  10. We should get rid of all these old books. They take … so much space!
  11. The family took … three homeless kittens.
  12. IBM is taking … the smaller company.
  13. Tom was always taking things …in the garage.


  1. My uncle is taking my aunt … to a theatre tonight.
  2. Their sister took … her skirt as she lost weight.
  3. Sam took … the whole business. I took … knitting.
  4. Ann takes … her mother.
  5. The plane takes … at 6 a.m.
  6. That beautiful girl took … my address and phone number.
  7. My granny has taken … waking up rather early.
  8. I took him … a friend.
  9. The boys took … the engine.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Фразовые глаголы look, give, take, make

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Фразовый глагол Look в Английском языке

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Фразовый глагол Look

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