Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 5 Unit 5a
рабочие листы по английскому языку (5 класс)

Шелыгина Алена Витальевна

Документ представляет собой рабочий лист для закрепления юнита 5a учебно-методического пособия "Английский в фокусе" для пятого класса. В документе содержатся два листа с заданиями, одно из которых это задание на отработку навыков чтения и понимания текста (Reading comprehension).


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Write out the correct word.
  1. The Indian rhino usually live/lives alone.
  2. A giraffe eat/eats leaves.
  3. His budgie sing/sings all day long.
  4. Does anyone else like/likes dogs?
  5. They never drink/drinks water.
  6. The Bengal tiger live/lives in India.
  7. 2. Tigers have/has black stripes.
  8. 3.Bees make/makes honey.
  9. They go/goes to the Zoo every Friday.
  10. She never eat/eats fish.
  1. Put the words in the correct order to make full sentences.
  1. swims/ on/ She /Tuesdays.
  2. Australia/ in/ lives/ He.
  3. goes/ to/Monica/ school/in the morning.
  4. like/ I/ snakes.
  5. can’t/ It/ run.
  1. Choose the correct response.

e.g. Where do insects live?                  F         A    It’s black and white.  

1. What do giraffes eat?                    …….    B    It’s Neo.

2. What colour is a panda?               …….    C    Yes, I do!

3. When do cats sleep?                     …….    D     leaves.

4. What is your cat’s name?             …….    E     During the day.

5. Do you like koalas?                        …….    F     In our homes and gardens.

Comprehensive reading


    Elephants are large mammals. They are the biggest mammals living on land today. Their skin is gray and very thick. Elephants use their huge ears to keep themselves cool. The most amazing feature of elephant is trunk, which is used for reaches high branches, drinking, transferring food to its mouth, bathing and smelling danger. Its enormous upper teeth are tusks which are used for getting food and fighting.

     African and Asian elephants are the only two species left. Asian Elephants are smaller and easy to train. African elephants have larger ears. They need their ears to keep them cool in their hot climate.

     Elephants are herbivores and eat grasses, leaves, twigs, and fruit. They can reach leaves on tall trees using their trunks.

     Working elephants clear forest, provide transport, move logs and take parts in the parades. They have done this in Asia for hundred years.

     Baby elephants take two years to develop. After birth, they live on their’s mother milk for three years and then using their trunks to put food into their mouth.

      Many elephants have been killed by poachers who sells their tusks to ivory traders. Elephants need to be protected because their numbers are decreasing.

  1. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F):
  1. Asian Elephants are easier to train than African Elephants
  2. Elephants nurse their baby elephants
  3. Asian Elephants have bigger ears than the African ones.
  4. Elephants are killed for their skin
  5. Elephants eat plants

  1. Answer the following questions based on the information from the text!
  1. Why are there more working elephants in Asia than in Africa?
  2. How long do the baby elephants stay with their mothers?
  3. How do the elephants help human to do their work?
  4. Why do the poachers kill elephants?
  5. Since the elephants is endangered animals? Do you have any idea to help them?
  1. Find the words in the text to complete the sentences
  1. Elephants are __________________ because they are warm-blooded and give birth babies.
  2. _______________ are animals that only eat plants.
  3. Many endangered animals need to be ___________________
  4. The elephants’ trunk is used for ________________ food to its mouth.
  5. Elephants numbers are __________________ because of the poachers.

Mammals – млекопитающие

Herbivores – травоядные

Logs – бревна

Large – большой, огромный

Develop – развиваться

Poachers – браконьер

Ivory – слоновая кость

Decreasе – уменьшать

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