Word choice
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Say or Tell
Tell / Told / Told
Tell is used only to instruct or inform, and when the receiver of the information is included as an object of the verb. Do not use for quotes.
- Tell me about the movie. Did you like it?
- Peter, I told you not to eat any cookies before dinner!
- Did you tell Sam about what happened at school today?
- The police told us that the situation was under control.
- Derek and Melissa told everybody that they were engaged to be married.
- You should tell her what you think about her idea.
- Don't worry, I won't tell anyone your secret.
Say / Said / Said
Say is most often used without a personal object. It is also used to express opinions.
With say (present) or said (past), we can use these structures:
- say (something)
- say that (something)
- say (something) to (a person)
- Francis says she doesn't like chocolate.
- I said that the new website design was great.
- What did the teacher say to you when you failed the test?
Say is used for exact quotes, and when the receiver isn't mentioned in the sentence:
- "Good morning," said the woman behind the counter.
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