Методическая разработка: обороты there is there are
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Good to know...
Do you sometimes need to talk about the location of an object? Or talk about your possessions?
Do you know the difference between there is and there are?
This is where this flashcard will come in handy!
Today you will learn:
- when to use 'there is' and 'there are' like a pro
- mistakes to avoid
…and some interesting trivia!
Don't forget!
'a' = one -> a pizza = one pizza
'some' = more than one; can be used for countable AND uncountable nouns.
There is some rice.
There are some bowls.
Explanations & Examples
There is …
We use "there is" when there is one of something or if we cannot count a quantity.
There is a table in my room.
There is a problem.
There is a good pizza restaurant in my town.
There is some pasta in the cupboard.
There is some juice in the fridge.
Be careful, if we can put an 's' on the end of the word (apples, pizzas) then we can NOT use 'there is'.
There are …
We use "there are" when there are more than one of something, and its quantity can be counted.
There are two tables.
There are some eggs.
There are some bags of pasta in the cupboard.
There are a lot of children.
There are many mistakes.
Look out!
LOOK OUT! Always think about how many things you are talking about and whether you can count them.
There is a tomato.
There are some tomatoes.
There is a bottle of tomato sauce.
There are some bottles of tomato sauce.
Did you know?
There are 195 countries in the world.
There are none with less than four letters in their name, though.
How many four-letter country names can you think of in English? There are a few!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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