Дидактический материал: место наречий и прилагательных в предложении
методическая разработка по английскому языку
место наречий и прилагательных в предложении
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Предварительный просмотр:
Good to know...
Do you ever find yourself describing things but confused if you are doing so correctly?
Do you know the correct word order to use with adjectives?
This is where this flashcard will come in handy!
Today you will learn:
- About the position of adjectives, the order we use them in
- The mistakes to avoid
- …and some interesting trivia!
Don't forget!
Don't use too many adjectives in a sentence. Three is normally enough. If you need more, add an extra sentence!
She has beautiful, big, blue eyes.
Explanations & Examples
=> give more information about nouns:
The pale man.
The old man.
The tall man.
=> we can add more information about them too:
The pale man is running.
The old man has a small dog.
The tall man likes pizza.
=> we must use that order unless we add a verb:
That man is pale.
That man is old.
That man is tall.
=> we can add more information to these too:
That man is pale and looks sick. OR
That man is pale. I think we should call an ambulance.
What about using more than one adjective in a sentence?
=> we have an adjective order we use in English!
=> words like pretty, nice, interesting are opinions. Not everyone agrees on them.
=> words like tall, young, big are facts, if everyone agrees on them.
=> we put opinion adjectives before fact adjectives.
He's an ugly young man.
It's an interesting new film.
=> if we want to add color that goes at the end of the adjectives => the order is opinion, size, color:
She has lovely, long, blonde hair.
He has beautiful, big, blue eyes.
It is a luxurious, long, black coat.
=> When talking about size, we always put height before weight.
Tall and skinny.
Short and fat.
Look out!
LOOK OUT! Memorize the word order if you want to sound like a native speaker!
Person (he), verb (is), article (an), opinion (interesting), fact (old), noun (man).
The (old) lady / ate /a / delicious / big / croissant.
Did you know?
One of the most frightening films (for its time!) ever made was The Exorcist about demonic possession. It was commercially very successful but was believed to be cursed as many bad things happened during the making of it.
In the UK it was believed to be so scary that for over a decade it was unavailable to buy as censors were worried under-age viewers might see it! The ban was lifted when it was acknowledged it was no longer as impactful as when first released.
Предварительный просмотр:
Good to know...
Do you know what an adverb is? Do you get confused where to put them, and how to use them?
This is where this flashcard will come in handy!
Today you will learn:
- About using adverbs and where to put them in a sentence
- The mistakes to avoid
- …and some interesting trivia!
Don't forget!
Adverbs can go before or after a verb or verb phrase.
It can also go between verbs – even if the second verb is 'missing'! => Let's go after we eat OR let's go after.
Explanations & Examples
=> tell us more about a verb or adjective.
=> most fall into one of the categories below:
When => after, now, soon, tomorrow
Where => below, everywhere, near, there
How => calmly, quickly, beautifully, sadly
How often => daily, sometimes, usually, once
Where do we put them?
=> they can generally go at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence!
After we eat, we'll go to the cinema.
Let's go after.
He said we can go after he gets back.
Put it below the other one.
Shall I put it below?
Below would be good.
Calmly, he picked up his bag, and walked away.
He walked away calmly.
He always did things calmly and slowly, and then checked they were done properly.
Sometimes I stay at home alone and relax.
I like to spend my evenings alone sometimes.
How about you do it sometimes, and I do it other times?
=> Can it really go anywhere? => Not exactly!
After we eat, we'll go to the cinema. => here it is before a verb phrase => we eat.
Let's go after. => here we understand (from the situation) what they are talking about. => let's go after we eat => so it actually is between a verb and an unseen verb! => we know what the second verb is, so we can leave it out.
He said we can go after he gets back. => here it is after the verb go.
Look out!
LOOK OUT! Memorize the rules for where we put the adverbs.
Slowly she walked into her manager's office and gave him her resignation letter.
She walked slowly towards the office, nervous about handing in the letter.
As she approached the office, she started to walk slowly.
Did you know?
During one 1994 lunch, three film-makers came up with the ideas for what would eventually become A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, Monster Inc. and Wall-E!
I'd imagine that rarely happens anywhere or at any time!
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