Презентация на тему "Plants"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
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Content Introduction Ornamental plants Medicinal plants Poisonous plants Aquatic plants Botany Rare plants Sword grass Yellow iris Conclusion Sources
Introduction Plants are the kingdom of living organisms. They are producers of organic substances for all living organisms. Valuable essential oils, dyes and products obtained as a result of overworking and plants are extracted from plants and occupy a prominent place in human economic activity. Plants are also divided into higher and lower ones. The lower plants do not have organs and tissues, therefore they differ significantly from the higher ones in structure and functions performed.
Ornamental plants Ornamental plants are Plants that are usually and mostly grown for the decoration of gardens, parks, squares and other areas of urban and rural areas intended for recreation, or office, industrial and residential premises. Ornamental plants are divided into three groups: For garden cultivation (used for landscaping parks, squares, etc.). Indoor. Aquarium group (aquatic vegetation bred in aquariums)
Medicinal plants Medicinal plants are plants that are a source of medicinal raw materials and medicines of natural origin. Since childhood, adults, when a child scratched his leg or arm, said put a plantain and everything will pass. Large plantain is a valuable medicinal plant introduced into culture. Plantain has hemostatic , anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. A perennial herbaceous plant. It is widespread everywhere. Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant. Flowers with white curved tongues, with five teeth at the top. Chamomile is a light–loving plant of a long day. It is used as a medicinal and cosmetic raw material. Eucalyptus leaves contain from 1 to 3% essential oil, which is associated with its medicinal properties. Eucalyptus is used in medicine and the essential oil of the plant has a powerful therapeutic effect and is used for treatment.
Poisonous plants Poisonous plant-containing specific substances capable of causing disease or death to humans or other animals. Poisonous plants can be very dangerous to human and animal life. Poisonous plants can kill or injure a person and do not touch them for safety reasons. You can benefit from some poisonous plants by separating useful substances from the poison. The effects of poisonous plants can be internal and external. In the first case, we are talking about poisoning, which is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, headache, hallucinations and even paralysis. In the second case, it is said about a skin lesion, which is accompanied by burns, a rash.
Aquatic plants Underwater plants. A distinctive feature of lower plants (Algae) from the higher ones - the absence of root, stem and leaves. Algae are a group of lower aquatic plants, usually containing chlorophyll. They live mainly in freshwater reservoirs and seas. Some seaweed grow to very large sizes. Algae can be yellowish, brown, and red. Brown algae is used to produce iodine, feed flour, and some are eaten (for example, lominaria ). Algae in water are the main creator of organic matter.
Botany The study of the plant kingdom is called such a science as botany. The "Father of Botany" is exactly what Theophrastus is called, and for good reason. It was he who gave not only detailed descriptions of some plant species and their purpose, but also was able to classify plants for all representatives of the plant world into trees, grasses, shrubs. The oldest plant on Earth is seaweed. They have existed for about 1 thousand million years.There is a very large predatory plant on our planet that can digest mice, frogs and even birds (Nepenthes).There is a lichen growing in Antarctica that is more than 10,000 years old.A lily was found in the waters of the Amazon, the leaves of which reached two meters. The most cold–resistant plants are the shoots of poplar and birch. They can withstand temperatures up to -196 degrees.
Rare plants The Red Book is a book with a large list of rare animals, plants and fungi that are endangered and require protection and protection. animals and plants by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, it was decided to call it the Red Book, because the red color symbolizes a danger signal Red books come in 3 levels, depending on the scale of the territories of residence : international national regional
Sword grass Sword grass is a plant native to the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. It got its name due to the sharp leaves, which resemble a sword and have cutting properties. The grass grows along the swampy and muddy banks of the country's rivers and lakes. The plant stretches up to one and a half meters in height. The inflorescence resembles spikelets , and the seeds are carried by water. There is no exact data on the population size.
Yellow iris Yellow iris is found on the banks of rivers and lakes, loves areas with a lot of moisture. Most of the population is located in the European part of the Russian Federation. The stem is thick and has several branches. The buds of the iris are massive, yellow in color with red-orange spots. Yellow iris is used in perfumery. It has a pleasant aroma, which is why its oil is added as one of the components in perfumes. The roots of the plant are used in the creation of beverages and confectionery.
Conclusion During the research work, we learned the classification of plants, the characteristics of each group of plants, their importance in nature and for humans (in medicine, in everyday life and in nature.) Plants are very important for human life, but also for evolution. Plants are getting smaller and smaller every year and we need to protect them and make the world a better place.
Sources Dictionaries and encyclopedias on the Academic Scientific dictionary-reference book from the Author24 on technical and humanitarian disciplines Medicinal plants: photos, description, names, types, reviews of doctors Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia Plants of the Red Book of Russia Description, photos, videos, features, where they grow .
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