Проверочная работа по модулю 3
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Модульный тест по английскому языку №3 (5 класс)
№1Соедините части слов. Запишите ответ с переводом
1. book A place
2. arm B chair
3. coffee C side
4. out D case
5. wash E table
6. war F drobe
7. down G basin
8. fire H stairs
№2. Вставьте предлоги в соответствии с картинкой
1.1. There is a cat …. the carpet A in B under C on
2. The armchair is … the table . A in front of B behind C on
3. There is aschool bag … the table. A on B under C in front of
4. There’s a lamp … the desk. A next to B in front of C on
5. My bed is … the desk. A behind B next to C under
6. The carpet is … the floor. A on B next to C in
№3. Выпиши лишнее слово
1. fifteenth, twenty-second, seventh, three
2. armchair, carpet, coffee table, garden
3. kitchen, garage, bathroom, bedroom
4. bed, washbasin, toilet, bath
5. nineteenth, eleven, twenty, four
№4.ВпишинужныесловаThere is a, There isn’t a, There are, There aren’t any
1. …………………….. chairs in the dining room.
2. …………………… lamp in the room.
3. ………………………..… paintings on the wall.
4. ………………………… sofa in the room.
5. …………………………… table in the room.
6. …………………………… wardrobe in the room.
№5. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы
My name is Tom and I am nine years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got a lot of things in my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on the walls and a big mirror next to my bed. My walls are white, blue and yellow. My desk is under the window and I do my homework on the computer. My cat likes to sleep under my bed! I really like my room!
1. What is his favourite room?
2. What is on the walls?
3. What colour are the walls?
4. Where is his desk?
5. What is always under his bed?
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