презентация к уроку "Дикие животные"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
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Phonetic activities A big black bear sat on a big black bug. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
Name wild animals fox squirrel wolf lion monkey giraffe tiger elephant bear zebra
Do you know… how long wild animals live? Monkeys live 40 years . Hares-10 years Bears – 50 years Lions- 20 years Dolphins- 50 years Giraffes -20 years Elephants- 60 years Monkeys- 40 years Crocodiles-300years Tigers – 20 years Tortoises-300 years
Do you know……… how many hours they sleep? Elephants sleep four hours of the day. Elephants -4 hours of the day (at night) Giraffes - 4 hours of the day (at night) Dolphins - 5 hours of the day (at night and during the day) Lions - 11 hours of the day ( at night and during the day)
Listening My favourite Animals. My favourite animals are1 …… I think they are the cleverest animals. I know that they2 ………...the biggest four-legged animals. They come from Asia and 3……………………………. They have a very long nose. It’s called a 4…………………………. Their two long white 5…………………………are called tusks. Elephant can eat grass, leaves,6…… ……………..and vegetables. When they are thirsty they drink a lot of 7………………………… Last week I watched a TV program about elephants and their lives. They can8…………………… very well and they like it very much. I was surprised when I found out that elephants usually stand when they 9………………….. People tame elephants and they help man work. They can carry heavy things. I like to go to the circus when elephants perform. It’s great when they can10 …………….with a ball or do different tricks. Next weekend my parents and I are going to the 11……………………and I’ll see my favourite animals again. I like to watch them very much. I think they are very 12………………animals.
Проекты Dolphins Tigers Fox
What animal is it? It is a bird. It can swim but it can’t fly or climb trees. What is it? It has got long ears. It has got a small tail. It can run well. It likes salad. What is it? It is a very tall animal. It’s got long legs and eats leaves. It’s yellow and black. What is it? It is a big cat . It’s brown. It can climb trees and eats meat. What is it? It hasn’t got legs. It can swim very well. Cats eat it. What is it? It is big and grey. It’s got four legs and a trunk. It eats grass and fruit. It doesn’t eat meat. What is it? It is a long, green animal. It swims very well, but it can walk very well too. It eats animals. What is it? It’s a brown animal. It’s got two arms and two legs. It lives in the trees. It runs and jumps very well. What is it?
Let’s do exercises. Bring-brought-brought put-put-put drink-drank-drunk Buy cut sing Catch got run Think sit swim Eat – ate-eaten come-came-came Bite do Write go Ride do did done
PAST SIMPLE 1 .put 2. go 3. have 4. make 5. write 6. swim 7. sleep 8. take 9. get 10. drink 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Brown Bear. The brown bear 1…………………….( be ) a very big animal. It 2………………( have ) got a short neck, its head 3……………….( be ) big and its tail 4…………………( be ) very short. The brown bear 5……………………..( live ) in the forest. It 6………………. ( like ) to make its home in the tree. It 7………………….( eat ) wild fruit. It 8…………….( like ) honey too. In winter the brown bear9 ………………( sleep ) in a den ( берлога ), where it 10………………..( make ) a bed of leaves for itself. When spring 11………………( come) the bear 12………………( begin) to walk about the forest.
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