Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Quiz «Your own game» (11 класс)
материал по английскому языку (11 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Quiz «Your own game»
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Предварительный просмотр:
МУ «Комитет по образованию Администрации г. Улан-Удэ»
Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №65 г. Улан-Удэ имени Г.С. Асеева»
(МАОУ«СОШ №65 г. Улан-Удэ имени Г.С. Асеева»)
670010, Республика Бурятия, г.Улан-Удэ, ул. Гагарина, 26 «а»; тел./факс:8(3012) 49-82-16; 49-82-15;
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Внеклассное мероприятие
по английскому языку
Quiz «Your own game»
Федорова Марина Александровна,
учитель первой категории
Викторина «Своя игра» представляет собой игру, в которой принимают участие 4 команды, состоящие из 5-6 человек. Викторина состоит из пяти раундов, каждый раунд состоит из пяти вопросов, направленных на развитие интеллектуального потенциала обучающихся, изучающих английский язык.
Образовательные цели:
проверка степени сформированности лингвострановедческой компетенции;
расширение кругозора;
усвоение и закрепление знаний;
развитие умений анализировать и обобщать учебный материал.
Развивающие цели:
развитие инициативы обучающихся, способности к групповому общению;
развитие умственных способностей обучающихся;
совершенствование и тренировка памяти, мышления;
развитие познавательного интереса обучающихся.
Воспитательная цель:
способствование воспитанию чувства коллективизма и взаимопомощи.
Оборудование: компьютер с колонками, видеопроектор, экран, презентация в PowerPoint.
Участники викторины: ведущий, жюри, 4 команды.
Проведение викторины.
В викторине принимают участие четыре команды обучающихся 11 классов, изучающих английский язык. Ведущий представляет команды друг другу. Каждая команда выбирает капитана. После того, как ведущий зачитывает вопрос на экране видеопроектора, командам отводится 1–2 минуты на ответ в письменной форме. Ответы сдаются жюри. После этого ведущий называет правильный ответ. Команда, набравшая большинство баллов по итогам викторины, становится победителем.
Вопросы викторины
Подведение итогов викторины.
Участникам викторины объявляется команда-победитель по итогам раундов. Награждение победителей призами.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Quiz “Your own game" Tasks - jokes 50 100 150 200 "Biology, geography" 50 100 150 200 "Literature" 50 100 150 200 "Mathematics" 50 100 150 200 "Mosaic" 50 100 150 200
Tasks - jokes 50 Question : One gentleman wrote about himself: "I have twenty-five fingers on one hand, the same number on the other, and ten on my feet." What did he forget?
Tasks - jokes 50 Question : One gentleman wrote about himself: "I have twenty-five fingers on one hand, the same number on the other, and ten on my feet." What did he forget ? Answer : Colon ( Двоеточие )
Tasks - jokes 100 Question : How many animals are there in the house if all but two of them are dogs, all but two are cats, and all but two are parrots?
Tasks - jokes 100 Question : How many animals are there in the house if all but two of them are dogs, all but two are cats, and all but two are parrots? Answer : No more than two or three ( cat, dog parrot)
Tasks - jokes 150 Question : Imagine a ship with a rope ladder lowered into the water along the side. The stairs have 10 steps. The distance between the steps is 30 cm. The lowest step touches the water. The tide begins to rise, which raises the water every hour by 20 cm.After what time will the third step of the ladder be covered with water?
Tasks - jokes 150 Question : Imagine a ship with a rope ladder lowered into the water along the side. The stairs have 10 steps. The distance between the steps is 30 cm. The lowest step touches the water. The tide begins to rise, which raises the water every hour by 20 cm.After what time will the third step of the ladder be covered with water ? Answer : The ladder goes up with the ship .
Tasks - jokes 200 Question : The king wished to remove his minister without offending him too much. He called the minister to him and offered to choose one of two pieces of paper, explaining that one says "Leave" and the other says "Stay." The piece of paper that the minister pulls out will decide his fate. The minister guessed that on both sheets it was written "Leave". Help the minister to keep his place.
Tasks - jokes 200 Question : The king wished to remove his minister without offending him too much. He called the minister to him and offered to choose one of two pieces of paper, explaining that one says "Leave" and the other says "Stay." The piece of paper that the minister pulls out will decide his fate. The minister guessed that on both sheets it was written "Leave". Help the minister to keep his place . Answer : The minister can pull out a piece of paper and burn it without looking at it. Since the remaining piece of paper says "Leave," the king will have to admit that the destroyed piece of paper said "Stay."
"Biology, geography" 50 Question : Which ocean has the largest surface area?
"Biology, geography" 50 Question : Which ocean has the largest surface area ? Answer : The Pacific ocean
"Biology, geography" 100 Question : This muscle performs the strongest physical work throughout a person's life.
"Biology, geography" 100 Question : This muscle performs the strongest physical work throughout a person's life . Answer : Heart
"Biology, geography" 150 Question : What helps a whale keep warm in very cold water?
"Biology, geography" 150 Question : What helps a whale keep warm in very cold water ? Answer : The fat layer
"Biology, geography" 200 Question : Who led the famous expedition that crossed the Pacific Ocean without ever getting caught in a storm?
"Biology, geography" 200 Question : Who led the famous expedition that crossed the Pacific Ocean without ever getting caught in a storm ? Answer : Fernand Magellan
"Literature" 50 Question : What does "technique" mean in ancient Greek?
"Literature" 50 Question : What does "technique" mean in ancient Greek? Answer : Skill
"Literature" 10 0 Question : This is how the Russian proverb begins, which ends with the words «А раньше вставай и свой затевай».
"Literature" 10 0 Question : This is how the Russian proverb begins, which ends with the words «А раньше вставай и свой затевай». Answer : На чужой каравай рот не разевай.
"Literature" 150 Question : According to the writer Fyodor Sologub , they are "the real, authentic people, the true, not dying population of our planet." And who are they?
"Literature" 150 Question : According to the writer Fyodor Sologub , they are "the real, authentic people, the true, not dying population of our planet." And who are they ? Answer : Literary characters
"Literature" 200 Question : Who was Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, by profession ?
"Literature" 20 0 Question : Who was Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, by profession? Answer : Mathematician
"Mathematics" 50 Question : The train departs from Boston to New York. In an hour, another train leaves New York for Boston. Both trains run at the same speed. Which one of them will be at a shorter distance from Boston at the time of the meeting?
" Mathematics" 50 Question : The train departs from Boston to New York. In an hour, another train leaves New York for Boston. Both trains run at the same speed. Which one of them will be at a shorter distance from Boston at the time of the meeting? Answer : At the time of the meeting , both trains will be at the same distance from Boston .
"Mathematics" 100 Question : Five candles were burning. Two candles went out. How many candles are left?
"Mathematics" 100 Question : Five candles were burning. Two candles went out. How many candles are left ? Answer : Two
"Mathematics" 150 Question : How many hippos can a five-ton car take away if the weight of one hippo is 1500 kg? How many crocodiles can the same car take away if the weight of one crocodile is 175 kg?
" Mathematics" 150 Question : How many hippos can a five-ton car take away if the weight of one hippo is 1500 kg? How many crocodiles can the same car take away if the weight of one crocodile is 175 kg ? Answer : Three behemoths and two crocodiles
"Mathematics" 200 Question : There are steering wheels hanging on the ladder, click and click, five and five, so we learn to count. What's it?
"Mathematics" 200 Question : There are steering wheels hanging on the ladder, click and click, five and five, so we learn to count. What's it ? Answer : Accounts ( Счеты )
"Mosaic" 50 Question : The man who entered the history of mankind in 108 minutes.
"Mosaic" 50 Question : The man who entered the history of mankind in 108 minutes . Answer : Yu. Gagarin
"Mosaic" 100 Question : A country where the head of state still holds the title of "emperor".
"Mosaic" 100 Question : A country where the head of state still holds the title of "emperor". Answer : Japan
"Mosaic" 150 Question : The great Russian actor of the XIX century, redeemed from serfdom, after whom the theater school in Moscow is named.
"Mosaic" 150 Question : The great Russian actor of the XIX century, redeemed from serfdom, after whom the theater school in Moscow is named . Answer : Shchepkin
"Mosaic" 200 Question : What did chemist D.I. Mendeleev make in his spare time?
"Mosaic" 200 Question : What did chemist D.I. Mendeleev make in his spare time? Answer : Suitcases
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