конспект урока по теме Внешность
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Цель урока – свободное владение лексическими единицами и грамматическими структурами при обсуждении темы «Внешность и характер человека»
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Тема урока - «Profiles» («Внешность и характер человека»)
Цель урока – свободное владение лексическими единицами и грамматическими структурами при обсуждении темы «Внешность и характер человека»
Задачи урока –
1) образовательные:
Формировать умение употреблять изученные лексические единицы в речи учащихся;
формировать навыки англоязычного произношения;
формировать грамматические навыки: порядок употребления прилагательных.
формировать навыки собственного суждения по данной теме.
2) развивающие:
развивать навыки фонетического слуха; аудирования;
развивать интерактивно-коммуникативные способности;
совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
совершенствование навыков чтения, говорения, произношения;
развитие мыслительной активности учащихся;
3) воспитательные:
воспитывать у учащихся уважение к своим сверстникам;
терпимости к индивидуальности других,
воспитывать у учащихся интерес к потребности принимать участие в общении на английском языке.
Применяемые технологии:
информационные технологии
коммуникативно-ориентировочное обучение;
игровые технологии;
программированного обучения;
групповые технологии.
Оснащение урока:
Интерактивная доска, для проекта: ватман, фотографии учащихся, вырезки со словами обозначающими черты характера, карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, pupils.
Today we are going to speak about people. We are all different and it’s really great, it makes our life more interesting. But what makes people different?
Ss: Their appearance, their nationality, their character etc.
We are going to speak about people’s appearance, hobbies and traits of character. During the lesson you will practice in speaking, listening and reading. We’ll also remember grammer rules and play a game. At the end of the lesson you’ll make a project. But first let’s practice in phonetics and remember some words you’ll need during the lesson.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Say after me all together:
- [t] honest polite beautiful well- built tall cute
- [d] determined dark old elderly middle
- [r] creative pretty brown freckles friendly
- [eI] Lazy wavy straight height grey
- Речевая зарядка
а) беседа о внешности персонажей мультфильмов.
T: Now, please, look at the pictures of these cartoon characters and answer the questions:
Look at this girl. Is she pretty?
Is she tall or short?
Is her hair long or short?
What colour are her eyes?
And what about this girl?
Is she beautiful?
Is she slim?
Is she of medium height or short?
What can you say about her hair?
OK. And now please describe this girl.
And now look at this popular character.
Is he short or tall?
Is he thin or fat?
And what about his age? Is he middle-aged or young?
What special features has he got?
Well, let’s describe one more well-known character.
What about his build? Is he plump or thin?
Is his hair curly or straight?
Is his face round or thin?
Has he got any special features?
OK. And what can you say about this character?
First what about his built? Is he heavy built or fat?
And then we should speak about his age.
Well. Who wants to continue description?
What special features has he got?
б) контроль аудирования вопросов учителя о внешности учащихся
T: Listen to my questions and if your answer is «yes» raise your hands.
- Who of you has got long hair?
- Who of you has got shoulder-length hair?
- Who of you has got dark hair?
- Who of you has got fair hair?
- Who of you has got blue (brown, green, grey) eyes?
- Who of you has got wavy (curly) hair?
- Who of you is tall?
- Лексическая деятельность. Активизация лексики по теме « Appearance»
- Describing appearance.
Работа с презентацией. Повторение лексики по теме « Appearance»
Работа с презентацией. Повторение лексики по теме « Appearance»
T Now, let’s practice in describing people.
You should describe people in the following order:
T: Look at the slides. Let’s read and translate the words. (слайды 3,4,5)
Well. Now describe the pictures. (слайд 8,9 )
T: Today we are also going to speak about clothes as well.
Read the proverb: “ Fine feathers make fine birds”
Одежда красит человека.
Do you agree with it?
And what clothes do you usually wear?
P: I usually wear what my parents tell me
P: … cool clothes
P: … comfortable clothes
T: What clothes are you wearing now?
OK. And speaking about clothes let’s mention dress code. Have we got dress code in our school? Should students follow this rule? Are you for or against wearing a uniform at school? Must we wear a uniform?
P: We must wear a uniform!
T Now, let’s practice in describing people.
T: OK. And speaking about clothes let’s mention dress code. Have we got dress code in our school? Should students follow this rule? Are you for or against wearing a uniform at school? Must we wear a uniform?
P: We must wear a uniform!
T Now, let’s practice in describing people.
You should describe people in the following order:
T Now, let’s practice in describing people.
You should describe people in the following order: (Слайд 6)
1.Introduction (general information).
2.Height and build
3. Features
* Eyes
*Special features
4. Clothes
Чтение примера описания внешности и одежды. (слайд 8)
Описание внешности людей, изображенных на слайдах. ( слайд 9)
5) Формирование навыков аудирования и устной монологической речи.
T: Well, let’s guess riddles. One pupil describes a classmate from his/her group. Others try to guess. You may begin like this: This person …….
6) Активизация лексики по теме «Hobby» «Traits of character»
T: And now let’s speak about hobbies and traits of character.
Look at this slide. Let’s speak about these hobbies. Say which of them are popular (cлайд 10)
Look at the following slide. Here is a list of some traits of character.
What qualities do you need for activities above? ( слайд 11)
And let’s repeat some other traits of character. (слайд 12)
And have you got a hobby? What is your hobby?
7) Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков -
а) - Relative pronouns
T: Look at this slide and repeat grammar – relative pronouns ( слайды 13-21 )
When we give definition to a person we use relative pronoun «who»
Let’s do the following task – read and match the right definition to a person.
OK. Now you can check your answers. (слайд ) см. приложение
б) Повторение положительных и отрицательных черт характера
T: Name positive and negative traits of character.
8) Игра
T: Now let’s relax and play a game.
If I say good quality you raise your big finger up. If it is a bad quality you put it down.
T: Let’s do some exercises.
Физкультминутка (приложение)
9) Работа в парах
a) составление диалогов (слайд 22)
T: Ask each other questions about your friends. Ask about appearance and character.
Look at the slide and pay attention on the questions about appearance and character.
- Поисковое чтение
- T: Your next task – read the texts and fill the boxes – write the names of people. Mark three good qualities and two bad ualities.
T: Answer my questions, please:
What qualities of character are important to be successful in life?
What qualities do you admire in people?
- Устная монологическая речь – рассказы учащихся о своих друзьях, родственниках
T: Let’s listen to reports of some pupils about their friends.
- Работа в группах – выполнение проекта «Our school family».Защита проекта.
( слайд 23)
12) Подведение итогов.
T: Our lesson is coming to an end.
T: At the end of the lesson I would like you to pay attention on these words. ( слайд 24)
If there is right in the soul
There is beauty in the person
If there is beauty in the person
There will be harmony in the home
If there is harmony in the home
There will be order in the nation
If there is order in the nation
There will be peace in the world.
Let’s hope that «Beauty will save the world»
Оценивание работы учащихся с аргументацией.
Did you like our lesson? What did you do? I liked your work. Now your marks. Thank very much for your work. The lesson is over! Good-bye.
Домашнее задание.
Make a report – description of a famous person.
A person who
likes sport a lot is…..
always welcomes new people and is nice to them is …..
tells jokes and makes other people have a good time is ….
only thinks about himself/herself is ….
works twelve hours a day is….
understands people’s problems and helps them is …
gives people his/her time or money is ….
tells the truth is …
friendly (дружелюбный)
hard-working (трудолюбивый)
honest (честный)
funny (веселый)
sympathetic (сочувствующий)
selfish (эгоистичный)
sporty (спортивный)
generous (щедрый
Hands on your hips
Hands on your knees
Put them behind you ,
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
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