Город спорта
методическая разработка по английскому языку
The year of great sports events in the life of our country. The 22d Olympic and the 11th Paralympic games are held in Sochi. We feel pride of that fact and wish great victories to all athletes and personal records to the champions!
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6»
Провела: Полилова И.В.
Сасово, 2024 г.
Тема: Сасово – город спорта.
Цели: Развитие интереса учащихся к английскому языку и спорту, развитие патриотических чувств по отношению к своему городу.
Оборудование: компьютер – 2 шт., проектор, экран, звуковые динамики – 2 шт., микрофоны – 2 шт., микшер, аудиозаписи (Фанфары, музыка для номеров 3, 4, 5, 7, музыка для выхода ведущих), видеозаписи, компьютерная презентация, барабаны, костюмы для выступлений (6 камуфляжей для номера 3, 4 комплекта одежды для барабанщиц, 2 гимнастических купальника для номера 5, 10 белых футболок для номера 7)
Сцена украшена буквами SASOVO, THE TOWN OF SPORT. На стенах актового зала – плакаты на спортивную тему.
Teacher – Полилова И.В., вступительное и заключительное слово.
Ведущие, комментируют слайды презентации:
Pupil 1 – Ивашкин М. 10б
Pupil 2 – Мосина Н. 10б
Pupil 3 – Ерохина В. 10б
Pupil 4 – Коновалов М. 10б
Pupil 5 – Куликов В. 10б
Pupil 6 – Салюткин Д. 10б
Drums – Морозова Н. 8б, Шульженко В. 8б, Щербакова А. 8б, Назарова В. 8б, играют на барабанах.
Poem – Турлаев Денис 4б, читает стихотворение.
Fighting – учащиеся 8б кл. показывают приемы рукопашного боя в парах: Омаров А. + Сметанский Г., Бахмутов М. + Прокофьев И., Коршунов М. + Ишмаев В.
The Hockey Song – Зеленева А. 4в поет песню
Acrobatics – Осколкова Е. и Осколкова А. 3а, показывают акробатический этюд.
Rhymes – учащиеся 3а класса Филатова А., Стеклянников Д, Хомич С., Титова П., Смагина А. читают четверостишия, которые они сочинили на уроках английского языка по образцу из учебника.
Aerobics – учащиеся 4д кл. (10 чел.) проводят с залом разминку под музыку.
Ход мероприятия.
Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen, dear guests and schoolchildren! 2024 is the year of great sports events in the life of our country. The 22d Olympic and the 11th Paralympic games are held in Sochi. We feel pride of that fact and wish great victories to all athletes and personal records to the champions!
1. Drums
2. Poem
Sport is fun for girls and boys.
It`s much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And play snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run.
You can have a lot of fun!
Pupil 1: This year is declared as a year of sport in our town. Sasovo is very small but it can be proud of its sport traditions, sportsmen and new sport facilities. About 28 000 people live in Sasovo. More than 7 000 of them go in for sport regularly including 3 500 children.
Pupil 2: A lot of sports events are organized in Sasovo. Every year about 200 matches and competitions are held there. The most popular kind of sport in our town is skiing. Great deal of children and adults take part in this activity. Polyathlon, hockey, football, swimming, athletics, fighting are loved too.
3. Fighting
Pupil 3: We have a lot of possibilities to go in for sport. There are different sportsgrounds, stadiums and gyms in all parts of the town. But the most fascinating are recently built sport complexes "Neptune" and “ The Planet of Sport”.
Pupil 4: The swimming pool "Neptune" was opened in 2006. By some measures it has no analogues in Russia. A lot of championships are held in the swimming pool. The building also includes a sauna pool, a spa pool, a solarium and a gym.
Pupil 5: The biggest sport complex in Sasovo is "The Planet of Sport". It was opened 2012 and became a very popular place for children and adults. It has rooms for mini-football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, boxing, wrestling, fitness, aerobics and gymnastics. But the most attractive is the ice arena. You can skate and play hockey on the polished ice. Our city hockey teams are training there.
4. The Hockey Song (Stompin Tom Connors):
Hello out there, we're on the air, it's 'Hockey Night' tonight.
Tension grows, the wistle blows, and the puck goes down the ice.
The goalie jumps, and the players bump, and the fans all go insane.
Someone roars, "Bobby Scores!", at the good old Hockey Game.
Oh! The good old Hockey game, is the best game you can name.
And the best game you can name, is the good old Hockey game.
Second Period.
Where players dash, with skates aflash, the home team trails behind.
But they grab the puck, and go bursting up, and they're down across the line.
They storm the crease, like bumble bees, they travel like a burning flame.
We see them slide, the puck inside, it's a 1-1 hockey game.
Oh! The good old Hockey game, is the best game you can name.
And the best game you can name, is the good old Hockey game.
Third Period
Oh take me where, the hockey players, face off down the rink.
And the Stanley Cup, is all filled up, for the champs who win the drink.
Now the final flick, of a hockey stick, and the one gigantic scream.
"The puck is in! The home team wins!", the good old hockey game.
Oh! The good old Hockey game, is the best game you can name.
And the best game you can name, is the good old Hockey game.
Pupil 6: Our town can be proud of its sportsmen who became well-known not only in Ryazan region but in Russia and abroad thanks to their achievements in different kinds of sport. We have got 45 Masters of sports of Russia and 5 Masters of sports of the international class. Now we would like to name some of them.
Pupil 1: Denis Shelkoplyas is the World champion in polyathlon, a member of the national team of Russia, the owner of the World Cup, the champion of Russia.
Pupil 2: Darya Vaskina is the prize-winner of the World Cups and the championships of Russia on polyathlon. She is a member of the national team of Russia.
Pupil 1: Yury Koldin is the triple winner of the European cup in track and field athletics, the member of the national team of Russia in racing 800 and 1500 m, the participant of the European and world championships.
Pupil 2: Ekaterina Doseykina is the prize-winner of the championship of Russia in track and field athletics, a member of the national team of Russia.
Pupil 1: Maria Bogacheva is the champion of Russia in athletics, the owner of the Cup of Russia in powerlifting, the World champion in shot put among the disabled.
Pupil 2: 2012 the school team of our town took the 6th place in the Presidential race of Russia and won the 1st prize in swimming.
Pupil 1: A lot of children want to be like the best sportsmen and try to follow them. Pupils of our school go in for sport too.
5. Acrobatics
Pupil 3: Our schoolmates have achieved success in football, basketball, volleyball, polyathlon, tennis, universal fight, judo, boxing, swimming and other kinds of sport.
Pupil 4: Mishchenko Ilya, the winner of the World championship in universal fight, the winner and prize-winner of regional competitions in judo and sambo.
Pupil 3: Gordeeva Angelina , universal fight.
Pupil 4: Gordeev Bogdan, judo and universal fight.
Pupil 3: Orlova Anna, table tennis.
Pupil 4: Shuvarikova Olga, polyathlon, skiing, shooting.
Pupil 3: Shuvarikova Maria, skiing.
Pupil 4: Eliseev Kirill, track and field athletics, swimming.
Pupil 3: Semeshkina Anna, Sadchikova Victoria, Khamedova Lilia, swimming.
Pupil 4: Karpunkin Sergey, Karpukhin Denis, Karpukhin Maxim, boxing.
Pupil 3: Piskunov Maxim, Ivashkin Mikhail, Kulemin Ruslan, basketball.
Pupil 4: And many, many others.
Pupil 3: Kids and teenagers in our school like sport very much. We attend sport clubs, play games at the school sportsground, go to the swimming pool, ski, skate and dance. The pupils of the 3 class have written rhymes about their love to sport.
6. Rhymes
I can run, I can jump,
I can play tennis too.
I can play chess and basketball.
And what about you?
I like to ski, I like to skate,
I like to dance too.
I like to swim and play hockey.
And what about you?
I often go to the park
When the sky is blue.
I play football and walk and run.
And what about you?
I go to the swimming pool
And to the ice rink too.
I do the morning exercise.
And what about you?
We skip and jump, we ski and skate,
We play volleyball too.
We like sport games very much.
And what about you?
Pupil 5: The love for physical culture and sport depends, of course, on our teachers of the physical education. They are Orlova Natalia Victorovna, Vilkov Alexey Vasilyevich, Efimova Natalia Aleksandrovna, Shuvarikov Anatoly Mikhailovich.
Pupil 6: Our teachers are real fans of their schoolsubject, full of strength and energy. They not only train us, but show high achievements in sport themselves. They regularly take part in different sports events in our town and region. So do other teachers of our school.
Pupil 5: Sport and physical education play a very important role for us. A lot of competitions, games, contests and other activities take place in our everyday life.
Pupil 6: Recently sportsmen, who achieved great success, conducted masterclasses in our school. And now schoolchildren of the 4th form are showing you how to be fit. Please, do some exercisers together!
7. Aerobics
Pupil 2: We are looking forward to the greatest event in the life of our town. On the 2nd of March the Paralympic Torch Relay will pass through Sasovo although it is not a point on the OTR route. Our town is the smallest of the cities where the Torch Relay will be held. 20 torchbearers will carry the Paralympic Flame along the streets, symbolizing the approaching Paralympics. That`s why the year 2024 is declared as a year of sport in Sasovo!
8. Drums
Teacher: Thank you very much for your time and for your attention. Goodbye!
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