КИМы 6 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Микешина Мария Сергеевна

Содержат задания для проверки усвоения артиклей (в частности, с географическими названиями), неопределённых местоимений и др.


Предварительный просмотр:

Translate into Russian:

1. Do you have anything for lunch? - __________________________________________________

2. There is nothing on the table. -  ___________________________________________

3. Can I have some orange juice? - ______________________________________________

4. Everybody can read this text. - ___________________________________________

Write down the dates:

Twenty sixty-five – ________                         Thirteen fifty-one - ________

Fifteen eighty-two - ________                        Fourteen hundred - ________

Two thousand and nine - ________

Translate into Russian:

1. Do you have anything for lunch? - __________________________________________________

2. There is nothing on the table. -  ___________________________________________

3. Can I have some orange juice? - ______________________________________________

4. Everybody can read this text. - ___________________________________________

Write down the dates:

Twenty sixty-five – ________                         Thirteen fifty-one - ________

Fifteen eighty-two - ________                        Fourteen hundred - ________

Two thousand and nine - ________

Translate into Russian:

1. Do you have anything for lunch? - __________________________________________________

2. There is nothing on the table. -  ___________________________________________

3. Can I have some orange juice? - ______________________________________________

4. Everybody can read this text. - ___________________________________________

Write down the dates:

Twenty sixty-five – ________                         Thirteen fifty-one - ________

Fifteen eighty-two - ________                        Fourteen hundred - ________

Two thousand and nine - ________

Предварительный просмотр:

Translate into Russian:

1. Would you like something to eat? - __________________________________________________

2. There is nobody in the room. -  ___________________________________________

3. Is there anybody in the house? - ______________________________________________

4. We don’t have any homework today. - ___________________________________________

Insert a/ the/ - :

___Black Sea is very warm, because it is situated in ___ south of ___ Russia.

Richard was ___ teacher when he was young. He lived in ___ New York, ___USA.

___ River Thames flows into ___ North Sea.

___ Tretyakov Gallery is one of ___ greatest museums in ___ world.

Translate into English:

1. Would you like something to eat? - __________________________________________________

2. There is nobody in the room. -  ___________________________________________

3. Is there somebody in the house? - ______________________________________________

4. We don’t have any homework today. - ___________________________________________

Insert a/ the/ - :

___Black Sea is very warm, because it is situated in ___ south of ___ Russia.

Richard was ___ teacher when he was young. He lived in ___ New York, ___USA.

___ River Thames flows into ___ North Sea.

___ Tretyakov Gallery is one of ___ greatest museums in ___ world.

Translate into English:

1. Would you like something to eat? - __________________________________________________

2. There is nobody in the room. -  ___________________________________________

3. Is there somebody in the house? - ______________________________________________

4. We don’t have any homework today. - ___________________________________________

Insert a/ the/ - :

___Black Sea is very warm, because it is situated in ___ south of ___ Russia.

Richard was ___ teacher when he was young. He lived in ___ New York, ___USA.

___ River Thames flows into ___ North Sea.

___ Tretyakov Gallery is one of ___ greatest museums in ___ world.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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