Christmas Quiz
занимательные факты по английскому языку

Жидкова Татьяна Владимировна

Below you can find 23 questions that can be used for a Christmas quiz. To make the task easier you can add options for students to choose. These questions can be used in a variety of formats depending on the age of your students and their level.


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Below are the questions that can be used for a Christmas quiz. To make the task easier you can add options for students to choose.

  1. When was the first Christmas card printed? 1843 – a man called John Calcott Horsley printed the first Christmas card for the friend that gave him the idea, Sir Henry Cole.

  1. Which country donates the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square? Norway – the city of Oslo, Norway, has donated the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree to the people of Britain each year since 1947.

  1. What birds are popular on Christmas cards? Robins

  1. Who wrote the first ever king’s Christmas message? Rudyard Kipling – he wrote the 251-word message.

  1. Where does the name “Boxing Day” come from? Back in the day, Boxing Day was a traditional day off for servants in which they received a ‘Christmas Box’ from their master. They would also go home on Boxing Day to give presents to their families.

  1. When was Christmas first celebrated in the UK? 6th century

  1. What are you supposed to do when you find yourself under the mistletoe? Kiss – according to the well-known holiday tradition, it’s bad luck to refuse a kiss beneath the mistletoe.

  1. Which famous scientist was born on Christmas Day in 1642? Isaac Newton

  1. What does ‘X’ in ‘X-Mas’ stand for? Xristos – the Greek word for Christ.

  1. What ornaments do elves have on their shoes? Bells
  2. What colour are mistletoe berries? White
  3. How many tips do traditional snowflakes have? 6
  4. Apart from white, red and green, what other colours are really popular on Christmas? Gold and silver
  5. What are the two most popular phrases on Christmas gift cards? To and from
  6. When should Christmas decorations come down, according to UK traditions? By January 5th
  7. What were the first eight reindeer? Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, Dancer, and Donner
  8. What snacks does Santa love? Milk and cookies
  9. Which reindeer name means “thunder”? Donner
  10. Which reindeer name means “lightning”? Blitzen
  11. Who created Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa’s ninth reindeer? Rudolph May
  12. Who wants to steal the Christmas? The Grinch
  13. What fruit is usually placed in stockings? Tangerine
  14. Which Santa’s reindeer has the same name as the god of love? Cupid

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