План урока для 8 класса по теме Articles (Gateway B1, Unit 1)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Материал содержит подробный план урока по теме "Артикли" с использованием учебника Gateway B1 и подходит для использования как в 8, так и в других классах с соответствующим уровнем владения языком.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Grade: 8
Topic: Articles (Gateway B1 Unit 1)
Main aim: at the end of the lesson students can use definite and indefinite articles correctly according to the context.
Secondary aims: to practice Ss’ speaking skills, to improve Ss’ communication skills, to practice Ss’ speaking skills, to improve Ss’ analytical and critical thinking skills; to improve Ss’ creativity.
Stage Aim | Procedure | Materials / Aids | Time | Interaction |
Stage 1: Warm-up & Homework check - to check homework; - to practice Ss’ speaking skills; - to practice active vocabulary (family members). | Ss work in pairs and share the sentences they have created about their household chores, trying to find out how much they have in common | no materials needed | 5 min | T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss |
Stage 2: Lead-In - to introduce the topic of the lesson; - to improve Ss’ analytical and critical thinking skills; - to practice Ss’ speaking skills. | Ss read two sentences: and try to fill in the gaps with the right articles. Ss guess the topic of the lesson and try to formulate the rules of using articles. | a board | 3 min | T-Ss, Ss-T |
Stage 3: Presentation - to practice Ss’ listening and speaking skills. | Ss formulate the rules of using articles, notice the pronunciation of stressed and non-stressed articles | SB ex 1,2 p 12 | 5 min | T-Ss, Ss-T |
Stage 4: Practice - to practice using target grammar rules; - to practice Ss’ reading skills. | Students implement the rules they have just learned while doing tasks aimed at controlled and semi-controlled practice | SB ex 3,4,5,6a p 12-13 | 16 min | Ss-T, T-Ss Ss-Ss |
Stage 5: Production - to practice using target grammar rules; - practice Ss’ speaking skills; - to improve Ss’ analytical and critical thinking skills; - to improve Ss’ communication skills. | Ss work in different pairs, ask each other and answer the questions from ex 6a p 12, trying to remember as much as they can about each other. After that, they share the facts they’ve learned about each other.
| SB ex 6b p 13 | 6 min | Ss-Ss Ss-T, T-Ss |
Stage 6: Delayed error correction - to practice using target grammar rules; - to improve Ss’ analytical skills. | Ss see on the board the mistakes they’ve made during the production stage and try to correct them | a board | 4 min | T-Ss, Ss-T |
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