презентация к уроку " A visit to Scotland"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку

Казарян Карина
  • Общие сведения о Шотландии. Страна находится на севере Великобритании, её общая площадь — 78 769 кв. км, население — 5 200 000 человек. Это страна большого разнообразия с собственным уникальным характером и сильными традициями. 
  • Достопримечательности и символы Шотландии. Национальный герб — чертополох. Флаг — синий цвет и белый крест (крест Святого Андрея).  Эдинбург — столица Шотландии.  В нём много интересных мест: замок, улица Принцев, Floral Clock, дворец Холируд и другие. 
  • Крупные города Шотландии. Это Dundee, Glasgow, Elgin, Aberdeen и Гриннок. 
  • Традиции и культура. Ежегодно 25 января шотландцы отмечают день рождения своего знаменитого поэта Роберта Бернса. В этот день они едят специальную еду: традиционный шотландский хаггис и куриный суп с луком. 

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

A Visit to Scotland

Слайд 2

He who has not seen Scotland, does not really know Great Britain

Слайд 3

Geographical position of Scotland Scotland is the most northern of the countries that constitute the UK. Scotland is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and in the west and by the North Sea in the east.

Слайд 4

Territory, population Scotland occupies the area of 78,8 thousand square kilometers. It is divided into 2 parts : Highlands and Lowlands. Its population is over 5 million people.

Слайд 5

Flag This is the flag of Scotland. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. St. Andrew’s day is Scotland's national day.

Слайд 6

Coat of arms A lion rampant symbolizes Scotland in the Royal Coat of Arms Royal Standard of Scotland

Слайд 7

National symbols The national symbol - a thistle – appeared in the 15-th century as a symbol of defense. Another symbol is tartan

Слайд 8

Edinburgh the capital of Scotland its cultural centre the world-famous festivals of music and drama take place there famous for its ancient castles

Слайд 9

Famous cities Glasgow in Scotland is the third largest city in Britain, is associated with heavy industry. Aberdeen is an important port in Scotland. This is the capital of North Sea petroleum

Слайд 10

Famous people Scotland is associated with the names of  Archibald Cronin, a well-known Scottish novelist;  Walter Scott, a great master of the historical novel;  Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous Scottish writer. He is the author of the book « Treasure Island »

Слайд 11

Everybody in Scotland knows and loves Robert Burns « A Red, Red Rose » Oh, my Luve’s like a red, red rose, That’s newly sprung in June. Oh, my Luve’s like melodie, That’s sweetly play’d in tune. And fare thee weel, my only Luve And fare thee weel a while And I will come again, my Luve, Tho’ it were ten thousand mile!

Слайд 12

John Knox Sean Connery Famous People an English theatre, film, and television actor 16 century - a historian, a preacher and the leader of Protestant Reformation

Слайд 13

Famous Politicians Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh

Слайд 14

Famous Scottish – fold Cats

Слайд 15

The traditional clothes of Scottish people are kilts Scotland is a country of pipes, kilts, festivals Famous Traditions

Слайд 16

Places of interest in Scotland Scotland is a country of old castles and beautiful lakes

Слайд 17

Places of interest in Scotland

Слайд 18

Places of interest in Scotland

Слайд 19

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