Контрольная работа по теме "Семья"/ "Family"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме "Family"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Control Work 1 (grade 9)
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. There is one extra word.
Emotional connection between parents and their children is unbelievably strong. So why are conflicts in families a ________(1) thing? Is there any way to overcome conflicts ________(2)? Following simple tips, it is possible to avoid much stress and misunderstanding. Not only parents but also teenagers may help their families preserve a friendly and __________(3) atmosphere in their homes.
If you try to step into your parents __________(4) you may see the problem the way they do. You can ask them why they have this or that opinion or act in a certain way. You may not agree with their ______________(5), but you will understand them better and, what is more important, show that you care and are ready to find a to the __________(6) problem.
One thing that you should not do for sure when discussing a conflict is __________(7). This will only make the conflict worth. Not to let this happen, control your __________(8) or take a deep breath before speaking.
__________(9) the right time to discuss a debatable or unpleasant question can do the trick. The easiest way to ________(10) everyone down is to have tea together…
2. Make the reported speech
1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.
2. Mary said: “I will help my sister.”
3. They told me: “We were really happy.”
4. She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
5. He told her: “I am going to the fish market.”
6. Betty said: “I found my passport.”
7. Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”
3. Answer the questions
1. Who are siblings?
2. Who is Emily for Jessica?
3. Who are married?
4. Who is Robert for Anna?
5. Who is Susan for Henry?
6. Who are Laura and Henry for Robert?
7. What is plural for child?
4. Write about household chores
Describe the picture. What are your household chores? What do the members of your family have to do around the house? Write 80-100 words.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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