Tест по английскому языку к модулю 4 Spotlight 8
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Терехова Марина Васильевна

Тест для контроля усвоенного материала по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight 8 Module 4. Тест предназначен для контроля усвоения учебного материала и сфрмированности речевых навыков у учащихся 8 класса, изучающих английский язык в средней школе.


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Предварительный просмотр:


                                 Test 4  (Module, 8-th form) Variant 1

I. Describe the photo.    Write about the man’s age, his appearance and his clothes.    



II. Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out.

    1. It’s hot outside. Put ___________  a light dress.

    2. Can I be put _____________ to Mrs. Smith, please?

    3. The match put _____________ until Friday.

    4. She couldn’t put _______________ with his rudeness, so she complained to the teacher.

    5. Put ____________ your toys and go to the kitchen.

    6. He put ________________  his cigarette before getting on the bus.

III. Change the sentences in Active voice into Passive Voice.

       1.        Irene’s husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south.


       2. The explorers  has given the newspaper reporters a long interview.


       3. Mr Wilson will teach you English.


       4. The doctor ordered me a month’s rest from studying.


       5. Tom lent Nick a book for his birthday.


       6. Our mother is  telling us story  at the moment.


       7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures.


       8. A boy is  showing her the way.


       9. They send us letters every month.


       10. Five or six small children have followed them.



IV. Read the text and mark the statement as   true, false or not stated

School uniform

A great fight still goes on. The question is: should students wear school uniform? As with most things, there are two sides to the debate. Some people say that all schools should introduce uniforms. Others are sure that school uniforms are old-fashioned. However, both arguments have experts on their side. There is no clear answer. Let's look at the pros and cons of it.

Many experts believe that students who wear school uniforms study much better than those who don’t. This is because you don't have to worry about what you are wearing each day. As a result, your attention improves and you learn to concentrate better on your studies. Wearing a uniform in calming colours makes you feel more serious and responsible.

They say if you wear a uniform then you won't behave in a violent or inappropriate way at school. A uniform is a rule and rules must be obeyed. Research showed that students in uniforms don't play as many tricks on their classmates, tease or bully them as much as their casually dressed mates.

Everyone wants to look their best and better than their classmates. Everybody wants to be popular and wear the latest fashions. However, not all students have enough money to buy stylish clothes. Uniforms make them all equal, social differences are not seen. No one wears expensive brands. Everyone wears the same thing, exactly the same brand. With a uniform, there is less competition in class.

School uniforms, however, are not always cheap for parents, especially if there are two or more children in a family and they all go to school. Parents can't buy any skirt or trousers they want. They can't shop in the sales either. What is more, many schools have several uniforms such as an everyday uniform, a formal uniform for special events and a uniform for P.E. classes.

Students in uniforms look the same. Uniforms don't give students individuality so they have to look for other opportunities to express themselves. For example, they might start using make-up early, behaving badly or wearing bright accessories as a reaction against it. It’s not the answer.

Finally, there's comfort. Lots of students complain that they feel uncomfortable when they wear uniforms in class. Some children have sensitive skin and like to wear 100% cotton clothes. Uniforms are often made from synthetics, such as polyester which is harmful for a child’s skin, especially if the child spends the whole day at school.

And we are back to the question: to wear or not to wear? You decide.


1) There are different opinions about school uniform.

2) A school uniform can improve students’ marks.

3) Grey is the best colour for a school uniform.

4) A uniform makes students aggressive.

5) Fashion designers create collections of school uniforms.

6) Uniforms can be expensive for parents.

7) Students in uniforms try to find ways to look different.

8) All uniforms are made of natural materials.

V.  Translate the idioms from Russian into English:

  1.  Разыграть кого-либо
  2. Желать хороших результатов
  3. Сильно напугать кого-либо
  4. Терять голову, паниковать
  5. Помогать кому-либо
  6. Запретить, положить конец


                                 Test 4  (Module, 8-th form) Variant 2

I. Describe the photo.    Write about the woman’s age, her appearance and her clothes.    


II. Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out.

  1. She couldn’t put____________his rudeness so she complained to the teacher.
  2. The fire fighters managed to put _____________ the fire.
  3. It’s cold. Put _________________ a sweater.
  4. Can I be put _______________ to Mr Smith, please?
  5. The match was put __________________ until next weekend.
  6. When you have finished, put ____________________your books.

III. Change the sentences in Active voice into Passive Voice.


      1. I bought potatoes yesterday.


      2. We shall bring the books tomorrow.  


      3. They are repairing the clock now.


      4. They sell milk in this shop.


      5. I have translated the whole text.


      6. They broke the window last week.


      7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets.


      8. We shall do the work in the evening.


      9. He wrote this book in the 19th century.


     10. They were playing tennis from four till five.


IV. Read the text and mark the statement as   true, false or not stated


Jeans – a clothing item that is common in every wardrobe today. One of the most comfortable and most stylish pieces of clothing, it is liked by one and all, regardless of age, size, sex, economic background, and so on.

The history of jeans goes as far back as the 16th century when sailors in Genoa (Italy) wore a material that eventually became the material used in jeans. The word ‘jean’ derives from the name of the Italian port city Genoa, as it was a custom to name a material after its place of origin. By the late 16th century, jean material was already produced in Lancashire, England.

It was the California Gold Rush of 1849 that started the evolution of American trousers that would one day become blue jeans. The gold miners wanted clothes that were strong and did not tear easily. The person who suggested an appropriate type of clothing was a German businessman Levi Strauss, who had moved to America. Levi Strauss sold many different things, but his main product was a tough canvas material used for tents and wagon covers. Understanding the urgent need of the gold miners Levi Strauss decided to make trousers out of the tough canvas he was selling. The miners liked the new ‘working’ trousers, though they were uncomfortable to wear as the material was too rough.

To improve the trousers for miners, Levi Strauss began looking for a different material and soon he found a suitable one in France. The material was called ‘serge de Nimes’. American just called it ‘de Nimes’, and this name soon became its short form ‘denim’. Denim was a bit lighter and softer than the material Levi Strauss used for his working trousers. It was very strong and did not wear out quickly, even after many washes. The trousers made of denim became quite popular among the miners.

The only problem was that original denim was almost white and the trousers got dirty as soon as the miners started working! For that reason Levi Strauss decided to use coloured denim, and he chose dark blue. In 1873 he began to make dark blue denim trousers with metal fasteners to make them stronger. This was a radical new idea and ‘Blue jeans’ had arrived!

Levi's jeans were so popular, that his company got bigger and bigger. Other firms were making blue jeans too. Miners liked them, but so did cowboys and other working men.

Levi’s jeans were work trousers. Male workers wore them all the time but a gentleman would not even think of wearing jeans. Things changed when western movies became popular. All the cowboys wore jeans and people thought they looked heroic, attractive and cool. Also jeans were greatly popularized in Europe by American off-duty soldiers who wore them during World War II. They made jeans seem like casual American trousers, a symbol of the American lifestyle.

In the 2000's, the sale of classic blue jeans stopped growing. Young people were not particularly interested in traditional jeans styles, mainly because of their parents, who adored jeans. Since no teenager would wear the clothes their parents were wearing, the latest generation of youth turned to other fabrics and styles. They still wear denim, but it had to be in new cuts, shapes and styles.


1) Jeans cloth was named after a city.

2) Levi Strauss worked as a gold miner for some time.

3) Levi Strauss began to make trousers for miners from the material which was used for tents.

4) Denim was more comfortable to wear than canvas.

5) The original colour of denim was blue.

6) Levis Strauss used metal fasteners to make his trousers more fashionable.

7) After World War II Europe started making jeans.

8) Modern teenagers share their parents’ traditional taste in blue jeans.

V.  Translate the idioms from Russian into English:

1. Разыграть кого-либо

2.Желать хороших результатов

3.Сильно напугать кого-либо

4.Терять голову, паниковать

5.Помогать кому-либо

6.Запретить, положить конец

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