Праздник "Рождественские посиделки". "CHRISTMAS PARTY"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
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Рождественские посиделки
Цель мероприятия: повышение мотивации и интереса к изучению английского языка, посредством знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
Задачи: совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи; навыков аудирования; развитие творческих способностей у учащихся.
Оформление: Украшенная елка, рождественские экибаны, свечи, музыкальное сопровождение.
Teacher: Today is the 25 of December. On this day all English-speaking people celebrate Christmas. It’s happy, warm and family holiday for many people in the world. Some weeks before Christmas people are very busy, they send greeting cards, buy presents and decorates their houses, yards, shops and streets with toys, coloured balls and bright lights. On Christmas Eve people put presents under tree, when children go to bed they put their stockings near the beds and at midnight Santa Claus put some presents into children’s stockings.
P: On Christmas Day people usually lit some candles. The first represents Isaiah, the second represents the Bible, the third represents Mary, the mother of Jesus. The fourth represents John the Baptized, Jesus’ cousin who told the people about Jesus teaching, the middle or separate candle is lit and represents Jesus, the light of the world. Let’s lit our candles in this honour!
A beautiful time of the year
With carols and tinsel
And lots of good cheer,
With sharing and caring
And hearts drawing near-
A beautiful time of the year.
P: Yes, it’s true, that Christmas is very joyful and beautiful holiday. And everybody likes it very much. I think you know a lot of about this holiday. But it will be very interesting for you to see the heroes of the Bible’s story and to hear about the birth of Jesus Christ.
So, a long time ago in a town called Nazareth, there were Joseph and Mary. One day Roman Imperator decided to rewrite all people according their places and he ordered to the people to move to their native places, and on this reason Joseph and Mary started their trip, they traveled four days and reached Bethlehem (Вифлеем), Mary was very tired, they wanted to stay in the inn but there was no room there, they went to the stable. And at this night Jesus Christ was born.
Near the city shepherds kept the sheep. And they saw bright light and a beautiful angel.
He said:” Don’t afraid of me, I bring you the happiest news. Jesus Christ was born in the stable, you can find him there!”
Angel: Glorified be the God in the Heaven, Peace on the Earth and good will to the people.
2 Angel: Merry is all over the world because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born today when the first star appeared in the sky.
3 Angel: Fall on the knee to hear the voice of HIM, bring HIM our hearts and your souls and sing a song of glory to HIM.
Angels: Merry Christmas to you,
Merry Christmas to me,
Merry Christmas to all our friends
Everywhere they may be.
Merry Christmas to your parents
And to you teaches too
Merry Christmas to KOLOBOK
And we wish all your wishes will come true!
And at this moment all world was lighted with thousands of coming angels, which were singing of their wonderful voices.
Song “Silent night”
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright,
Round your Virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night
Shepherds first saw the light
Heard resounding clear and long
Far and near the angel song
Christ the Savior is here,
Christ the Savior is here.
Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, oh how bright
Love is smiling from Thy face,
Peals for us the hour of grace
Christ our Savior is born,
Christ our Savior is born.
It was the beginning of new time- 2023 years ago.
Приход ряженных. (Knocking at the door)
Children: Who’s that?
(A company of Merry Dancers: Mare Leader, Sergeant, a fiddle-playing Merry Man, a black-faced PUNCH and JUDY (tall boy, dressed in a girl’s dress, the carry a decorated mare- head made of wood or paper with flowers, ribbons and bells)
Mare-leader: Well, here we come, simple friends, to ask for permission to sing.
Children: Let us hear, wise men, how many you are and what exactly are your names.
Sergeant: We are two plus two and ten people more.
Let us in or we shall do your harm
You’ve never seen before.
Lady: What shall we do? Shall we let them in?
Child: All right, we shall see if you really can sing, if you really can dance. We shall give you a chance.
(Punch and Judy rush in, taking things here and there, frightened people, until a Sergeant takes a broom and give them a good beat)
Child: There is an old tradition in G.B. families to receive Mary Lwyd, a mere’s head in their houses on Christmas night.
Child: They believe it will bring them welfare and health for all the next year.
Punch: So, dear friends, if we are here, let’s sing carol.
I heard the bells of Christmas Day
They old familiar carols play
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
Judy: It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas!
It’s time for hanging stockings!
It’s time for riding sleighs
It’s time for jolly greetings
Oh, I love you Merry Christmas
You’re the best of holidays!
Sing another carol.
O Christmas Tree
O Christmas Tree, o Christmas Tree,
With faithful leaves unchanging.
Not only green in summer’s heat;
But also, winter’s snow and sleet.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
With faithful leaves unchanging.
1Child: Father, mother, Christmas is here
2 Child: Father, mother, Christmas is there
3 Child: Christmas, Christmas is everywhere!
4 Child: Let’s put our stockings at the food of our bed, Santa will come to us from the chimney and bring us toys and sweets.
A packful of toys,
A sackbut of joys
For millions of girls and
For millions of boys,
When Christmas Day is here,
The most wonderful day of the year.
A dolly for Ann, A puppy for Dan,
A kitten for Sue, and a teddy for you.
Child. Let's decorate our Christmas Tree then.
Lady. Do you know, children, who decorated the First Christmas Tree? It started in Germany. One legend says that Martin Luther, a great Christian leader, started it.
Pupil: According to the story, Martin Luther saw the starlit sky as he walked home one Christmas Eve about the year 1513.
Martin Luther: Oh, my Lord, blessed be everything created by you in the world. Just have a look at this sky. The stars are shining as if they were on the branches of a big fur-tree. Holly Night. I must place a small fir-tree inside my house when I come home.
Pupil: Coming home, he did that and decorated it with lit candles.
Deep in the wood a fir-tree was born
And in the wood grew tall.
In summer, winter and the fall,
The greenest tree of all.
The snow-storm whispered lullabies,
And wrapped up all the trees.
She sang: "Now close your lovely eyes
And make sure you don't freeze".
How green it is, how fresh it smells,
How perfect its fur is?
Let's put on it these silver bells,
And toys, and balls, and gifts.
An old man looks for wood to chop
And put it in his sleigh
The pony gallops clip, clop, and clop
And takes fur- tree away
The fur-tree to our party comes
And on this winter night
It brings much joy to everyone
Oh, what a lovely sight!
Oh, what joy, what pleasure to see,
On Christmas Eve our Christmas tree.
When the lights shine bright
In the dark winter night.
Pupil: Even the dark force of evil will be beaten at this Holly Night.
Pupil: Let's come back to Britain and see one of MUMMING PLAYS, a traditional Christmas scene depicting the end of evil and the victory of goodness.
The Little Fir-Tree
Characters: Fir-tree, Story teller, Fairy, a Bad Man.
Story teller: A little Fir-tree stood among the tall fir-trees of the forest. It was a little tree which wanted something it did not have.
Fir-tree: I want different leaves.
Story-teller: The Fairy of the forest heard its wish.
Fairy: What kind of leaves do you want?
Fir-tree: Oh, I want leaves of gold.
Story-teller: Next morning the little Fir-tree was glad to see that all its leaves had turned a beautiful yellow gold, but along came a man who picked all the gold leaves and carried them away in a bag. (Fir-tree began to weep)
Fir-tree: Oh, I'm so unhappy! I'm very cold. I have no leaves.
Fairy: What kind of leaves do you want now?
Fir-tree: Oh, I went leaves of glass.
Story-teller: Next morning little Fir-tree had leaves of glass.
They looked beautiful. But in the afternoon the wind blew. The glass leaves were blown against one another and were all broken. Again, the Fir-tree's branches were bare.
Fir-tree: Oh, I'm so unhappy! There are no leaves on my branches. I feel so cold.
Fairy: What kind of leaves do you want now? Fir-tree: I went broad green leaves.
Story-teller: Next morning the little Fir-tree was glad to have a dress of large broad leaves. But in the night, there was a heavy snowball. The branches were broken.
Fir-tree: Oh, so unhappy am I! There are no leaves on my branches. I feel so cold.
Fairy: What kind of leaves do you want next? Fir-tree: I want my own needles again.
Story-teller: The next day the little Fir-tree had its own needles and felt sure that there were no leaves in the world as fine as hers.
Characters (Old Father Christmas, King William, Turkish Knight, and Doctor) come out into the stage.
Father Christmas. I am Father Christmas and they are my assistants. We came to show you the battle between William the King and the Black Turkish Knight, the symbol of death and destruction.
Turkish Knight
I am a great Black Knight. I am strong and cruel; I am the servant of the Devil
Himself, and I came here to bring you death and destruction.
What do I hear?
The Son of God has been born today?
What nonsense! There is no God except of Death! And there is not other power than the Great Power of Hail.
William the King: I am William the King of England, Scotland, Wales and all the nearby places. Why for did you come here, Turkish Knight? We are celebrating the Christmas Holiday and we don't want anyone to spoil our celebration. We are not afraid of you. Go away, or else you will find the end here.
Turkish Knight. Ha-ha-ha. Who is speaking? There is no other power except the power of Death. You cannot fight with me. None of the living men could do that. You are looking for your death and you will find it here.
Attacks the King and falls down to the ground dead.
William the King: I am sure, it's not me, that did this bloody act, it’s He that follows me that did it for a fact.
Doctor. I am the best Doctor in the world. I can cure you of any illness you may have. I rode around the world and got a lot of different medicine in my bag. Dead? Really? Oh, I can raise from the dead the most breathless man in the world.
Father Christmas. You can do nothing here. Go away. Evil is dead. Good will live for ever. Jesus Christ, the Son of God has been born today. Dark clouds floated far away. Be happy and merry.
The pupils sing a song "Jingle Bells".
Pupil: This was the way we celebrated Christmas. But a New Year is coming.
Pupil: So, let's recollect the old Scottish tradition and sing together "Auld Lang Syne".
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne
For auld lang syne my dear friends, for auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne
And here is the hand my trusted friend
And give a hand of thine.
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld lang syne!
Lady, looking at the door impatiently. Who will enter our house first, I wonder?
Lord: Who are you waiting for?
Lady: First-footer, darling. Do you know that the first person, who comes into the house after the midnight, must be a tall, good-looking young man? He must be dark-haired otherwise the next year will be unlucky.
Lord: Look, somebody is coming. First-footer enters the door.
First-footer: I am a first-footer. I came to bring you a good luck for the next year. I have a piece of coal with me to bring warmth to your house. {Comes up to the fire-place, puts the coal in and stirs the fire.) I have a loaf of bread too to bring wealth to your house. {Comes up to the table and divides bread among the members of the family.) I have a bottle of water for you not to be thirsty all year round. {Pours water into glasses and they drink together.)
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, A pocket full of money and a cellar full of bear,
A good fat pig to last you all the year, Cold, fire and disease will never touch your hair.
Snowdrop: You can’t hear me, but you
Can see me all around
Falling softly from the sky
I’m white upon the ground
What am I?
Выходят снежинки, проводят конкурсы “Miss Snowdrop, Mister Snowdrop”
-Исполнение рождественской новогодней песни
-Исполнение рождественского стихотворения
-деление на команды (какая из команд назовет больше слов, связанные с Рождеством, Новым Годом)
-игра «Пойми меня»
All the participants come out into the stage and sing together "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".
Pupil: A Merry Christmas to you.
Pupil: The same to you.
Pupil: Christ has been born.
Pupil: Blessed be his name for ever.
Pupil: The whole world is celebrating the birth of the Son of God.
Pupil: Though the traditions and ways of different people in the world are different, you may hear bell-ringing and carol-singing on this day in every corner of the Earth.
Автор сценария и режиссер-постановщик: Матвеева Майя Кадыровна
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Christmas party
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