ВПР- чтение текста вслух
тренажёр по английскому языку (7 класс)

Белова Елена Анатольевна

Подготовка в ВПР для 7 класса


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Задание 2.1

Kites are popular toys on windy days. We can make a kite of paper, plastic or cloth. We need to stretch it across a light frame. Kites fly high in the air at the ends of long strings. Kites come in many sizes and shapes. For example, some kites have a very simple shape, but others can be in the shape of animals. It is better to fly a kite when there are two people. One person holds the kite facing the wind. The other person holds the kite's string. Many children and even adults fly kites for fun. There are even kite clubs and special events.

Задание 2.2

People like songs. We can listen to songs or sing songs. There are different kinds of songs, and so there is a song for any mood or occasion. Classical songs have traditional tunes. Folk songs reflect the culture of a country. Pop songs are modern. Mostly young people like to listen to them or dance to them. Rock songs are also very popular with teenagers. They like rock concerts very much. Country songs are easy to listen to. They put you in a good mood and you feel like dancing and singing along. So people can choose what they like.

Задание 2.3

A game is something that people do for fun. It is different from work. In some games, you can play alone. In other games, you need to play with or against other people. That is why many sports are games. There are many other kinds of games too. For example, there are video games, board games and so on. Some games use different kinds of equipment but others do not need any. Games are popular with children. Kids learn and develop when they play games. Still, adults need to play games too. It helps them to relax.

Задание 2.4

Parrots are popular pets. This is because they are very bright and look beautiful. Parrots are also very clever. Some parrots are as clever as a four-year-old child. Parrots come in different sizes and colours. Wild parrots cannot copy human speech, but pet parrots can talk. If you have a pet parrot, it must live in a cage and you must let it fly every day. It is not a good idea to get only one bird. Parrots may get ill if they feel lonely because they are social birds. A pet parrot will certainly give you a lot of positive emotions.

Задание 2.5

Many people like to play chess. It is a board game played by two people. Each player needs to mate the king of the other player. At the same time they need to protect their own king. The rules of the game are very difficult. A beginner usually finds it hard to learn them. You may need to take some lessons to learn the basics of the game. An instructor can teach you good moves in this game. Playing chess makes you clever. It develops your tactics and skills of planning. It is very interesting to play chess because it's a competition.

Задание 2.6

It is fun to watch clouds in the sky. They can be different forms and shapes. Some people can even see the shapes of animals when they look at clouds. Clouds can also change their colours. They look very beautiful. Some people think that if there are clouds in the sky, it is going to rain. They are wrong. Not every cloud can produce rain. Still, wall clouds and shelf clouds bring heavy rains and even storms. Shelf clouds appear when a storm is about to begin. Wall clouds come at its final stage. Both types of clouds can be dangerous.

Задание 2.7

Summer is the warmest season of the year. It falls between spring and autumn. Summer begins with the day with the most hours of sunlight of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere it is in June while in the Southern Hemisphere it is in December. People love summer for many reasons. For example, you can spend much more time outside in summer so you can enjoy nature and the fresh air to the fullest. You can play more sports, hike or travel, sunbathe or swim. Still, there are places when it is always very warm, so you can do all these things all the year round.

Задание 2.8

If you need to get somewhere in a city and you don't know the way, you will still not get lost. This is because maps will help you. Maps are among people's most important inventions. In the past people travelled to make maps of an area. Then everybody could use these maps. If you have a smart phone, you can use a map on it. Your smart phone will show you the best way. Modern maps on your mobile phone can even give you voice instructions. So it is important for everybody to learn how to use maps to enjoy new cities while travelling.

Задание 2.9

Canada is the world's second largest country. This country has very friendly people. It makes Canada a great place to visit on your holidays. In Canada you will find a lot of good hotels and cafes. They will make your stay comfortable. If you choose to go to Canada, you must see its natural sights. Canada has nice rivers and lakes. There are also forests and waterfalls. Besides nature, you can see Canada's cities. They offer good shopping. There are also interesting buildings and historical museums. You will never forget your visit to Canada.

Задание 2.10

When you learn a foreign language, you study its grammar. Grammar is also important when you speak your native language. Grammar is very important because it is a set of rules which tell us how a language works. Every language has its own set of rules. These rules explain what different kinds of words do and how they work together. For example, you can take basic types of words. They are parts of speech. We need to know grammar to put this or that word into the correct part of a sentence. So, everybody needs grammar.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты



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