Отработка грамматики Наречия частотности
материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Put the adverb of frequency into the right place in the sentences below
1. Vasya listens to the radio. (often)
2. Lilya reads a book. (sometimes)
3. Kirill gets angry. (never)
4. Anton is very friendly. (usually)
5. Nikita takes my pnone. (sometimes)
6. My dog is hungry. (often)
7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the morning. (always)
8. Andrey helps his mother in the garden. (usually)
9. You know, we watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
10. You should speak during the meetings. (never)
2. Put the adverbs of frequency into the right place in the sentences below
1. Roma and Vasya are hungry. (often)
2. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
3. Kolya helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
4. They watch TV in the morning. (never)
5. Nina smokes. (never)
6. He listens to the radio. (often)
7. They read a book. (sometimes)
8. Fyodor gets angry. (never)
9. Ruslan is very friendly. (usually)
10. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
3. Put the adverbs of frequency into the right place in the sentences below
1. She can remember his name. (never)
2. He doesn't smoke. (usually)
3. They have enough time. (never)
4. They have had pets. (never)
5. Where do you spend your summer holidays? (usually)
6. She does sport in the afternoon. (always)
7. I have a shower when I get home in the evening. (often)
8. My parents are strict. (seldom)
9. We go fishing at the lake. (sometimes)
10. I am tired. (often)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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