Passive Voice
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс)

Фоминых Ольга Викторовна

Ученикам предлагается карточка из 10 предложений.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Active into Passive voice

1) I must meet the guests at noon.


2) The baker bakes some bread every day.


3) He is writing the letters at the moment.


4) My friends have already collected a lot of flowers.


5) My brothers were finishing their jobs at five o’clock yesterday.


6) Tom celebrated the party last Sunday.


7) I will learn by heart the poem next week.


8) The teacher sent Peter home.


9) Mother waters the flowers in the evening.


10) She has just packed the books.


Active into Passive voice

1) I must meet the guests at noon.


2) The baker bakes some bread every day.


3) He is writing the letters at the moment.


4) My friends have already collected a lot of flowers.


5) My brothers were finishing their jobs at five o’clock yesterday.


6) Tom celebrated the party last Sunday.


7) I will learn by heart the poem next week.


8) The teacher sent Peter home.


9) Mother waters the flowers in the evening.


10) She has just packed the books.


Active into Passive voice

1) I must meet the guests at noon.


2) The baker bakes some bread every day.


3) He is writing the letters at the moment.


4) My friends have already collected a lot of flowers.


5) My brothers were finishing their jobs at five o’clock yesterday.


6) Tom celebrated the party last Sunday.


7) I will learn by heart the poem next week.


8) The teacher sent Peter home.


9) Mother waters the flowers in the evening.


10) She has just packed the books.


Active into Passive voice

1) I must meet the guests at noon.


2) The baker bakes some bread every day.


3) He is writing the letters at the moment.


4) My friends have already collected a lot of flowers.


5) My brothers were finishing their jobs at five o’clock yesterday.


6) Tom celebrated the party last Sunday.


7) I will learn by heart the poem next week.


8) The teacher sent Peter home.


9) Mother waters the flowers in the evening.


10) She has just packed the books.


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