Презентация "Comparative and Superlative forms of the Adjectives and Adverbs"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

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Презентация "Comparative and Superlative forms of the Adjectives and Adverbs" для проведения уроков в 7 классах по УМК "Spotlight".


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Слайд 1

Comparative and Superlative forms of the Adjectives and Adverbs МИНИСТЕРСТВО ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение школа № 604 Пушкинского района Санкт-Петербурга Фомичёва Т.В., учитель английского языка

Слайд 2

Положительная Сравнительная ( comparative ) Превосходная (Superlative) Adjective + Rich Hot funn y attractive - er (than) rich er He’s richer than his friend. ho tt er funn i er more / less attractive The …… - est the rich est He’s the richest person in the world. the ho tt est the funn i est the most / least attractive

Слайд 3

Примечание: Clever, friendly, simple, common, cruel, gentle, pleasant, polite, stupid, quiet Clever – cleverer – the cleverest; clever – more clever – the most clever.

Слайд 4

Исключения: Good / well – better – the best; bad – worse – the worst; much / many / lots – more – the most; little – less – the least; far – farther / further – the farthest / furthest; old – older / elder – the oldest / eldest.

Слайд 5

Конструкции: As … as – такой же, как … He is as handsome as his father. 2) not as / so … as – не такой, как … He isn’t as tall as his father. 3) the most + прил. + of / in … He is the most creative person in the class.

Слайд 7

1 .Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. 1.Fat-fatter – the fattest; 4 expensive - 2 late – 5 young - 3 easy – 6 happy – 2.Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjectives. 1.What was the most beautiful (beautiful) place you visited? 2. What was … (happy) day you can remember? 3.What was … (long) journey you made? 4.What was … (tasty) meal you ate? 5.What was … (bad) film you saw?

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