Проект по теме "Man the Creator"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Презентация "Man the Creator " к учебнику 10 класса Афанасьевой, Михеевой (проект)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A list of artists: Peter Paul Rubens Jan Van Eyck Claude Monet Auguste Rodin Johan Vermeer Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn Pablo Picasso Salvador Dali Marc Chagall Grant Wood Edvard Munch Gustav Klimt Frida Kahlo Vincent Van Gogh * or you can find an artist who inspires you personally
Process When you have chosen your artist, its time to do a little more research. Answer these prompts: Where was your artist born and when? What was his history, his family heritage? What years was he active as an artist? What are the dominant characteristics of the chosen artwork s ?
Process After you have answered the prompts, and collected any other facts about your artist that you find important, its time to describe your favorite work s by this artist.
Now that you have the groundwork laid, its time to do your formal essay. You should create the following outline: I- Introduction What artist have you chosen and why. II- Paragraph one- Facts about your artist, where they were born, their family ect. Process
Now you are ready to create your final presentation! III-Paragraph two- The artwork s you chose, its dominant principals and elements . Please be very specific in describing the artworks' . Use phrases from the topical vocabulary. IV - Conclusion- Explain why you believe he or she is a great artist. Which of his/her work is your fovourite and why.
The project will be graded using the rubric s below . *The artwork must be labeled with its name on the presentation. * The presentation must be given using a PowerPoint or a Word document. Category Points: 1 Points: 2 Points: 3 Completion The section about your artist was missing from the presentation and only some of the directions were followed . The section about your artist only contained the explanation or only contained the picture of the artwork and only some of the directions were followed The section about your artist contained both the explanation and a picture s of the artwork s and all the directions were followed Artwork There was no picture of a piece by your artist, or it was not a piece made by your artist. The picture was not labeled with the name of the piece. There w ere picture s of piece s by your artist, but there were no label s with the name of the piece s. There were picture s of piece s by your artist and there were label s with the name of the piece s. Explanation There w ere no answers for more than two questions. O nly one of the question w as not answered, or the questions were not answered fully . T here were thoughtful and complete answers . Presentation The project you created was not presented using a PowerPoint, small poster, or a Word document The project you created was presented using a PowerPoint or a Word Document
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