Упражнения на словообразование прилагательных на основе заданий из банка открытых заданий ФИПИ (ОГЭ) (суффиксы -ful/-less/-ous/-al/-ly/-y/-ive)
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс)
Упражения на отработку слоовобразования прилагательных для ОГЭ по английскому языку. (суффиксы -ful/-less/-ous/-al/-ly/-y/-ive)
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Словообразование ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ (ОГЭ)
-FUL (суффикс прил., прим. Beauty-beautiful)
Whatever your opinion of piranhas, this is a __________________ piece of advice one should follow. | USE |
And you have to remain __________________ and attentive in spite of everything. | CARE |
Friendship is something you can't buy. It is a __________________ and valuable gift. | WONDER |
Olivia got a camera for her birthday. Her family was going on a trip to Washington D.C. and Olivia wanted to take pictures of the __________________ places she would see. | WONDER |
The teenagers also learn how to work as a team, which is a very __________________ skill wherever you work. |
Surprisingly enough, there are lots of very young people among online businessmen. In spite of their age, they are quite __________________ and professional. | SUCCESS |
Now we are arranging a school band and I want to ask Mark to join it. I think if he starts performing in public, he’ll become a more confident and more __________________ person. |
The main character is a rat Remy, who is interested in cooking and dreams of becoming a __________________ chef. | SUCCESS |
The campaign was indeed __________________. Officials agreed to spend 8.5 billion pounds on cleaning up Britain’s seas and rivers. | SUCCESS |
Learning languages is becoming a popular hobby with children and adults. It’s not only interesting but very __________________, too. | USE |
It’s obvious that language skills are essential for everyone today. Foreign languages are very __________________ not only for travelling, but also for studying and building a career. |
And their ignorance can often cost the __________________ animal its life. | BEAUTY |
What is the most eco-friendly transport? I believe it’s the bicycle. There are a lot of bicycles on the streets of our town and that is probably why it looks so green and __________________. |
The city is home to two teams: Liverpool and Everton. Everton is older and was more __________________ in the past, but since the 1990s it has been Liverpool’s time to shine. | SUCCESS |
Yoga is a very popular activity and lots of people practise it nowadays. There is an opinion, however, that to be __________________ in this activity you should start yoga in early childhood. | SUCCESS |
Andorra is the most __________________ country in Europe –– they haven’t had a war for 700 years. | PEACE |
Lots of popular groups from the 1970s, for example, are still better known for the songs they made in their __________________ past than for their more recent recordings. | SUCCESS |
St Davids has a __________________ medieval cathedral which dates back to the 12th century. | BEAUTY |
They are attracted instead to dramatic views of mountains and __________________ valleys. | PEACE |
The city streets are usually full of noisy tourists with cameras but if you want a quiet holiday, you can have it too - the beautiful and __________________ countryside is just round the corner. | PEACE |
Leprechauns are always busy. They are always very __________________ and try to be invisible to people. | CARE |
In spite of the excitement, the children may also catch a cold on this November night. Warm jumpers, coats and gloves are more __________________ than ever. | USE |
Chocolate will improve your mood and you’ll feel __________________ and happy again. | CHEER |
Now she is a very __________________ journalist. Her life is busy and exciting. | SUCCESS |
People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may be __________________ to their health, but it is difficult to know for sure. | HARM |
Ray strongly believes that soon computer intelligence will be a billion times more __________________ than the human brain. | POWER |
-LESS (суффикс прил.,обожначающий недостаток. прим. Help-helpless-«беспомощный»)
There are lots of musical awards –– Grammies, Brits, and the MTV awards for music, the list is __________________. | END |
Another celebrity among graffiti artists is Blek le Rat from Paris. He paints pictures of __________________ people. | HOME |
Emergency reports say the number of people needing medical care increases on this night. Some of them are __________________ with fire. | CARE |
He kept saying that we had no right to be indifferent or __________________ because people’s lives depended on us. | CARE |
Lots of people become __________________. | HOME |
But be __________________ –– London shops are expensive! Don’t leave all your money in the shopping centre. | СARE |
In Moscow, there are approximately 35,000 dogs living on the streets. Some of these __________________ animals were born there. |
Every day there’s an __________________ line of people streaming to his shop. | END |
Sometimes we felt absolutely __________________ because we were not able to understand each other. However, it gave us additional motivation to learn Spanish! | HELP |
-OUS (суффикс прил., прим. danger-dangerous, fame-famous)
The most __________________ horse in the Grand National was called 'Red Rum'. | FAME |
Piranhas are South American fish. There are lots of scary stories about them. Most people think that piranhas are very __________________ creatures. | DANGER |
What do you think is the most stressful and __________________ job in Britain? | DANGER |
If we sit in a traffic jam for a few minutes, we start feeling __________________ and irritated. But imagine you had to do that every day as your job! | NERVE |
She got great shots of the White House, the Capitol and some other __________________ buildings. | FAME |
In her opinion, putting out fires is a __________________ job but women are able to do it too. | DANGER |
There are people who want to keep the cute exotic animal as a pet which may put the koala in a really __________________ situation. |
Many people associate this city with the __________________ musical band, the Beatles. | FAME |
Every year, lots of new stars become __________________ but for a short time. | FAME |
Thousands of tourists visit Edinburgh every year. The capital of Scotland is __________________ for its history and architecture. | FAME |
Most graffiti street artists are anonymous. However there are some artists who have become globally __________________. Like the twin brothers from Brazil who call themselves Os Gemeos. | FAME |
However, children should never be left on their own - bonfires and fireworks are potentially __________________. | DANGER |
Siem Reap is a small town in Cambodia, a country in southeast Asia. It is built around a __________________ cathedral. | FAME |
It is one of the most __________________ opera houses in the world. | FAME |
He enjoys drawing __________________ characters from animated films. | VARY |
-al (суффикс прил., прим. person-personal, nation-national)
They are better in making business and __________________ contacts. | PERSON |
It's not at all surprising that weather is a favourite topic for many people around the world. It affects where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our __________________ character. | NATION |
Kelly's family loved to watch football together. Sometimes they watched college games, but normally they watched __________________ teams play. This evening was special. | PROFESSION |
Now Shepherd’s pie is considered to be a __________________ British food but similar recipes can be found in other countries, although they may have different names. | TRADITION |
It’s one of the __________________ centres of the country. | CULTURE |
In the evening you can listen to __________________ Irish music played in the streets and in the pubs. | TRADITION |
British cuisine is simple. Puddings, stews, pies and breads are __________________ British dishes. Many of them are cooked and eaten on holidays. | TRADITION |
The choice of dishes has been influenced by the climate, history and __________________ position of the country. | GEOGRAPHY |
The study also shows that people in the UK are very __________________ and focus on the dream jobs they have a realistic chance of getting. | PRACTICE |
It makes profit without destroying __________________ resources. | NATURE |
Only here you can find a wide choice of __________________ and unique shops. | ORIGIN |
Russia is a large country with great diversity in flora and fauna. There are several large __________________ parks in Russia. |
In some __________________ tales, the wolf is often represented as a clever animal that helps the main character, Ivan. | RUSSIA |
The Internet has changed the situation dramatically. Now the audience has an opportunity to create the news, share their________________ knowledge and express their opinions. | PERSON |
I wish they wouldn’t as I like starting my day with a cup of coffee and a __________________ newspaper. | TRADITION |
Every year the world goes dark for one hour, the Earth Hour. The event is organised by the __________________ World Wildlife Fund. | NATION |
The Earth Hour is a part of an __________________ education campaign whose aim is to make people understand their responsibility to the planet. | ECOLOGY |
If someone asks what your nationality is, how do you answer? For British people __________________ identity is a complex issue. | NATION |
Each of the ‘nations’ has a lot in common but they also have their own unique culture and __________________ lifestyle. | TRADITION |
Not long ago he stopped using the __________________ scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. | TRADITION |
Language skills help people to travel, study, and establish __________________ links with colleagues from other countries. |
So far he has written six books about artificial intelligence, and four of them have become __________________ best sellers in the USA. | NATION |
-ly как суффикс прилагательного (
If you don’t like it, go to Covent Garden. There you can have a __________________ cup of tea or a cappuccino in a quiet coffee house. | LOVE |
Exercise is one reason, the others are clean air and a diet based on vegetables and olive oil. People of all ages in Andorra are cheerful and __________________. | FRIEND |
She was a __________________, cheerful girl and we were glad to have her join us. | FRIEND |
-y (суффикс прил., прим. sun-sunny, noise-noisy)
Many tourists don't like staying in city hotels. They prefer to avoid __________________ cities completely. | NOISE |
There are lots of products that help us fight bad moods and depression. If you feel down and __________________, just get a bar of dark chocolate from the fridge. | SLEEP |
Dublin is a green city. It is such a pleasure to walk there on a hot __________________ day. | SUN |
I really couldn't stop eating the fresh buns, rolls and cakes. They were so __________________. | TASTE |
Axel is a 9-year-old Bulgarian orphan. He was adopted by a __________________ western family. |
Scotland is known for its __________________ meat dishes and cakes. Wales has a strong fishing culture. As a result, Welsh cookery includes a lot of seafood, such as shrimps and crabs. | TASTE |
On __________________ days people say they're less satisfied with their lives. But whatever the weather is, it’s important to spend enough time outdoors. | RAIN |
Animated films may be __________________ but clever and useful to learn new skills. | FUN |
The __________________ thing was that a tiny bit of snow was enough to cancel school and even to close some businesses. | FUN |
We were very __________________ with the weather and we spent most of our days on the beach. | LUCK |
“It’s good to feed people. I enjoy seeing them smile –– it’s important, isn’t it?” Michael says. Next week he’s going to take a cooking course. On completing it, he will be able to make __________________ pizzas himself! | TASTE |
I was __________________ that she managed to find some time for me. | LUCK |
-IVE (суффикс прил., прим. expense-expensive, create-creative)
Men and women wear beautiful clothes, and the tickets to the race are very __________________. | EXPENSE |
The ceremony is an __________________ event with lots of film stars. | IMPRESS |
I have never become a professional journalist but from time to time I publish some pieces of my __________________ writing on my blog. | CREATE |
Doing business online is less __________________ and more convenient than running a traditional business, with offices and lots of employees. | EXPENSE |
He is very talented and __________________. | CREATE |
It doesn’t work for everybody but when it does, it is very __________________. | EFFECT |
I’ve been Liverpool’s __________________ since I was a small boy. The team is based at the Anfield Stadium. | SUPPORT |
The Camp has a view over the __________________ Hampson Valley. | IMPRESS |
It was built in the 12th century but it still looks magnificent and very __________________. | IMPRESS |
Ireland is the country of myths and legends. Even the local people are not sure which of them were based on facts and which are the product of someone’s __________________ imagination. | CREATE |
The town is really remarkable. There you will find some __________________ stone monuments and statues, ancient buildings and picturesque ruins. | IMPRESS |
If you like sightseeing, you can visit the famous Dublin Castle, one of the most __________________ buildings in the city. |
and the show looks very __________________. | IMPRESS |
Some people believe that the most __________________ way is to study English in Britain or in any other English-speaking country. | EFFECT |
Dad is a very __________________ person and often invents new games for us. | CREATE |
The Japanese have also worked out an __________________ system of informing people: phone companies automatically notify their customers about emergencies and disasters. These warnings are very efficient, and free of charge. | EFFECT |
When tourists choose eco trips, they stay in local houses with local people, not in __________________ hotels. They travel on foot, by boat, bicycle or elephant to avoid pollution. | EXPENSE |
The wolf is usually direct and __________________ and helps Ivan to cope with many difficult problems. | CREATE |
The Internet supposes interaction, which makes it very __________________ to people. | ATTRACT |
They had an __________________ range of courses - for all levels and ages. As for the accommodation, there were two options: staying in a student hostel or living with a host family. | IMPRESS |
A person can tell you nice or rude things, can’t he? As for John, he is a really nice and __________________ person. |
So Michael decided to look for a more __________________ job. | ATTRACT |
My flatmates’ grades were __________________ too! | IMPRESS |
Kurzweil thinks that by 2030, computers will do more __________________ tasks. They will be able to understand ordinary spoken language and show emotions. | IMPRESS |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Данная разработка представляет собой сведенные в один документ все тексты с заданиями к ним из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ к ОГЭ по обществознанию раздел "Сфера духовной культуры". Для удоб...