Проверочные работы. Тест 5
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Фёдорова Елена Вениаминовна

Проверочные работы. Тест 5


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Translate into English:

1.  Идет дождь. ………………………………………………………………              2. Сегодня прохладно и туманно. ………………………………………………….. 3. Сегодня облачно и ветрено. …………………………………………………….. 4. Жарко и солнечно. ……………………………………………………………..

5. Холодно и идет снег……………………………………………………………

2. Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. You are going/Are you going to play basketball next week?
  2. What is you going/are you going to watch next week?
  3. I am not going/am going not to go to the swimming pool tomorrow?
  4. Peter and Steve are going/is going to have a Saturday party.
  5. Four people is going/are going to be late.

3. Complete the sentences with must/mustn’t and the verb from the box.

    write                put                 switch off                      listen to                         arrive

  1. You must/mustn’t...............................  your teacher at the lesson.
  2. You must/mustn’t ........................  a mobile on the plane.
  3. You must/mustn’t ........................ your rubbish into the bin.
  4. You must/mustn’t ........................  on your desk.
  5. You must/mustn’t ........................ late to school.

4. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. We’re going to arrive there on two hours/in two hours.

2. She is going to call this night/tonight.

3. They are going to buy a house next year/the year after.

4. I’m going to go to Africa next week/last week.

5. It’s going to snow the tomorrow/tomorrow.

5. Order the words to make questions.

1. country house / big / your / is / How?


2. run / fast / How / a / Lamborghini / does?


3. a / man / walk / far / How / can?


4. long / the / River Volga / is / How?


5. the / Pyramids / are / old / How?


6. Read the text and answer the questions.

Last Summer Holiday

Last Summer I went to Nice. It's a great place to have a holiday. People are very friendly and

hospitable. Especially, the port of Nice is a fantastic place to visit.
 On the first day, we went to a restaurant with a terrace. It had a wonderful view of the sea. Also, the dishes were absolutely delicious. On the second day, we went to two museums. First, we went to an art museum. There weren't many pictures, but there were a lot of modern art productions. I didn't like them a lot. Second, we went to a very unusual museum of popular crafts. There was a lot of old crafts from different places of the World. It was really interesting to see them. After visiting the museums, we returned to our hotel room as we were really tired. Finally, we spent a whole day at the great beaches of Nice. We swam, sunbathed and had a great time on the beach of Nice. It was a short but very entertaining and relaxing holiday.

I definitely want to go to Nice again.

Are they TRUE or FALSE according to the text?

1. The author liked the food in the restaurant.               ____

2. He went to an art museum after the crafts museum.  ____

3. He had a long holiday there.                                      ____

4. He spent the last day at the beach.                             ____

5. He only went to two museums on the second day.    ____

7. Write about your holiday plans. Answer these questions with complete sentences.

1. Where are you going? ....................................................................................................


2. When are you going? ......................................................................................................


3. Why are you going to go there? .......................................................................................


4. Who are you going with? ...............................................................................................


5. Where are you going to stay? ............................................................................................


6. How long are you staying there? ....................................................................................


7. How are you going to get there? .........................................................................................


8. What do you want to do there? .............................................................................................


9. What are you going to eat? ......................................................................................................


10. What are you going to bring back or to buy there? ..............................................................


Total: 40 points

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