Проверочные работы. Тест 4
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Write animal words.
- …………….. – шимпанзе
- ……………. – кит
- Rattlesnake - …………….
- Polar bear - ……………..
- ………… - носорог
- Turtle - ………………….
- Choose the right word.
- Puffins can swim very well/good.
- Pandas are usually quiet/quietly.
- Tarantulas are good pets if you look after them careful/carefully.
- Some spiders are dangerous/dangerously.
- Emus can’t fly, but they can run very quick/quickly.
- Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.
- They ………… (walk) in the park.
- Mary and Lisa ………… (study)French.
- We ……………. (have) lunch at the café.
- The cat …………. (play) in the garden.
- Our teacher …….. (write) on the blackboard.
- Write present continuous questions. Then write short answers.
- It / snow / today? No, .....
- You / watch / a new film on TV now? Yes, ……
- Your mum / cook / dinner at the moment? No, …….
- Your friends / do / homework now? Yes, ........
- Nick / swim / in the sea today? No, .........
- Choose the correct answer.
- Lessons ………. at 8:30 in the morning.
- are usually starting b) usually start
- At the moment the polar bears…………… in the pool.
- are swimming b) swim
- Our teacher …………us a lot of homework.
- always gives b) is always giving
- Lions ………… in prides.
- are living b) live
- Look! A big cockroach……………. in the kitchen.
- is crawling b) crawls
- Complete the text with these words.
Be (3) eat have hunt see live |
Tiger …(1) a wild animal. It …(2) a big wild cat. Its weight is about 300 kilos. It …(3) a strong body. It is orange with black stripes. It …. (4) a hunter. It … (5) meat. It …(6) after small and big animals. It …(7) in warm countries - in Africa, Far East in Russia, India and China. You can … (8) this beautiful animal in a zoo. Total: 34 points
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