Тренировочные упражнения на отработку косвенной речи и согласования времен
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
В данном материале содержится подборка тренировочных упражнений по указанным темам.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.
- “I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said.
- “You may take my textbook,” Nonna said.
- “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.
- “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.
- “My sister is ready to go” Helen said.
- “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
- “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.
- “I am not married,” Jimmy said.
- “I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.
Упражнение 2. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Переведите в косвенную речь.
Example 1: I have already finished the test. -> He said he had already finished the test.
- We have gone on holiday.
- Nelly can’t write; she has cut her finger.
- The Ivanovs have travelled to many places.
- Sam has already learnt the poem.
- My sister has broken my pencil.
- My dad has never travelled by plane.
- Andrew has lost his keys.
- Jill has never slept in a tent.
Example 2: The party finished late. —> He said (that) the party had finished late.
- They lived in a camp when they were on holiday.
- My brother got up early this morning.
- Li was a famous sportsman.
- The couple agreed to meet at six.
- Yesterday, I saw Mary in the street.
- Sammy arrived by train.
- Nicky went home early yesterday.
- The kids played tennis in the yard.
Example 3: I’ll meet them at school. —> He said he would meet them at school.
- The match will take place next week.
- This work will take little time.
- My parents will come at 3.
- Mike will do this exercise later.
- My friend won’t be able to come.
- They’ll build a new hotel here.
- It will rain tomorrow.
- Sandy won’t be able to come.
- We’ll have examinations next year.
Упражнение 3. Imagine that you met your friend and he told you something. Writе what he told you.
Example: I haven’t seen you for a long ;> He told me that he hadn’t seen me for a long time.
- I was away from school because I was ill.
- I phoned you many times but you were out.
- Some of the schoolmates came to see me.
- I had a cold and stayed in bed.
- I watched TV.
- I’ll come to school next week.
- I’ll be better I hope.
- The doctor has given me many pills.
Упражнение 4. Перепишите предложения из косвенной речи в прямую.
Example: He said the meeting had finished. —> The meeting has finished.
- He said that his bus hadn’t come in time the day beforе.
- The boys said they would go to the football match.
- He said their team hadn’t won the last game.
- Molly said that she had gone to the library after school.
- Liz said that she would go home early.
- Wе said that we hadn’t made any plans yet.
Косвенная речь упражнения. Вопросительные предложения.
Переходим к упражнениям на отработку перевода вопросительных предложений из прямой речи в косвенную.
Упражнение 5. Imagine that you saw your doctor yesterday because you had a bad headache. Tell your partner what questions the doctor asked.
Example: Do you sleep well?
— The doctor asked me if I slept well.
- Is anything wrong with you?
- Do you sometimes have headaches?
- Are you taking any medicine now?
- Do you spend much time out- of-doors?
- Do you do sports?
- Have you a good appetite?
- Do you usually go to bed late?
- Will you follow my advice?
Упражнение 6. Imagine that a reporter from the local newspaper came to your school yesterday. Report his questions.
Еxample: How long have you studied at this school?
— He asked me how long I had studied at that school.
- What do you like about your school?
- What school activity did you have last?
- What good habits have you formed at school?
- What is your favorite subject?
- What is more important for you at school?
- How often do you go on school trips?
- What is your school record?
Упражнение 7. Report the questions.
Example: Are you glad to be back?
— He asked me if I was glad to be back.
- How are you?
- How long have you been away?
- Are you going away again?
- What will you do in future?
- Why did you come back?
- What are you doing now?
- Have you made new friends?
- Where are you living now?
Упражнение 8. Report the questions.
Example: Are you English?
— She asked him if he was English.
- Can Molly speak English?
- What impressed you most in England?
- When did Rick come home yesterday?
- Does Megan like travelling?
- Will you come to my place on Friday?
- Is it your second visit to England?
- Why have you come to scotland?
- Will Molly stay at the hotel long?
Упражнение 9. Write reported questions.
Example: “Who is he?” she asked.
— She asked who he was.
- “Why is she working so late?” he asked.
- “Is she British?” he asked.
- “What’s her name?” he asked.
- “What did she buy?” he asked.
- “Will you have something to eat?” she asked.
- “Have they got any money?” she asked.
- “How did you do that?” she asked.
Косвенная речь упражнения. Побудительные предложения.
Упражнение 10. Imagine that your mother gave you some instructions. Report them to your partner. Use the sentences below.
Example: Feed the cat.
She told me to feed the cat.
- Come home straight after school.
- Warm up your dinner.
- Wash up the dishes after the dinner.
- Buy bread, milk and sugar.
- Start doing your homework before I come.
- Take the dog for a walk.
- Clean your room.
- Wait for me at home.
Упражнение 11. Tell your partner what instructions you have got from different teachers today. Use the sentences below.
Don’t be late for the lesson.
— She told us not to be late for the lesson
- Don’t stay outside after the bell comes.
- Don’t run along the corridor.
- Don’t make noise.
- Don’t look into your neighbor’s exercise-book.
- Don’t lie on your desk.
- Don’t ask me silly questions.
- Don’t waste time at the lesson.
- Listen to me attentively.
- Write down the rule into your exercise-books.
- Get down to work.
Надеюсь, вы справились с этими упражнениями по теме Косвенная речь.
Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!
Спасибо. Оччень удачные упражнения!
Пожалуйста, собирала для своих учеников)))
- ири
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