Игры на английском в презентациях
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Игра: Likes and dislikes
Игра: Sweeteater
Игра: Days and months
Игра: Guess the number
Игра: Adverbs of frequency
Игра: The breaking news
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
love like d on’t like ca n’t stand hate
Good morning ! We have a new student at school . Hello ! I’m Luis, I’m from Spain . Now I’m living at Peter’s house . I have a small family . We are four members : my father , my mother , my sister and myself . My mother’s name is María. She is a secretary . She likes her job and cooking . She can’t stand reality shows. My father , Francisco, is a teacher . He loves to teach and to play basketball with his students . He hates garlic . My sister’s name is Marta. She is ten years old . She likes reading and she doesn’t like mathematics . And about me, I like to study English and play video games . I don’t like boxing because I think it is agressive , I prefer football . We love to have dinner together . Nice to meet you , Luis. Read the text and complete the sentences :
His mother _________ her job . NEXT d oesn’t like likes loves hates c an’t stand likes 1/12
Her mother ____________ reality shows. NEXT d oesn’t like c an’t stand loves hates likes can’t stand 2/12
His mother _________ cooking . NEXT d oesn’t like likes loves hates c an’t stand likes 3/12
His father _________ to teach . NEXT d oesn’t like loves likes hates c an’t stand loves 4/12
His father _______ garlic . NEXT d oesn’t like hates loves likes c an’t stand hates 5/12
His father _______ play basketball . NEXT d oesn’t like loves likes hates c an’t stand loves 6/12
hates likes His sister _______ reading . NEXT d oesn’t like loves c an’t stand likes 7/12
hates d oesn’t like His sister ___________ mathematics . NEXT likes loves c an’t stand d oesn’t like 8/12
Luis _______ to study English. NEXT d oesn’t like likes loves hates c an’t stand likes 9/12
hates d oesn’t like Luis ___________ boxing . NEXT likes loves c an’t stand d oesn’t like 10/12
Luis _______ to play video games . NEXT d oesn’t like likes loves hates c an’t stand likes 11/12
They _______ to have dinner together . EXIT don’t like love like hate c an’t stand love 12/12
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Eat the ice cream
Eat the ice cream Eat the candy cane
Eat the candy cane Eat the cake
Eat the cake Eat the gingerbread man
Eat the gingerbread man Eat the milkshake
Eat the milkshake Eat the lollypop
Eat the lollypop Eat the cupcake
Eat the cupcake Eat the biscuit
Eat the biscuit Eat the doughnut
Eat the doughnut Eat the jelly
Eat the jelly Well done!!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Days of the week
monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday
sunday monday friday 1/7 We don’t go to school this day . sunday
wednesday monday saturday The day before thursday . wednesday 2/7
friday thursday saturday A shopping day called “Black … “ friday 3/7
thursday monday friday The day before friday . thursday 4/7
tuesday wednesday friday The day after monday . tuesday 5/7
saturday monday tuesday A day of the weekend . saturday 6/7
monday sunday tuesday The first day of the week . monday 7/7
Months of the year
January February March April June July May August September October November December
January April February The first month of the year . January 1/12
October November December Halloween is in this month . October 2/12
August June September The month after July . August 3/12
December November January The month of Christmas. December 4/12
May March June There are a lot of flowers in this month . May 5/12
September June February The school year starts in this month . September 6/12
February June April Saint Valentine’s day is in this month . February 7/12
April July June Fools-day is in this month . April 8/12
July June January In America , the Independence Day is in this month . July 9/12
March May June Easter is in April or … March 10/12
November September December Thanksgiving Day is in this month . November 11/12
June April May The month before July . June 12/12 EXIT
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
eleven sixteen twelve twenty next
thirteen twenty twelve fourteen next
twelve fourteen eighteen twenty next
eighteen nineteen fourteen twenty next
sixteen nineteen twenty fifteen next
fifteen thirteen twenty seventeen next
seventeen twenty fourteen nineteen next
nineteen eighteen twenty thirteen next
fourteen fifteen eleven nineteen next
twenty twelve senventeen fourteen next
14 15 11 19 next fourteen
19 18 20 13 next nineteen
17 20 14 19 next seventeen
15 13 20 17 next fifteen
11 16 12 20 next eleven
12 16 20 17 next twelve
16 20 14 19 next sixteen
20 13 14 18 next twenty
18 17 14 19 next eighteen
13 1 5 14 18 next thirteen
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Detectives have arrested a monkey for stealing cameras in the zoo.
The dangerous crocodile has escaped from the aquarium.
A restaurant chef has attacked his customers with a kitchen knife.
A man has walked on the rope between two skyscapers .
A 5 year-old girl has rescued her family and a pet cat from fire.
The magician has lost his rabbit in a hat.
A group of teenagers have bitten chocolate statuses in the shopping mall.
An eagle has crashed into a jet fighter at height of 10,000 metres .
Two famous actors hav e found themselves in a hospital after a poor stunt.
Two famous actors hav e found themselves in a hospital after a poor stunt.
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