Present Continuous
материал по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous
- I (to work) now
- He (eat) an apple
- Natalia (write) a letter
- Anna (to have) breakfast
- They (to go) at work
- They (listen) to music
- She (sit) on a sofa
- Tom (to play) football
- Cats (to drink) milk
- She (to read) a book
2 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous
- I am ___ now (run)
- She is ___ (cry)
- Dog is___ (bark)
- My wife is ___ the dinner (make)
- He is ___ on the chair (sit)
- They are___ (stay)
- Tom is___ her (help)
- She is ___ her parents (visit)
- I am___ a newspaper (read)
- I am___ a car (drive)
3 Напишите вопрос и отрицание к предложению
- They are having launch
- She is doing housework
- He is having a shower
- They are playing football
- Dog is barking
- Masha is reading magazines
- Marina is wearing skirts
- They are visiting their parents
- Kris is working
- She is sitting on a sofa
4 Составьте предложения в Present Continuous
- football / play / he
- Irina / trousers / wear
- rain / it
- cook / we / breakfast
- I / drink / coffee
- The sun / shine
- wash / I / my hair
- wait / for a bus / he
- cry / Anna
- Marina / have / a shower
5 Переведите предложения, используя Present Continuous
- Она ест яблоко
- Ирина играет на гитаре
- Том ведет автобус
- Я гуляю
- Он ждет автобус
- Мы завтракаем
- Она ведет машину
- Я сейчас работаю
- Альбина читает газету
6 Задайте вопросы в Present Continuous
- My friends are doing housework (what)
- He is going to a shop (where)
- She is cooking a cake (what)
- She is waiting for a bus (what)
- Anna is wearing trousers (what)
- Masha is walking in a park (where)
- You are waiting for her (who)
- They are eating bananas (what)
- Mark is driving a car (what)
- You are watching TV (what)
Вставьте глаголы из списка в предложения в форме Present continuous
play, wear, use, get up, have, dance, read, watch, go, wait
- They ___ dinner
- They ___ early
- Anna ___ the piano
- He ___ TV
- She ___ for a bus
- Larisa ___ not ___ books
- She ___ laptop
- I ___ to the gym
- She ___ on a scene
- ___ you ___ a watch?
Допишите окончание -ing глаголу
read_ play_ lie_ use_ watch_ go_ cut_ do_ stop_ find_
Дайте краткий положительный и отрицательный ответы на заданный вопрос
- Are you reading?
- Is she going to a shop?
- Are they playing?
- Is Anna crying?
- Are Mark and Tom waiting for a bus?
- Is he working now?
- Is Marina having a shower?
- Are children doing housework?
- Are you listening to music?
- Are they dancing?
Вставьте am, are или is
- ___ he working?
- I ____ lying
- She ___ watching TV
- ___ they eating tomatoes?
- They ___ waiting for Sara
- Where ___ he going?
- What ___ they drinking?
- Katrine ___ crying
- ___ he cooking soup?
- She ___ wearing skirts
Какие из этих глаголов не употребляются в настоящем продолженном времени
Like try wait know to be finish love start see fly
Определите в каких предложениях используется время Present continuous
- I love you
- He isn’t reading
- Do you know?
- What are you doing?
- Yes, he does
- Is he a student?
- He is walking
- She is pretty
- It is my car
- It is raining
Complete the sentences
1. I __ (watch) a reality show on TV.
2. My favourite team __ (win)!
3. Someone __ (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people __ (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We __ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I __ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum __ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother __ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad __ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara __ (talk) by phone.
11. Joe __ (play) on the computer.
12. Who __(watch) TV?
13. Tina __ (do) grammar exercises.
14. I __ (eat) a pizza.
15. We __ (sit) in the classroom.
16. I __ (not write) an email.
17. Amy __ (not go) to school today.
18. We __ (not have) fun today.
19. My team __ (not win) the match.
20. My parents __ (drive) to work now.
21. __ they __ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.
22. __ you __ (learn) English? Yes I am.
23. __ Helen __ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.
24. __ Sarah __ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
25. We __ (not play) basketball.
Complete the sentences
1. Trina __ (walk) past the supermarket.
2. Where are you? We __ (wait) for you!
3. I´m on a bus and it __ (not move).
4. When __ you __ (come) to see me?
5. I __ (sit) on a bus.
6. Pete´s mother __ (not have) a burger.
7. John´s friends __ (play) football at the Sports Centre.
8. My best friend __ (sit) next to me.
9. I __ (not wear) something blue.
10. My teacher __ (not stand) behind me.
Complete the sentences
1. I __ (learn) how to swim.
2. I __ (eat) my lunch.
3. I __ (watch) television.
4. She __ (read) a book.
5. Dad __ (bake) a cake.
6. My sister __ (listen) to music.
7. Peter __ (clean) his car.
8. The dog __ (bark) in the garden.
9. We __ (sing) our favourite song.
10. My brother and I __ (play) a computer game.
11. The teachers __ (show) us a film.
12. They __ (bring) a TV in the classroom.
13. She´s bored. Her friend __ (watch) TV again.
14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea __ (win) the match.
15. I´m scared. A big dog __ (stand) in front of me.
16. She´s happy. She __ (not work) today.
17. I´m worried. It __ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella.
18. The teacher is annoyed. We __ (not listen).
19. What __ you __ (wait) for? I´m __ (wait) for John.
20. __ it __ (snow)? No, it __ (rain).
21. What __ you __ (do) today? We __ (go) to the park.
22. __ you __ (listen) to me? No, I __ (listen) to the radio.
23. __ you __ (watch) TV? No, we __ (study).
24. What __ you __ (do)? I __ (do) my homework.
25. __ they __ (sleep)? Yes, they are.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. He (to work) in the city centre.
2. I (to write) an essay now.
3. You (to go) to school on Sundays?
4. We (not to dance) every day.
5. They (to play) in the hall now?
6. Where he (to live)? – He (to live) in a village.
7. He (to sleep) now?
8. They (to read) many books.
9. The children (to eat) cakes now.
10. He (to help) his mother every day.
11. You (to play) the piano well?
12. Look! Michael (to dance) now.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. Her father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired.
2. Where your uncle (to work)? – He (to work) at school.
3. Your friend (to do) his homework now?
4. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at four o’clock.
5. My sister (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the evening.
6. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment?
7. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the dentist’s now.
8. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio?
9. You (to play) chess now?
10. My father (not to work) at the shop.
11. Look at the sky: the clouds (to move) slowly, the sun (to appear) from behind the clouds, it (to get) warmer.
12. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.
13. What your friend (to do) now? – She (to wash) the dishes.
14. Your grandfather (to work) at this factory?
Переведите на английский язык и раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. (NOW)
1.Мы пишем.
2. Они не читают.
3. Она не работаем.
4. Вы смотрите?
5. Он не читает.
6. Они не играют на пианино.
7. Я не пеку торт.
8. Она не поет.
9. Ее сестра не спит.
10. Бабушка не пьет чай?
11. Твои друзья пьют кофе?
12. Она работает за столом.
13. Я пишу письмо.
14. Я делаю упражнение.
15. Мальчики не плавают в бассейне.
16. Они играют в футбол?
17. Моя сестра моет пол.
18. Моя подруга помогает своему ребенку.
19. Ты помогаешь папе?
20. Ученики читают интересную историю.
21. Они читают книгу.
21. Она идет в школу.
22. Они читают?
23. Твоя бабушка кушает конфеты?
24. Джон готовит ужин.
25. Билл бегает в парке.
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Я читаю.
2. Он не пишет.
3. Мы не работаем.
4. Вы читаете?
5. Он спит?
6. Ник и Майк играют в футбол.
7. Кэйт играет на рояле.
8. Она не поет.
9. Моя сестра спит.
10. Папа пьет чай?
11. Твои родители пьют чай?
12. Я не сплю.
13. Она сидит за столом.
14. Мы делаем упражнение.
15. Мы не купаемся.
16. Они играют во дворе?
17. Нина и Энн моют пол.
18. Ник помогает маме.
19. Ты помогаешь папе?
20. Моя сестра читает интересную книгу.
21. Они идут в школу.
22. Вы идете в школу?
23. Он работает?
24. Твоя бабушка идет в магазин?
25. Он покупает конфеты.
26. Что делает твоя сестра?
27. Где играют дети?
28. Почему ты смеешься?
29. Куда они идут?
30. Что несут эти мальчики?
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