«Парки и скверы моего родного города Пятигорска» (The parks and squares of my home town Pyatigorsk)»
занимательные факты по английскому языку (10 класс)
«Из истории города-курорта Пятигорска (From the history of the resort town of Pyatigorsk)»
Предварительный просмотр:
Корнеева Наталья Михайловна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №6 г. Пятигорска
Секция: « Достопримечательности города-курорта Пятигорска (The sights of the resort town of Pyatigorsk)»
Название работы: «Парки и скверы моего родного города Пятигорска» (The parks and squares of my home town Pyatigorsk)»
Разработано для I городской научно-практической конференции «Прославляем родной город Пятигорск» «We glorify our home town Pyatigorsk», посвященной реализации программы по изучению истории и культуры города-курорта Пятигорска
The sights of the resort town of Pyatigorsk слайд 1
1.Andjievsky square слайд 2
Nowadays this former Pushkin Square is named after Andjievsky, as his monument stands here. Grigory Andjievsky was an active participant in the struggle for Soviet power. Andjievsky was sent to Pyatigorsk in 1919. He was hanged on Mount Kazachki. A monument was erected on the mountain to commemorate this event.
2.Gagarin square слайд 3
The arrangement of the square can be attributed to the opening in 1963 of the first large-format cinema "Cosmos" in the North Caucasus. The area around the cinema was landscaped: an artificial pond and a monument to Yuri Gagarin (1968) were arranged.
3.Kirova square слайд 4
Kirova Square is located in the immediate vicinity of the Pyatigorsk railway station. It is a small green area between Kirov Avenue and University Street. From the west it is bounded by a tram line. In 1959, a monument to Soviet politician S.M. Kirov was erected in the northern part of the square.
4.Fountain Dedy square слайд 5
Once the square was a part of the City Square. From the west it is bounded by Dzerzhinsky St., from the north — Kirov Avenue, from the east — Sobornaya Street, from the south — Rubin St.. The central part of the square is occupied by the fountain "Dedy” or “Grandfathers", opened in 1890. In the XX century, monuments to the local Soviet politicians Anjievsky, Stalin were erected on the territory of the square at various times. In the first half of the XIX century, there was a bazaar on the territory of the square. Today, the walking and recreation areas remained around the fountain.
5.Lenin square слайд 6
In the center of Pyatigorsk there is the main square of the city, which bears the name of Lenin. On its territory there are many beautiful flowerbeds and a colored singing fountain. On Fridays and Saturdays in the summer, you can watch a magnificent color musical performance.
6.Lermontov square слайд 7
The square founded in 1889 is situated on an elevated site, offering a magnificent view of the Caucasus Range, the Spassky Cathedral, the Leo Tolstoy Square and Mashuk Mountain. Green alleys and benches attract not only locals but also city guests. Bright flowerbeds, many avenues, sprawling trees and cascading stairs have become a striking addition to the square, which is a hallmark of historic Pyatigorsk.
The Lermontov Monument is still the most visited monument in the city today. Every year poetry festivals are held in the square at its foot. Poets from all over Russia come here. And, of course, no tour around the city is complete without a visit to Lermontov Square.
7.Pushkin square слайд 8
In every city of our country there is a street, a square named after the greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The resort city of Pyatigorsk is no exception, with which the poet's fate brought him twice. The monument to Pushkin by Anikushin appeared in Pyatigorsk in 1981. The square became a venue for events related to the great Russian poet. Twice a year, schoolchildren, teachers and admirers of Pushkin's talent come here to lay flowers at his monument and read the poet's poems.
8. Tolstoy square слайды 9-10
Tolstoy Square is not a big square in the center of Pyatigorsk, surrounded by ancient buildings, near the entrance to the Tsvetnik or Flower Garden Park. From here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the central boulevard Kirov.
Leo Tolstoy spent several years of his youth in the Caucasus, and it played an important role in the formation of Leo Tolstoy as a writer. In 2005, a monument to the genius of Russian literature was erected on the site of the memorial plate in the park.
The famous flower calendar is also a part of the square. It appeared in 1962 and became one of the most favourite attractions among tourists. From May to September we can see a date changed daily and the name of the month is renewed monthly.
9.Bernardazzi street square(ZAGS) слайд 11
The building of Zags located in the central part of Pyatigorsk on Bernardazzi Street is an architectural monument of the middle of the XIX century. The two-storied mansion was built by architect Samuel Upton from large blocks of light Mashuk stone in the
classical Italian style. And since 1979, the registry office has been "registered" here. Today, the area beside the historic building is renovated and beautifully decorated.
1.Tsvetnik or Flower Garden Park слайд 12-14
One of the favorite walking places of Pyatigorsk residents and guests is the Flower Garden Park, the oldest in the city.
In the summer of 1828, on the site of a vacant lot near the Nikolaev baths, by order of General A.P. Ermolov, a park was laid out. It was decorated with low shrubs and flower beds, a bedside table with a sundial was installed in the center, and green benches were placed on sandy paths. There was also a whole pool of mineral water in the park.
In 1829, the new park received its first visitors, one of whom was A.S. Pushkin.
Since the park was built in front of the building of the Nikolaevsky baths, it was named the Nikolaevsky Flower Garden.In 1901, a metal Lermontov gallery was assembled in front of the Nikolaevsky baths.
2. Emanuelev Park слайды 15-16
Emanuelevsky Park is located near the Academic Gallery. It was created in the classical English style by the architect Giuseppe-Marco Bernardazzi. During the construction, mineral springs were discovered and were aesthetically decorated in the form of water cascades. The park includes a beautiful fountain "frogs", a Chinese gazebo, Aeolian Harp, Rock garden, Lermontov 's Grotto.
Alexandr Pushkin and Michael Lermontov visited it. This park and its attractions became the place where the events of the Lermontov story "Princess Mary" occurred.
The renovated park in a short time has become one of the most popular places for residents and guests of the city.
3.Victory park слайд 17
In May 2018, Victory Park acquired a new look corresponding to the name. The main decoration of the park is the Victory stele with a height of 8.5 meters with the inscription "No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten." The theme of the victory over the German invaders is supported by 13 memorial pedestals with engraved names of hero cities. The entire memorial group is made in red granite. The main alley was
decorated with a fountain with a diameter of 16 meters. It is decorated in the form of the Order of Victory.
4. Kirov park слайд 18
One of the park areas of Pyatigorsk, where there is an opportunity not just to walk, but also to have a wonderful time with children, is the Kirov Park of Culture and Recreation.
Previously, there was a botanical garden. The idea of creating it belonged to General Emmanuel, the governor of the Caucasus since 1826.
At the end of the 19th century alleys were laid, gazebos and benches were put up, playgrounds were equipped, a boat station was equipped on the lake.
Now you can find here various attractions, a cinema, a Ferris wheel, small cafes, a summer concert hall,a stadium, a lake and tennis courts.
5.Komsomol park слайд 19
It was decided in 1966 to place the Komsomol Park on the territory of the former potato field. In 1968 tree seedlings were planted; a little later a monument to the "First Komsomol Members" was opened. A wide straight avenue was formed between the park and residential quarters, which it was decided to name in honor of the sister city of Pyatigorsk - Panagyurishte. There is a memorial complex of Glory in it, with the names of heroes-participants of the Great Patriotic War, Pyatigorsk residents.
After the tragedy at the Chernobyl NPS, 250 citizens voluntarily took part in the elimination of the consequences of the disaster. In 2006, memorial steles with the names of the liquidators were installed next to the monuments.
6.Rodnik park слайд 20
In a quiet suburb of Pyatigorsk there is one of the best places to relax in the North Caucasus — the restaurant and hotel complex "Park Rodnik".The unique park landscape and fresh air, well-maintained and carefully guarded territory of the complex, that's what makes this place ideal for a family holiday. On the territory of the park there is a cozy zoo and an exotarium.
Text tasks слайды 21-23
- How many of mentioned above squares are connected with historic persons?
1. None
3.All of them
2.Which square used to be named after another famous person?
1. Lermontov square
2. Pushkin square
3. Andjievsky square
4. Kirov square
3.According to the text Pushkin came to Pyatigorsk…
3.Three times
4. Many times
4.Where can you find a fountain?
1.Lenin square
2. Bernardazzi street square
3. Tsvetnik or Flower Garden Park
4.All variants are right
5. Which park used to have a whole pool of mineral water in it?
1. Kirov park
2. Tsvetnik or Flower Garden Park
3. Komsomol park
4. Emanuelev Park
Список использованной литературы:
- «Города России.Пятигорск» Сергеев И.,Рипол-Классик, 2017
- Карта-путеводитель «Пятигорск»,"Картинформ"
- Путеводитель "Пятигорск" от издателя Алексея Алейника
- Путеводитель "Прогулки по Северному Кавказу" Галины Шефер
- Путеводитель-справочник "Пятигорск", А. В. Данилов
- «Лермонтовский Пятигорск», «Снег»
- «Архитектура старого Пятигорска», С.В.Боглачёв
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