Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Культура"
методическая разработка по английскому языку
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Внеклассное воспитательное мероприятие по английскому языку
Учитель: Дущенко Анна Олеговна
Тема: «Culture / Культура»
Подтема: “Christmas in the UK and Russia / Рождество в Великобритании и России”
Цели урока:
- Практические: знакомство учеников с разницей Рождества в Великобритании и России.
- Образовательные: расширение кругозора и словарного запаса учащихся путем ознакомления с новым лексическим материалом по теме.
- Развивающие: совершенствование коммуникативной культуры учащихся; развитие памяти и мышления учащихся.
- Воспитательные: формирование интереса и уважения к культуре и особенностям родной страны и страны изучаемого языка; формировать у учащихся положительное отношение к новым знаниям, процессу обучения.
Тип урока: экскурсия.
Методы: наглядный, проблемный, словесный.
Оборудование: компьютер, колонки.
Время реализации: 1 урок (45 минут)
План урока:
- Организационный момент. Приветствие. (1 мин.)
- Постановка целей урока и мотивация. (3 мин.)
- Активизация лексического материала по теме «Новый год». Речевая разминка. (3 мин.)
- Открытие нового знания. (36 мин.)
- Рефлексия деятельности (итог урока). (2 мин.)
Ход мероприятия
Этап урока | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся |
I. Организационный момент (1 минута). | - Hello, children. I'm glad to see everyone. - Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. | - Hello, teacher. We are glad to see you too. |
II. Постановка учебной задачи (3 минуты) | - What holidays are coming soon? - Yes, you are right. New Year and Christmas are the holidays we like most of all. So, the topic of our event today is the peculiarities of Christmas celebrations in the UK and Russia. People prepare for these holidays beforehand: they send greetings cards, buy presents, make fancy dresses and decorate the New Year’s tree and their houses. And when the holiday comes they congratulate each other making presents, singing songs and reciting poems. | - New Year and Christmas! |
III. Активизация лексического материала по теме «Новый год» (3 минуты). | - Look at the screen. Who are these persons? -You are right! But where is Father Frost and where is Santa Claus? | - Father Frost and Santa Claus. - First is Father, second is Santa. |
IV. Открытие нового знания (36 минут) | - Do you the history of Christmas? - The history of Christmas celebrations in the UK goes back to ancient times. The English had a tradition of making and burning a Christmas log. In the middle Ages, there was a tradition to arrange theatrical performances – "mysteries". Participants put on masks and presented excerpts of biblical scenes to the audience. In 1644, the Protestant Church banned Christmas celebrations throughout the country. At the end of the XVII century, Christmas traditions began to revive. By the twentieth century, Christmas had become a purely family holiday. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came in 1841, when queen Victoria and prince Albert installed a coniferous beauty for their children at Windsor castle. The English liked this tradition. It quickly spread throughout the United Kingdom. - Do you know something about celebration of Christmas in England? - Yes, Christmas and the Christmas holiday cycle are the biggest festive event of the year in England. Christmas in England is preceded by Advent-preparation for Christmas (December 1-24). One of the main traditions of the preparatory weeks is wreaths with candles. These wreaths are made for the first Sunday, and consist of 5 candles - four red and one white. A new red candle is lit every Sunday. They are lit at a time when the family gathers together for prayer. A white candle is lit on the evening before Christmas as a symbol that Christ will come to the world and light up the darkness. The English have a long-standing custom, which they now celebrate on Christmas eve. It is called Yule Log. This custom is associated with the ancient Scandinavian festival of burning Yule Log. The Vikings burned a huge log to make the sun Shine brighter. A Christmas log should be cut down by the head of the family, not bought from someone else. It should burn in the fireplace along with the remains of last year's Christmas log. The log must burn all twelve days of Christmas. The ash of a Christmas log cures diseases and protects the home from lightning strikes. - What do you know else about Christmas traditions? - Let's listen to some English Christmas songs to experience the atmosphere of this holiday. - On Christmas Eve, December 24, the main Christmas tree is installed in Central Trafalgar square in London. Do you know something about Christmas gifts? - There are also traditional English dishes on the table: baked potatoes with bacon, roasted chestnuts, braised brussels sprouts with parsnips. The custom of baking traditional bread, which is a round tortilla decorated with patterns in the form of crosses, has been preserved. Some housewives arrange comic fortune-telling by baking a bean, a ring, a coin, or a button in Christmas bread. At a festive dinner, it is solemnly cut and divided among family members. Bob foretells happiness, button-failure, coin-wealth, ring-wedding. One piece of bread is left for the poor and taken to church the next day. The English celebrate Christmas before the New year, and for them it is a big holiday, a holiday of gifts, meetings, perhaps that is why they prepare so carefully for it. - The tradition of giving gifts is typical for many countries, since it is based on the fact that the Magi presented gifts to Jesus Christ. According to this tradition, you should not leave your relatives without gifts. Today, the English Christmas dinner includes such traditional dishes as stuffed Turkey and, of course, pudding (plum porridge). - Do you know about pudding? | - The word "Christmas" means "birth". On this night, the virgin Mary gave birth to a baby-the son of God, the Savior of the world. - As with any tradition, the English take Christmas very seriously. They cherish their traditions. The celebration of Christmas in England lasts 3 days. Christmas eve, Christmas day and the Day of Giving gifts. A week before the holiday, the houses are carefully cleaned. - Christ Light - a traditional Christmas product known throughout the UK. The festive attribute is an orange (round world) with a cleaned center and a candle inside (lighting the way, like the love of the Lord). The orange is decorated with a red ribbon (symbol of blood) and 4 sticks pointing in all directions of the world. Candy cane is another symbol of Christmas, presented as a white sweet with a red stripe with a taste of mint or cinnamon. It is made in the shape of the letter J (Jesus). All children get this candy from their parents for the holidays. The oldest and sweetest custom is a kiss under the mistletoe. According to tradition, any girl who lingered under a branch or mistletoe ornament could be kissed. The most important Christmas tradition in England is considered to be hymns. They are called "Carol" and are sung in churches before Christmas and on the streets, passing from one house to another. Previously, donations were collected for monasteries and orphanages in this way. Today, it is just a fun entertainment for most citizens. - On Christmas morning, happy children come down to the living room, where under the tree, in stockings or Christmas socks are the long-awaited gifts from Father Christmas. This tradition is connected with one of the legends about St. Nikolays. According to legend, the Saint gave three poor penniless women a purse of gold, secretly putting their gifts in the stockings of the girls, which they hung at night on the grate to dry. Since then, children leave their stockings by the fire in the hope of finding something pleasant in them in the morning. On this day, everyone gathers at the table in their parents' house, gives each other gifts, and exchanges cards. - Each hostess has her own recipe for making a festive pudding. The most common is oatmeal porridge, cooked in meat broth, with the addition of bread crumbs, raisins, prunes, honey and almonds. Before serving, the pudding is poured with yogurt or rum, and then set on fire. |
V. Рефлексия деятельности (2 минуты) | - Now that we know the specifics of celebrating Christmas in the UK, let's compare it with the traditions of the holiday in Russia. Teacher: Based on all the material, we can conclude that the celebration of Christmas in Russia and England has a number of minor similarities and significant differences. In conclusion, we can say that the hypothesis that there are significant differences in the features of Christmas celebrations in Russia and England has been confirmed. - So, let’s listen some Russian songs. - Today we learned a lot of new and interesting things about the traditions of celebrating Christmas in the UK and Russia. At the same time our event is over. Thank you all for your attention. | - Similarities: visit to the church; holiday is celebrated in winter; gifts; is caroling; tree. Contradictions: Christmas is celebrated in Russia and Great Britain, but the religion of these countries is different - Orthodox and Catholic. The history of the holiday is the same in Russia and the UK, but the traditions are different. - Thank you very much, teacher. |
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