Мир профессий. Будущий выбор.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Обобщение и систематизация лексико-грамматического материала по теме Мир профессий. Будущий выбор.10 класс.
Разработка содержит технологическую карту урока и презентацию к нему
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A filling has come out of your teeth A surgeon You n e ed le g al a d vice A dentist Your house is on fire A mechanic Your granny’s knee needs an operation A fireman All the lights in your house have gone out A lawyer Your neighbour’s flat has been burgled A psychologist You don’t get on well with your parents A policeman Your car doesn’t start An electrician
What is worth doing is worth doing well Many hands make light work No pains, no gains The work shows the workman Работа показывает работника Если уж делать что-то, то делать хорошо Без усилий нет достижений Когда рук много, работать легче
pie c hart
be inspired by some famous people 12 st. (46%) follow someone ' s footsteps 8 st. (more than 30%) be encouraged by teachers, parents, friends 4 st. (15 % ) follow someone's advice 2 st. ( more than 7 %)
1. J ob for anybody 2. Start your business 3 . A job with a high salary 4. Choosing a job 5. Zoo psychologist 6. Night work 7. Working with your hands 8 . Working for royals A . Some people can’t get out of the house easily to shop, don’t have the time to do it or just don’t enjoy shopping. If shopping is something you enjoy, turn it into a self-employed career. Personal shoppers give advice to customers and suggest products that may suit their needs. This can be anything from gifts to household goods to clothing. Advertise your services at locations such as senior citizens’ centres , community centres , shopping malls and grocery stores. Meet with the clients and find out what items (groceries, clothing, etc.) they need and how often. B . The market is changing very fast. In fact, there may be careers that exist when a student gets out of college that simply didn’t exist when they started. So rather than asking, “What do I want to be?,” pose these questions: “What skills do I have? What kinds of people do I like to work with? In what kind of environment?” This is a way to think about a career without necessarily naming it. You describe yourself in a functional way and then figure out what that’s called and if people get paid to do it. C. The regulations define this as the period between 11 pm and 6 am although this agreement can be slightly varied between employers and workers. Generally, people who work for at least three hours within the period must be offered a free health assessment before they begin their work duties and on a regular basis. Workers, however, do not have to accept this check. In general, workers must be over 18, although there are some exceptions to this rule. Teenagers aged 16 and 17, for example, can work according to this schedule, but only for 40 hours per week . D. When your dog won’t roll over or your cat is making a mess, you might have to call someone who specialises in pet behaviour to solve your problems. This person analyses the pet’s confidence and security inside and outside the home to find the source of the problem. By studying their instincts and social rituals in their natural habitat as well as around humans, they modify the unwanted behaviour . It is all about helping dogs, cats and horses feel safe and confident and secure inside and outside our homes. E. Being a queen’s piper involves playing the bagpipes for 15 minutes at 9 am under the Queen’s window when she is in residence at BuckinghamPalace , WindsorCastle , the Palace of Holyroodhouse or BalmoralCastle . The piper is also responsible for the co-ordination of the 12 Army pipers who play around the table after State Banquets. It’s important to be presentable and patient enough when escorting the Queen to the various audiences that she has throughout the day . F. A surgeon starts with a Bachelor’s degree, specializes in medicine and finally, surgery and then spends up to seven years as an intern or a resident. If you want to cut people open, they want to be really sure you know what you are doing. The field will be growing, as people now live longer. This is one of the highest demand and best paid jobs in the US because it takes so much skill and precision. Wages vary depending on the type of surgery, but on average this was the highest paid medical job in 2015 . G. Imagine you’re an electrician, you’re installing a pipe and have to bend around the corners to make everything line up. This kind of work requires improvisation and creativity. Besides, the wages of manual workers are greater than in many office jobs. For instance, a skilled mechanic usually earns more than a sociology graduate working in publishing. Besides, the job offers small moments of joy, like when the bike you’re mending starts up and runs. But not everything about manual work is rosy. Furniture making, for example, is not a good career move . Установите соответствие между текстами A - G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A B C D E F G 2 4 6 5 8 3 7 Reading: Key
For many people , meetings are part of 1. _____________ working life. But often, they can be difficult to set up. DAY That’s why Keith Harris created a useful website that helps companies schedule their meetings. 2. ____________, according to data from Harris’s site, one interesting statistic is that 3 pm on a Tuesday is the most 3. _____________ time to hold a meeting. APPARENT SUIT But why? Well, to start with, it’s not too early in the week or in the day. As Harris explains, mornings are not popular because at that time most office workers have to sort out the 4. _____________ of their day. ORGANISE And 3pm is also not too late, as it means the meeting is likely to finish before 5 o’clock! So, why do people have a 5. __________ for Tuesday? PREFER It’s because it leaves the rest of the week free to finish other jobs. So, remember, if you need to call a business person at 3pm on a Tuesday, don’t be surprised if his or her 6._____________ asks you to call back later! ASSIST [ əˈsɪst Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1–6, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами . Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1 –6 . A Convenient Time to Convene!
Lexical exercise: Key 1 . daily 2 . apparently 3.suitable 4.organisation 5.preference 6.assistant
1. I was seventeen, when I __________________ a job in a local fast food restaurant. GIVE 2. Training was for three days. During the __________________ two days I watched videos about my job. During the last day of orientation, I had to be at the restaurant to see how things got done. ONE 3. I began work on Saturday, which was the __________________ day of the week. BUSY 4. My present job __________________ with cooking. I work for a computer company. I like it , but I miss communicating with people . NOT CONNECT 5. When Emma started working in a big bank, she was always afraid someone might rob her. On the __________________ day, a man who looked suspicious entered the bank. THREE 6. He walked straight to Emma who was sitting behind bulletproof glass. Then he placed a note under her window. Being very scared, Emma __________________ on the floor under the counter and hit the alarm button. FALL 7. The guards came and the man __________________. Then Emma read the note. It said , “ Would you have lunch with me ?” ARREST [ əˈrest ] The bank job My job in a restaurant Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1–7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1–7.
1. In the lesson I was active/passive 2. I liked/ I didn’t like my work 3. It seems to me the lesson was short / long 4. During the lesson I was tired/ I wasn’t tired 5. My mood became better / worse 6. The material of lesson was interesting / boring 7. Now I know/don’t know… something about final state English exam
Grammar exercise: Key 1.was given 2.first 3.busiest 4.is not connected 5.third 6.fell 7.was arrested
“Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love” ( David Mc Cullogh ) Настоящий успех - это найти дело своей жизни в той работе, которую вы любите
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Выступление в ВДЦ "Орленок" перед участниками проекта «Учитель – профессия будущего», подростками, мотивированными на получение педагогического образования...

"Профессия будущего"
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Профессии будущего
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