Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса за I полугодие
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса за I  полугодие


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса за I  полугодие


1. Make adjectives from these words. -less, -ful, - ous, -y, -ing, - ive, -ic, - able

act, wit, fame, hope, bore, drama, care, eat

2. Choose the correct verb form.

1.Economics (is/are) his favourite subject.

2.The trousers he bought for her (doesn’t/don’t) fit her.

3.The police (want/wants) to interview men about the robbery.

4.Physics (was/were) my best subject at school.

5.Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn’t/aren’t) sharp enough.

6.All of her belongings (was/were) in a suitcase.

7.Athletics (is/are) popular nowadays.

8.Aerobics (do/does) people a lot of good.

9.Chocolate (make/makes) you put on weight.

10.Most people (enjoy/enjoys) Easter.

3. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect. 

  1. By Tuesday Jill ________ these novels by O’Henry. (finish)
  2. Next year is Fred and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary. They _________ happily married for ten years. (be)
  3. Molly thinks the film _________ by the time she gets to Fred’s. (to start)
  4. They _________ the plans by then. (to finish)
  5. Before his holiday Tom _______ all his money. (to spend)
  6. The train _________ by the time the couple get to the station. (to leave)
  7. I __________ dinner by then. (cook)
  8. I _______my chemistry homework before Jillian comes home. (finish)

4. Translate into English

1. Китай увеличил экспорт товаров.

2. Это военный конфликт никогда не закончится.

3. Я видела его совсем недавно.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса за I  полугодие


1.Make nouns from these words. -ness, -ist, - or, -y, -ing, - dom, -ship, - er

active, wise, science, happy, read, compose, create, friend

2. Choose the correct verb form.

1. The news (wasn't/ weren't) as bad as we expected.

2. Where (does/ do) your family live?

3. Four days (isn’t/ aren't) long enough for a good holiday.

4. He can't find his binoculars. Do you know where (it is/ they are)?

5. Do you think the people (is/ are) happy with the government?

6. The money she makes (is/ are) enough for her.

7. The police (is/ are) looking for the murderer.

8. His good looks (get/ gets) him what he wants.

9. The government (is/ are) passing new laws.

10. Her knowledge of English (is/ are) very good.

3. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect. 

  1. Fernando __________ his operation by August and should be much fitter. (have)
  2. Before Lisa arrives, I _________ dinner. (finish)
  3. Johnny ___________ this document by 7pm o’clock this afternoon. (translate)
  4. Helen _______ this awesome doll by her daughter’s birthday. (make)
  5. Steven ________ his lesson by tomorrow. (not/learn)
  6. This test is so arduous, that I _________ it in a day’s time. (not/complete)
  7. You __________ over half a thousand words when you finish this English book (learn).
  8. The commission _________ to a definite decision in a month. (come)

4. Translate into English

1) Я получила эту информацию недавно.

2) Нам вручили призы за первое место на конкурсе.

3) Экспорт бразильского кофе увеличился.  

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