Дискуссия на английском языке на тему "Толерантнось: вчера, сегодня, завтра"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данная дискуссия реализуется в рамках коммуникативного подхода при формировании языковой компетенции обучающихся старших классов общеобразовательных учреждений и приурочена к Международному Дню терпимости.
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Tolerance: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Hi, guys. How are you? Today our meeting is very unusual. Despite of the fact that we are online today, the topic I want to raise today is extremely important. We are going to discuss the problems of tolerance in the human`s history. So, our topic is tolerance: yesterday, today, tomorrow. This topic in fact isn`t about you only, because you are the students of the unesco associated school. And support and development of the ideas of tolerance are one of the leading ones in these organization and we share these ideas with great happiness. But this topic is about everybody.
To start with, can you explain the meaning of the notion “Tolerance”? How do you understand it? What is tolerance for you?
You are right. The True Definition of Tolerance
Tolerance is a noun, described by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as, “sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own”.
Can you tell me, what spheres of life tolerance concerns?
Religion- This does not usually extend to all religious backgrounds, though it sometimes does, dependent on the individual. As a collective, right-leaning concepts of tolerance only consider the major religion in the Western world—Christianity.
Military- While the right does not necessarily tolerate everything the military is ordered to do, they preach tolerance of the military and what it stands for.
Symbols- The right tends to have passion for symbols such as crosses, the confederate flag, statues of confederate leaders, and the national flag.
Tolerance of political and personal ideologies- This may include but is not limited to traditional values and the belief that Caucasians and/or Christians are heavily discriminated against in the modern world.
Tolerance of minorities of all types- This includes racial minorities, immigrants, religious minorities such as those that practice Islam.
Tolerance of alternative lifestyles- This can range from those that do not believe in the use of vaccines to people who encourage the use of marijuana. With that being said, some liberals condemn practices with no scientific backing, while others do not.
Tolerance of political ideologies
Do we have a special day to celebrate Tolerance day? The day we celebrate it is on the 16th of November. This holiday was established in 1995 by the General Assembly of UNO to foster mutual understanding among cultures and people.
The symbol of the idea of tolerance is a rainbow. All of us are different and we are together. We live together. And that`s the point.
But did people earlier treat each other with respect? Can we say that this behavior was intolerant?
What is intolerant behavior for you? Can you give me any examples from the past?
Let me show you some unique historical photos. Look, here you can see a famous tennis player of the 30th of the last century. Her name was SUZANNE LENGLEN. She was a real sport celebrity, well-known, popular, famous, lived in glory and wealth.
This is HATTI McDaniel. Hattie McDaniel (June 10, 1893 – October 26, 1952) was an American actress, singer-songwriter, and comedian. She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as "Mammy” in Gone with the Wind (1939), becoming the first African American to win an Oscar. In general, she filmed in more than 300 films. But you won`t be able to find her name in the film credits. She even wasn`t invited to the ceremony of Oscar. People couldn`t ignore her talent but they could ignore her existence.
Look at these women. Why did society treat them in such different ways?
Some more examples.
Dorothy "Dot" Counts-Scoggins (born March 25, 1942) is an American civil rights pioneer, and one of the first black students admitted to the Harry Harding High School.[1]
After four days of harassment that threatened her safety, her parents withdrew her from the school, but the images of Dorothy being verbally assaulted by her white classmates were seen around the world.[1]
What emotions in the crowd you can see in the photo? What did people feel towards her?
This is a photo of Paul Joseph Goebbels (German: [ˈpaʊ̯l ˈjoːzɛf ˈɡœbl̩s]. He was a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted associates, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism. At the moment the photo was taken he knew that the photographer was jew. How can you describe his emotion?
Hate, harrassment, disgust, neglect – what those people felt. Is it tolerant? Is it destructive?
Would you like to feel the same towards people who surround you? What do you usually to people who are around you?
Can you say that our society is changing in the way of tolerance? Why do you make this conclusion?
How? What do we do to become more patient to each other? Why?
Could you give me any examples of modern tolerant behavior?
Anthony Cymerys, 90 y.o.
volunteer hairdresser has been cutting homeless people for hugs for more than 30 years. His friends give food for free for homeless too. He rolls out his barber chair to the park every week and help people to look pretty.
What feelings does he feel? Why does he do it?
Describe me this photo, please. What do you see in the picture?
What is this young lady doing? Why?
Real photo. The passenger of American Airlines was blind and deaf and couldn`t communicate with the flight attendants. This lady knew gesture language and provided him with her help all the flight to make him feel comfortable and not isolated. She is only 15 y.o.
Why did she do that? What motivated her?
Speaking about tolerance we should talk not only about people but about different national traditions and customs. All of us are different.
Some of them are really weird. For example, people in Italy during celebration of NY throw old furniture out of the windows right in the streets. Once a year special man dressed as a devil jump through newborns to make their future life better in Spain. Should these traditions be treated with respect? Why?
All in all, you have said a lot of wise words today. Can you say you are tolerant people? What features of character are needed for being tolerant? Would you like to foster them?
“What is tolerance? It is the prerogative of humanity. We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies – it is the first law of nature.” -Voltaire
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