Проверочная работа для 8 класса. УМК Спотлайт
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Рогова Эля Николаевна

Проверочная работа для 8 класса по УМК Спотлайт, раздел 3. Отработка грамматических структур  Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. Закрепление правил употребления структур в речи.


Предварительный просмотр:

Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past  Perfect Continuous.   1 variant

Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past  Perfect  Continuous.             2 variant

  • I ….(wait) for an hour at the cinema before Kim finally  showed up.
  • .The band ..(perform) for an hour when the electricity went off.
  • Grandma … (go) to the market before
  • they came home from school.
  • I ..(look) for a new bike for 2 months before I found  one.
  • They …(play) football  all day long so they were  very tired  in the evening.
  • …….he (write) the reports before he left work?
  • The waitress served us something we ..(not\order)
  • Belinda ….(study) German before he moved to Munich.
  • …….he (finish) the lunch before the guests arrived?
  • David ..(eat) by the time we got home.

Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past  Perfect Continuous.   1 variant

Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past  Perfect  Continuous.             2 variant

  • I ….(wait) for an hour at the cinema before Kim finally  showed up.
  • The band ..(perform) for an hour when the electricity went off.
  • Grandma … (go) to the market before
  • they came home from school.
  • I ..(look) for a new bike for 2 months before I found  one.
  • They …(play) football  all day long so they were  very tired  in the evening.
  • …….he (write) the reports before he left work?
  • The waitress served us something we ..(not\order)
  • Belinda ….(study) German before he moved to Munich.
  • …….he (finish) the lunch before the guests arrived?
  • David ..(eat) by the time we got home.

Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past  Perfect Continuous.   1 variant

Fill in the gaps with either Past Perfect or Past  Perfect  Continuous.             2 variant

  • I ….(wait) for an hour at the cinema before Kim finally  showed up.
  • .The band ..(perform) for an hour when the electricity went off.
  • Grandma … (go) to the market before
  • they came home from school.
  • I ..(look) for a new bike for 2 months before I found  one.
  • They …(play) football  all day long so they were  very tired  in the evening.
  • …….he (write) the reports before he left work?
  • The waitress served us something we ..(not\order)
  • Belinda ….(study) German before he moved to Munich.
  • …….he (finish) the lunch before the guests arrived?
  • David ..(eat) by the time we got home.

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