Урок английского языка в 7 классе "Are you happy with your friends?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)
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Урока английского языка по теме:
“Are you happy with my friends?”
7 класс
Учитель Скляр О.В.
Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий
Вид урока: урок-диспут
Форма организации: индивидуальная, групповая
Наглядность: - лексика по теме «Дружба, друг»
-презентация к уроку
-разрезные пословицы о дружбе
-запись песни В.Высотского «Песня о друге» и песни «The more we are together…”
Технология урока: классно-урочная с применением самостоятельной работы, развивающего обучения, активирующего обучения
Цель урока: Учить учащихся умению выражать своё мнение по теме «Дружба»
Задачи урока: - Обучающе-дидактические:
1)Закрепить употребление новых слов по теме
2)Развивать умение монологической речи на основе прочитанных текстов
1)Воспитывать чувство товарищества
2)Учить работать в группе
3)Учить осознавать ценность понятий «Дружба, друг»
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент (слайд №1)
- Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning, dear guests! Today we have an unusual lesson, we have guests. Let’s show them how we can work.
At first look at the blackboard and tell me what date is it today? What is the topic of our lesson today? Yes, it is “Are you happy with your friends?”
Today we will speak about our friends and about friendship. We ll sing songs, read texts and answer questions about them. Let s start!
First of all, let’s listen the famous song of Vladumir Vysotsky “A song about a friend” (слайд №2)
II. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд №3)
-Look at the screen and read the poem about friendship. Repeat after me!
The one who friendship holds most dear,
Who feels a helping shoulder near,
Will never fall throughout the fight,
Is never lost in any plight.(беда)
But if he stumbles on the way,
A friend will help him any way,
A trusty friend upon the way,
Will lend the helping shoulder.
Now line by line! Let’s translate this poem!
lll. Речевая зарядка:
And what about you?
-Do you have friends?
-How many friends do you have?
-What is the name of your best friends?
-Are you happy with your friends?
-What do you do together? (go for a walk, play games, play computer games, listen to the music)
-Are you agree that “A friend in need is a friend indeed”? (at the blackboard)
IV. Закрепление лексики
And what do you think? What is a “real” friend?
Look at this words and word combinations!
Fill in this table:
A real friend
Should Shouldn’t
Listen to be selfish
Keep secrets let me down
Be kind
Be clever/ brainy
Have similar interests
Be supportive
Talk my problems through
Be considerate
What do you think, should “real” friends help each other? Translate the words “each other”! Open your books at page 225, let’s read the rule!
Let’s do exercise 1!
V. Работа над текстами (чтение с извлечением заданной информации) (слайд№4)
We go on to speak about your friends. Some children have many friends, some others have only one, still others have none.
Let’s read the texts. We’ll work in groups. After reading each group has to answer following questions.
Also, the first group reads the first text, the second group- the second one, and the third group- the third text. (приложение 2)
You are good! Well done!
Vl. Релаксация
I see you are tired! Let’s have a rest and sing a song about friends! (слайд №5)
«The more we are together»
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the happier we are.
For my friend is your friend and your friend is my friend.
The more we are together, the happier we are.
The more we sing together, together, together,
The more we are together, the merrier we are.
For his friends are her friends and her friends are his friends,
The more we sing together the merrier we are. (слайд №6)
The more we dance together, together, together,
The more we dance together, the happier we are.
For our friends are their friends, and their friends are our friends,
The more we dance together, the happier we are.
Vll. Развитие языковой догадки (работа с пословицами в группах) (слайд №7)
You know, there are many sayings about friends and friendship. Now we’ll work in groups. Make up sayings (match the beginnings and the endings) (приложение№ 3)
Let’s check! Look at the screen!
Are you agree with this sayings? Of course!
Vlll. Монологическая речь с опорой на лексические образцы (слайд №8)
And what about your friends? Retell about your friends! You may use the sentences at the screen:
1) I have … .
2) Her/His name is … .
3) We have similar interests. We …, …, … together.
4) It is important for me … .
5) It doesn’t matter … .
6) I think a real friend should be … .
7) I think a real friend shouldn’t be … .
8) I agree that … . 9) I am … with my friends.
Xl. Заключительный этап урока (подведение итогов)
Also, you have done many things at our today's lesson. You have sung songs, spoken about your friends, repeated words and sayings about friendship and also tried to speak about your own friends.
Your marks are:
Your hometask will be: 1) retell about your friends
2) write down the inviting card to your friend
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