упражнения на тему "Профессии"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Упражнения для разного уровня


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Предварительный просмотр:

       1.   Give a name, don’t forget to use articles  

1.  A person who consults people with some legal problems is____

2.  A person who can help to sell your house is___

3.  A person who designs buildings is  ____

4.  A person whose job is to be in charge of a newspaper or a magazine is____

5.  A person who helps a doctor in the hospital is______

6.  A person who works with electricity is____

7.  A person whose job is to cook in a restaurant is ___

8.  A person who welcomes people arriving at a hotel is____

9.  A person who cuts men’s hair is___

10. A person who works in a government office is ____

  1. Сomplete sentences with the following words:

Successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, prestigious, noble, librarian, firefighter.

  1. The profession of a photographer is very …
  2. My sister says that teaching is a … profession.
  3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is …
  4. Careers of computer programmers are very … nowadays.
  5. My cousin wants to be an …
  6. Will you write your … on this form?
  7. A … is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.
  8. I am sure that the profession of a … is rather dangerous.
  9. His … as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident.
  10. I am going to be a … because I like animals and birds.

  1. Which characteristics are necessary for people of these professions: pilot, teacher, doctor (physician), physicist, sportsman, bricklayer, programmer, and accountant?

Make up the sentences.

(A teacher should be patient, intellectual, loving children.)

         4.   Match the fields on the left with the traits on the right.

1. technical
2. art
3. humanities
4. working-class
5. service

a) imaginative, artistic, loving, big hearted
b) practical, active, energetic, organized.
c) logical, rational, fast-thinking, cool-headed
d) expressive, observant professions (
e) helpful, communicative, reliable.

  1. Сomplete sentences with the following words:

Successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, prestigious, noble, librarian, firefighter.

  1. The profession of a photographer is very …
  2. My sister says that teaching is a … profession.
  3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is …
  4. Careers of computer programmers are very … nowadays.
  5. My cousin wants to be an …
  6. Will you write your … on this form?
  7. A … is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.
  8. I am sure that the profession of a … is rather dangerous.
  9. His … as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident.
  10. I am going to be a … because I like animals and birds.

  1. Which characteristics are necessary for people of these professions: pilot, teacher, doctor (physician), physicist, sportsman, bricklayer, programmer, and accountant?

Make up the sentences.

(A teacher should be patient, intellectual, loving children.)

  1. Сomplete sentences with the following words:

Successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, prestigious, noble, librarian, firefighter.

  1. The profession of a photographer is very …
  2. My sister says that teaching is a … profession.
  3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is …
  4. Careers of computer programmers are very … nowadays.
  5. My cousin wants to be an …
  6. Will you write your … on this form?
  7. A … is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.
  8. I am sure that the profession of a … is rather dangerous.
  9. His … as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident.
  10. I am going to be a … because I like animals and birds.

  1. Which characteristics are necessary for people of these professions: pilot, teacher, doctor (physician), physicist, sportsman, bricklayer, programmer, and accountant?

Make up the sentences.

(A teacher should be patient, intellectual, loving children.)

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Дата проведения:06.02.2014г.     Место проведения:  спортзал МБОУ  Оболенская СОШ  Серпуховского района Подмосковья....

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