Грамматический тест на времена группы Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect или Perfect Continuous.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Иванкова Яна Сергеевна

Данное грамматическое задание направлено на отработку времен нескольких групп, а именно Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect и Perfect Continuous


Предварительный просмотр:

Тест. Present Simple, Continuous, Perfect или Perfect Continuous.        

1. Vegetarians are people who (not to eat) meat.

a)  don't eat

b)  are not eating

2. Look out! My husband (to come).

a) comes

b) is coming

3. Some people still think the sun (to go) round the earth.

a) goes

b) is going

4. I (to play) tennis every weekend.

a) play

b) am playing

5. Who (to sit) in my chair?

a) sits

b) is sitting

6. What (to happen) in golf if you lose the ball?

a) happens

b) is happening

7. An alcoholic is a person who (to drink) too much and can't stop.

a)  drinks

b)  is drinking

8. Look! She (to wear) the same shoes as me.

a) wears

b) is wearing

9. A: What (to look) at? B: A strange bird.

a)  do you look

b)  are you looking

10. I (to stay) with John for a few weeks until my flat's ready.

a) stay

b) am staying

11. We (to stay) with Peggy when we go to Chicago.

a) usually stay

b) are usually staying

12. Can you explain why water always (to run) downhill?

a) runs  

b) is running

13. What (to do) with my coat?

a) do you do

b) are you doing

14. Nobody (to gets) up early for fun.

a) gets

b) is getting

15. Not many passenger planes (to fly) faster than sound.

a) fly

b) are flying

16. He is repairing his old car _____ .

a) right now

b) every day

c) for two days

17. He repairs his car _____ .

a) now

b) every day

c) since early morning

18. He has been repairing his car _____ .

a) since two o’clock

b) now

c) every week

19. He has _____ repaired his car.

a) just

b) yesterday.

c) since

20. Я учусь в университете уже 2 года.        

a) study

b) am studying

c) have been studying

21. На доске мы пишем мелом.                 

a) write

b) are writing

c) have been writing

22. He входите в класс. Там студенты 1-го курса сдают экзамены.               

a) write

b) are writing

c) have been writing

23. Он написал тест.        

a) wrote

b) has written

c) has been writing

24. How long (you to learn) English?            

a)  is you learning

b) are you learning

c) have you been learning

25. What (you to do) now?

a) are you doing

b) have you been doing

c) had you been doing

26. I _____ writing a test.

a)  am

b)  have

c)  had


27. I _____ writing a test for ten minutes.

a) am

b) had

c) have been

28. Pete wants to be a militiaman.

a)  Do Pete wants to be a militiaman?

b)  Does Pete want to be a militiaman?

c)  Did Pete want to be?

d)  Is Pete want to be a militiaman?

29. She (to sleep) in the car now.

a)  sleep

b)  sleeps    

c)  is sleeping    

d) slept    

30. There (to be) a table and four chairs in the room.

a)  be    

b)  am

c)  are    

d)  is    

31. He (to get) up at 6 o'clock every day.

 a)  get    

 b)  gets    

 c)  got    

 d)  has got

32. I (to finish) my work and now I am having a rest.

a)  finished    

b)  am finishing  

c)  have finished    

d)  will finish

33. He has been working as a detective for about twenty years already.

a)  Он работал следователем уже около двадцати лет.

b)  Он работает следователем уже около двадцати лет.

c)  Он работал следователем около двенадцати лет.

d)  Он работает следователем около двенадцати лет.

34. Моя жена не учится, она работает.

a)  My wife not studies, she works.

b)  My wife doesn't study, she works.

c)  My wife don't study, she works.

d)  My wife doesn't study, she work.

35. It’s 5 o’clock. She (to have) tea.

a)  has    

b)  have    

c)  having

d)  is having    

36. What's the matter? Why (to cry) the child?

a)  cries

b)  has cried

c)  is the child crying

37. She seldom (to come) home so early.

a)  comes

b)  has come

c)  is coming

38. We have got many books in the original. Now we (to read) The Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde.

a)  read

b)  are reading

c)  have been reading

39. Don't disturb her, she (to work) at her essay.

a)  works

b)  is working

c)  has worked

40. A: Where are the children? B: They (to play) computer games.

a)  play

b)  are playing

c)  have been playing

41. John (to come) tomorrow to spend his holidays with us.

a)  comes

b)  is coming

c)  has come

42. I (to try) to open this box for the last forty minutes but in vain.

a)  try

b)  am trying

c)  have tried

d)  have been trying

43. It (to snow): the garden is covered with snow.

a)  snows

b)  has been snowing


44. Who (to break) the window?

a)  breaks

b)  has broken

c)  has been breaking

45. Have you (to smoke)? I can smell tobacco on your clothes.

a)  smoked

b)  been smoking

c)  to be smoking

46. It's the best book I (ever to read).

a)  ever read

b)  have ever read

c)  have ever been reading

47. I (to listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I can't understand what you are speaking about.

a)  listen

b)  have listened

c)  have been listening

48. How long has your aunt (to be ill)?

a)  is ill

b)  been ill

c)  is being ill


49. The school (to be closed) for two months.

a)  is closed

b)  has closed

c)  has been closed

50. Hey! Somebody (to drink) my coffee! My cup was full.

a)  drinks

b)  has been drinking

c)  has drunk

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