Types of Schools in England
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
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Tom went to boarding / grammar school, so he only came home during the holidays. I want my children to go to a single sex / comprehensive school because I think it’s better for boys and girls to learn separately. Most children go to state / public school where education is free. My parents couldn’t afford to send me to a grammar / private school when I was young. Eton and Harrow are famous state / public schools. 2 Underline the correct word
Look at the abbreviations below. What do you think the letters stands for? GCSE NVQ ‘A’ LEVEL HND BA / BSc MA / MSc PhD 3
Look at the abbreviations below. What do you think the letters stands for? GCSE- General Certificate of Secondary Education: a system of public exams taken in various subjects from the age of about 16, or one of these exams, or a qualification from this system NVQ- National Vocational Qualification: a British qualification in a technical or practical subject that shows that a person has a range of skills useful for work ‘A’ LEVEL- a public exam taken in England and Wales by children aged 17 or 18. Students take AS level exams then A2s, usually a year later, which together make a full A level qualification: HND- Higher National Diploma: a qualification, especially in a scientific or technical subject, that is studied for at a British college BA / BSc - Bachelor of Arts: a first university degree (= qualification) in the arts or social sciences, or someone who has this degree; Bachelor of Science: a first-level university degree in science MA / MSc- Master of Arts ( Магистр искусств ); Master of Science ( Магистр наук ) PhD- doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree, or someone who has this 4
Look at the abbreviations below. What do you think the letters stands for? General Certificate of Secondary Education = qualification awarded in the UK after passing an exam in a certain subject at secondary school (age 16). National Vocational Qualification = work-related qualification awarded in the UK after a course of study which includes practical elements (age 16+). Advanced Level = qualification awarded in the UK after passing an exam in a certain subject at the end of secondary school or sixth form college (age 18). Higher National Diploma = qualification awarded in the UK after completion of a year-long course of study in a specialized subject at college (age 18+). Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science = qualification awarded after completion of a three/four-year course of study at university (age 21+). Master of Arts/Master of Science = a post-graduate qualification awarded after completion of a one/two-year course of study at university which often includes a thesis (age 22+). Doctor of Philosophy = a post-graduate qualification awarded after completion of approximately three years of study which results in the publication of an original research project (age 24+). 5
attend class[əˈtend klɑːs] ходить на занятия go to class- идти на урок take class- посещать занятия miss class- пропустить урок hold class- провести урок Dismiss class- бросить курс take course- проходить курс enrol on course- записаться/ зарегистрироваться на курс pass course- пройти курс fail course- провалить курс Get / receive grade- получить оценку
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