Контрольная работа 5 класс "Мои лучшие впечатления" УМК В.П. Кузовлев
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)
УМК В.П. Кузовлев
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Контрольная работа 5 класс
Раздел 8
По теме «Мои лучшие впечатления»
УМК В.П.Кузовлев
TASK 1 Прочитай текст. Заполни пропуски в предложениях, используя слова из текста, в соответствии с его содержанием. Можно использовать от одного до трех слов.
Megan’s birthday party
My name is Megan. It was my birthday on Monday. I was nine. My three friends came to see me at noon, and in the evening I had a party in my flat. Ten of my friends came to me. My friends and I played different games outdoors and then we decided to go home to drink some tea.
Then my mother said: ‘Go out in the street.’ There were two clowns there! They had big green glasses, blue hair and funny green beards. They told us a funny stories about the zoo and painted different pictures. My friends and I laughed because they were very happy. My mother was with us, but I didn't see my father. Then my friends and I went home and had sweets and an apple pie there. Then my friends went home.
I decided to help my mother to wash dishes then we had some more apple pie there. ‘Where’s father?’ I asked my mother. ‘In the bathroom,’ my mother said. I went there to find my father but I could only find one clown there. Then I decided to find at his face. The clown took off his beard, his hair and his funny glasses. It was my father! ‘Thank you, father!’ I said. ‘It was the best present for my birthday.’
- There were .............................. of Megan's friends at her birthday party.
- After playing games, the children had ............................... in the flat of Megan.
- When the children went outdoors, they saw a ............................... in the street.
- The clowns had beards and wore some ....................which were green.
- Megan thought that her father was in the..........................
Task 2. Соотнесите словосочетания с их значениями:
1. Holiday fairs a) играть народную музыку
2. Sing folk songs b) шутить
3. Competitions in running c) праздничные ярмарки
4. Tell jokes d) шоу домашних животных
5. Cook traditional food e) соревнования по бегу
6. Play folk music f) петь народные песни
7. Pet shows g) готовить традиционную еду
Task 3. Откройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
1. Marc _________(to go) to London next summer.
2. We _________(to run) now.
3. They _______(to travel) from July 16th to July 25th.
4. Look! He_________(to write) a letter to his English pen friend.
5. Ben _______(to get) a prize at the tennis competition last week.
6. My mum ____________(to take) part in a 10 mile stroll around New York every year.
7. I usually _____________(to wear) jeans to go out.
Task 4. Подберите самый подходящий вариант ответа и переведите предложения.
1. We are having _________ at the rock concert now.
a) fair b) fun c) folk
2. Performances of the city folk _______club were wonderful.
a) holiday b) dance c) festivals
3. I like autumn ______.
a) costumes b) festivals c) clubs
4. I have never eaten traditional English _________.
a) pet b) joke c) food
5. The dancers were wearing folk ____________.
a) costumes b) dances c) competitions
TASK 5. Выбери правильный вариант ответа и подчеркни его:
1. I often…..to the park.
a) go; b)went; c)is going;
2. My aunt Polly … Paris a month ago.
a) is visiting; b)visits; c)visited;
3. Every year my friends and I …. trips in summer.
a)took; b)will take; c)takes;
4) He … to Moscow next winter.
a) goes; b)will go; c)went;
5) My uncle usually … apples in this market.
a) buys; b)will buy; c)is buying;
6) Two years ago we …. in Japan.
a) are b) is c) were
TASK 6. Соедини глаголы английского языка из первого столбца со словами из второго столбца.
- Do a) on trips
- Go b) puzzles
- Ride c) pictures
- Take d) journals
- Read e) a horse
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