Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Ольга Сергеевна Неклега-Таран

Тестовые задания для 10 класса в 3 вариантах, обобщение материала за учебный  год.


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Предварительный просмотр:

10 form exit test

I variant

1.If they had learnt the Conditionals, they _____the test yesterday.

a) wouldn`t have failed; b) wouldn`t fail; c) won`t fail

2. If I had a lot of money, I _______ anything.

a)  could have bought; b) can buy; c) could buy

3.When I am 18, I______ my birthday in the UK.

a) would celebrate; b) will celebrate; c) would have celebrated
4. The boys said they       for hours.
a) studied; b) have been studying; c) had been studying
5. The teacher asked me where I  ________.
a) am going; b) was going; c) have been going
 Mike said he _______  the book months before.
a) had read; b) has read; c) read
7. Ted ______ Carla that he  was 15 years old.
a) told; b) said; c) tells
8. All the banks ___ on Sundays.

a) are been closed; b) are closed; c) had been closed
9. That house ___ a long time ago.
a) was sold; b) is sold; c) has been sold
10. She was not satisfied with the product so she _______ a refund.
a) will be offered; b) was offered; c) offered
11. ______ dogs can be very kind.
a) -; b) the; c) a
12.  The Englishmen celebrate Christmas on ____25
th of December.
a) -; b) the; c) a
13.   The Railway children was written by____ .

a) Edith Nesbit; b) Louisa May Alcott; c) Jules Verne
14.  Who is the inventor of the electric motor?

a) Charles Babbage; b) George Stephenson; c) Michael Faraday
15. A school you usually have to pay to go to.

a) boarding school; b) state school; c) private school
Fill has to look ____ his baby sister while his mother works.
a) after; b) down on; c) forward to
17. Bill takes ____ the company when his father will die.

a) off; b) over; c) up
18. Ann is crazy ____ cooking
a) about; b) in; c) at
19. You _____ respect the elderly.
a) must; b) have to; c) can

20. I was waiting for ______ instructions.  
a) far; b) the furthest; c) further

10 form exit test

II variant

1.If I had won a lottery, I _______my holiday in the Seychelles last summer.

a)would have spent; b) wouldn`t spend; c) won`t spend

2. If I wasn`t a driver, I _______ a pilot.

a)would have been; b) will be; c) would be
3. If you add some sugar to the tea, it _______ sweeter.

a) get; b) gets; c) will get
4. Jane said she  ______ to our party.

a) will go; b) is going; c) would go
5. He asked me ________  I liked his car.

a) did; b) if; c) do
 He asked me if I ______ when the bank opened.

a) knew; b) know; c) had known
7. She _____  me she was happy.
a) told; b) said; c) tells
8. The documents ___ by 5 p.m.
a) will be signed; b) will have been signed; c) are signed
9. The conference room ___ at the moment.

a) was being used; b) had been used; c) is being used
10. Her new book _________ next month.
a) is published; b) will be published; c) was published
11. Sam likes sandwiches with _____ cheese.
a) -; b) the; c) a
12. Death Valley is one of the hottest places in ______ whole world.
a) -; b) the; c) a
13.Little Women was written by______ .
a) Louisa May Alcott; b) Edith Nesbit; c) Jules Verne

14.  Who is the designer of a steam train?
a) Charles Babbage; b) Michael Faraday; c) George Stephenson
15. A school for  boys and girls

a) boarding school; b) state school; c) co-educational school

16. Can you look ____ my cat while I`m away.
a) after; b) down on; c) forward to
17. Take ____ your shorts so that I can wash them.
a) up; b) off; c) over
18. My friend is interested ____ English.
a) at; b) in; c) of
19. You ______ feed animals at the zoo.
a) mustn`t; b) can`t; c) shouldn`t
20. The girl hid in ____ corner of the garden.

a) far; b) farther; c) the farthest

  1. form exit test

III variant

  1.If I had done my homework,  the teacher ______me a bad mark yesterday.
wouldn`t have given; b) wouldn`t give; c) won`t give
2.If you mix red and white, you __________ pink.
a)will get; b) would get; c) get
3) If this ice cream costs less than £2.00, I______ it. 
a) would buy; b) will buy; c) would have bought
4. Carrie told Joe  _______  leave the house.
a) don`t; b) didn`t; c) not to
5. Molly said she  ______  to him the day before.
a) spoke; b) had spoken; c) have spoken
 Mary   said  to us she ________ late for dinner.
a) would be; b) will be; c) was
7. The teacher ______ water  freezes  at 0 C.
a) said; b) told; c) tells
8. One of the theatres in our city ___ now.
a) was being reconstructed; b) is being reconstructed; c) will be reconstructed
9. Jack said the letter ___ the next day.
a) is being sent; b) will be sent; c) would be sent
10. English ________ all over the world. 
a) speaks; b) is spoken; c) will be spoken
11. My mother is cooking _____ dinner.
a) -; b) the; c) a
12. London is _____ capital of the UK.
a) -; b) the; c) a
13.The Lost World was written by______.
a) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; b) Jules Verne; c) G.H.Wells
14. ________ is considered by most to be the «Father of Computing»
a) George Stephenson; b) Michael Faraday; c) Charles Babbage
15. A school which students live in during school term.
a) state school; b) co-educational school; c) boarding school
16. "Look _____ him, for I haven't the time."

a) after; b) down on; c) forward to
17. Why don`t you take ____ a hobby instead of watching TV every evening?

a) off; b) up; c) over
18. I am fond ____ animals.
a) at; b) of; c) in

19. _____ I borrow the car tonight, please?

a) May; b) Should; c) Must

20. I have ______ free time in winter than in summer.
a) much; b) most; c) more


1.a); 2.c); 3. b); 4.c); 5.b); 6.a); 7.a); 8.b); 9.c);10.b);11.a); 12.b); 13.a); 14.c); 15.c); 16.a); 17.b); 18. a); 19. a); 20.c.


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