Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Ольга Сергеевна Неклега-Таран

Тестовые задания для обобщения изученного в течение 8 класса в 3 вариантах.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Form 8 exit test
I variant
 Can I have a fruit / green / side_______, please?
a)diet; b) salad; c) chocolate
2.I just love dark / milk / white______.

a) chocolate; b)allergic; c) food
3. Mother bought a ________ table
a)small, wooden, square; b) small, square, wooden; c) square, wooden, small
4. If he ________carefully, the accident wouldn't have happened.

a) had driven; b) has driven; c) drove
5.If I won a lot of money, I _______ around the world.
a) would travel; b) would have travelled; c) travel
6. Jack will miss the football match on TV if he ________ home soon

a) don`t come; b) d
oesn`t come; c) won`t come
7.I’d like to come shopping with you, but I _____ finish my school project.
a)can; b) should; c) have to
8.Which of the following professions is not the media job?
a) director; b) teacher; c) reporter
9.The weather _____ for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain.
a) presenter; b) broadcast; c)forecast
Which of the following is the applied science?
a) Management; b) Astronomy; c) Politics
 He _______me to meet his brother outside the shop.
a) said; b) say; c) told
12. Nancy ______that she wanted to take up a new hobby.
a) told; b) said; c) tells
13. Shy, selfish, reliable
a) скромный, эгоистичный, надёжный; b) скромный, щедрый, надёжный; c) скромный, щедрый, ненадёжный
14. A more awful _________ happened in China in 1998. It was caused by heavy rainfall.
a) cyclone;  b) blood;  c) flood
15.  Jane works from 9 to 12 a.m. It’s a _______ job.
a) salary; b) part – time; c) full-time
16. Ned is in a good _________. He goes to the gym three times a week.
a) fit;  b) overweight; c) responsible
17.Sasha reads _______than I.
a) slower; b) more slowly; c)the most slowly
18. This flower is the _________ in the park.
a) nicest; b) nice; c) nicer
Don't drink the milk, it's gone________.
a) after; b) down with; c) off
20. He got out of the bath and put ____ his slippers.
a) on; b) out; c) off

Form 8 exit test
II variant
Do you ever eat frozen / junk / fast_____?
a) sauce; b) food; c)vegetables
2. We had a four course / home-cooked / light ________ last  night.
a)sauce; b)salad; c) meal
3.  Ann gave them a _______ frame.
a) round, silver, beautiful; b) beautiful, round, silver; c) silver, beautiful, round
4.If she hadn't had a swollen knee, she _______ volleyball

would have played; b) would play; c) play

5.  If I _______ rich, I would donate lots of money to charity.
a) were; b) was; c) am
6. If you mix red and white, you ______pink.
a) gets; b) get; c) will get
Tom’s been away on holiday for over a month. You ______have seen him.
a) needn`t; b) mustn`t; c) can`t
8.Which of the following professions is not the media job?
a) news reader; b) miner; c) presenter
9.What is an official document that proves that someone successfully finished the course called?
a) a report card; b) a timetable; c) a certificate
10. Which profession is directly connected to human interactions?
a) a teacher; b) a programmer; c) an accountant
11.Troy _______ that they had been using that software for two years.
a) told; b) tell; c) said
12. Tom ________Bill that she would copy the CD for him.
a) said; b) told; c) say
13. Optimistic, easy-going, irritable
a) оптимистичный, лёгкий в общении, раздражительный; b) лёгкий в общении, раздражительный, оптимистичный; c) оптимистичный, лёгкий в общении, ненадёжный
14.John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s a _____job.
a) salary; b) overtime; c: full-time
15. Dave is _______He must go on a diet.
a) fit;  b) overweight; c) responsible
16. ________is a shaking of the ground
a) earthquake; b) tornado; c) hurricane
  This joke is the________ I’ve ever heard.
a) funnier; b)
 funniest; c) most funny
18. He swims ________than the Canadian sportsman.
a) faster; b) the fastest; c) fast
 This bag goes ______ your shoes perfectly.
a) after; b) off; c) with
20. It`s very cold. Put ________ your warm fur coat.
a) off; b)out; c) on

Form 8 exit test
III variant
 He has a balanced / poor / healthy______.
a)allergic; b) diet; c) chocolate
 I don't care for row / undercooked / overcooked ________
a)sauce; b) food; c)vegetables
3. My grandmother has a(n) _______ pair of earrings.
a) gold, old, Russian; b) old, Russian, gold; c) Russian, gold, old
4. Unless he ________now, he will be late.

a) leaves; b) leave; c) will leave

5. Our team _______ if they had played better.

a) would have won; b) would win; c) won

6. If Martha _______ the competition, she would have won a prize.
a) has entered; b) had entered; c) entered
7. We _____ decide who will be the president of the class. All the candidates are so good.
a) mustn`t; b) don`t have to; c) can`t
8.Which of the following professions is not the media job?
a) reporter; b) accountant; c) news reader
9. Which of the following sports is a team water sport?
a) scuba diving; b) hockey; c) water polo
10. Which of these inventions was discovered by a mistake?
a) Penicillin; b) Television; c) Radioactivity
11. Ken _______ his sister that he was considering a career in show business.
a) said; b) says; c) told
12. Jane ____ that she had downloaded the program for me.
a) told; b) said; c) tells

13. Unreliable, sociable, generous
a) ненадёжный, общительный, щедрый; b) ненадёжный, лёгкий в общении, эгоистичный; c) общительный, щедрый, лёгкий в общении
  Big factories are responsible for water _______ .
a) collection; b) avalanche; c) pollution
15. Computers had a huge _______on the 20th century.
a) connect ; b) impact; c) download
16. The ______team scored three goals in 30 minutes and won the match.
a) opposing; b) physical; c) strapped
17. You should play _________than yesterday.
a) the most carefully; b) more carefully; c) carefullier
18. Ben is the _______ student in our group.
a) best; b) good; c) better
How long can people go ______ water?
a) after; b) off; c) without
20. Firefighters have been called to put________ the fire in the city centre.
a) off; b) on; c) out

1. b); 2. a); 3. c); 4.a); 5.a); 6.b); 7. c); 8.b); 9.c); 10.a); 11.c); 12.b); 13.a); 14. c); 15.b); 16.a); 17.b); 18.a); 19.c); 20.c.

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