Тест по условным придаточным предложениям
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Старцева Ангелина Николаевна

Тест по условным придаточным прдложениям включает в себя 2 варианта. Первое задание на условные предложения, второе - закрепление грамматических конструкций I wish/if only


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Предварительный просмотр:

A: What do you think of the view from here?
B: It’s amazing. I just wish I 
(have) my digital camera with me.

A: Johnny never stops playing those new video games.
В: I wish we 
(not/buy) them.

A: I wish I 
(find) a job.
B: Why don’t you look in the newspaper?

A: You were quite rude to Janet yesterday, you know.
B: You’re right. I wish I 
(not/speak) to her like that.

A: Ann’s very upset.
В: I know. If only I 
(not/speak) to her that rudely.

A: I wish the weather 
B: Yes. Then we could go to the beach.

A: Your Internet connection is so slow.
B: If only we
 (have) broadband out here.

A: People are always ringing me on my mobile phone!
B: Tell me about it! Sometimes I wish mobile phones 
(not/exist) at all!

A: You look sick.
B: If only I 
(not/eat) so much.

A: I wish I 
(know) how to use a computer.
B: Don’t worry. I’ll show you.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. You ______(get) water if you______ (mix) hydrogen and oxygen. (0)

2. If I ______(have) enough money, I _______(buy) a big house. (2)

3. If she ______ (pass) the exam, she________ (be) able to enter university. (2)

4. If she _______(go) to art school, she _________(become) a painter. (3)

5. If you ______ (not/want) to go out, I ______ (cook) dinner at home. (1)

6. She______ (cook) dinner if you ______(go) to the supermarket. (1)

7. If we ______(arrive) earlier, we ________ (see) John. (3)

8. If my husband______ (cook), he______ (burn) the food. (0)

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. A: What do you think of the view from here?
B: It’s amazing. I just wish I _______
(have) my digital camera with me.

2. A: Johnny never stops playing those new video games.
В: I wish we_______ (not/buy) them.

3. A: I wish I _______(find) a job.
B: Why don’t you look in the newspaper?

4. A: You were quite rude to Janet yesterday, you know.
B: You’re right. I wish I _______
(not/speak) to her like that.

5. A: Ann’s very upset.
В: I know. If only I _______(not/speak) to her that rudely.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If people _______(eat) too much, they _______(get) fat. (0)

2. If she _______(not/be) always so late, she ________(be) promoted. (2)

3. We _______(come) to dinner if we_______ (have) time. (2)

4. He ________(be) happier if he________ (stay) at home. (3)

5. They ________(go) to the party if they ________(be) invited. (1)

6. We ________(be) late if we _________(not/hurry). (1)

7. If they __________(go) to bed early, they __________(not/wake) up late. (3)

8. She __________(buy) expensive clothes if she _________(go) shopping. (0)

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. A: I wish the weather __________(change).
B: Yes. Then we could go to the beach.

2. A: Your Internet connection is so slow.
B: If only we_________
 (have) broadband out here.

3.  A: People are always ringing me on my mobile phone!
B: Tell me about it! Sometimes I wish mobile phones_________ 
(not/exist) at all!

4. A: You look sick.
B: If only I_________ 
(not/eat) so much.

5. A: I wish I ________(know) how to use a computer.
B: Don’t worry. I’ll show you.

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